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Dec 1, 2003 by fordy


Dec 2, 2003mike

yay, happy happy fun bashing time...

this is possibly the lamest topic ever to grace this website

mod -1 flambait

Dec 2, 2003Mart

You woke me up last night, bitch, my phone went spastic. Don't do that again

Dec 2, 2003dunk


Dec 2, 2003fordy

Mike. Go fuck yourself.

I sent mart a txt last night saying 'cunt' over and over for 7 messages long because i couldn't sleep.

And you didnt reply. Bastard.

Dec 2, 2003fordy

all you ever fucking do on this website is flame this, flame that and fucking insult and have a go at everyone. Well, you're probably as shit as the rest of the people who you say are that bad anyway.

So all i do is give you an oppotunity to flame my dear friend mart. and it backfired and you start having a go at me. Flame me all you want, when this video comes out you'll be wanking your dad for weeks on end.

Dec 2, 2003dunk


Dec 2, 2003fordy

why ain't you on messenger? sneaky bugger.

Dec 3, 2003mike

ok, one, i havnt soaped in like...3-4 months...two, i didnt flame you, but this is a lame topic...three, how the fuck was i supposed to know the reason behind this...four, there is a difference between flaming and pointing out that its kinda lame to donate an entire topic to flaming someone

Dec 3, 2003mike

oh, and as for this website...there isnt much else to do but flame, the soap community is basically shit

Dec 3, 2003Benji

the boy has a point.....

Dec 3, 2003Floptastic

its shit because everyone has to be "holyer than thou" so to say. nobody is nice to the people starting out, which is why everyone in turn becomes an angry soaper. so everyone needs to shut the fuck up and stop sucking. because obviously since i soap, and am on this forum, i might as well be better than everyone else, even if im not. (which I am not)

Dec 3, 2003mike

you know what, i take back what i said, there really is no soap community, i said that earlier cause i was kinda pissed, but seriously, there really isnt. im guessing that there are like 20 members here who actually post shit, and they all live around the world from eachother. Thats not much community. coupled with the fact that this is the most negative site i have ever seen in my life, no wonder no one new is getting into soaping

Dec 3, 2003Smokey

I'm actually agreeing with flop and mike here... Even though I have contributed to some of the negativity on this site in the past, I think it is time to be a little nicer to newcomers. You all have complained about this site not growing at one point, and it's because of your flaming that's scaring the newcomers away.

Dec 3, 2003dunk

sorry, I probably just went offline.

Dec 3, 2003fordy

dont give me that "holier than you" shit. I haven't soaped since ukfsw last met up, on september 5th. hell, I dont have any shoes anymore.

Appears this post did bring out something after all.

Everyone thinks the soap scene is nothing.

Dec 3, 2003Mart

how the fuck was i supposed to know the reason behind this... Mike, if this is the case, why bother posting?

no wonder no one new is getting into soaping You assume that everyone who starts Soaping comes here. Which is blatantly wrong

there is a difference between flaming and pointing out that its kinda lame to donate an entire topic to flaming someone Since when does everything have to be so serious? So what if Fordy's being an ass; do you really think he cares? Do you think I care? No. And since I'm the butt of this joke and I ain't taking it seriously, none of you should either

everyone needs to shut the fuck up and stop sucking Flop, practice what you preach


Dec 3, 2003Floptastic

I dont post quick enough after some new person says something. by the time I get into the topic everyone else has had their chance to bitch at how much they suck for asking such a lame question. i tried helping that one kid with handrail crap, but then ya'll just said it was stupid. so yeah...

Dec 3, 2003mike

i can suck my own penis

Dec 4, 2003Mart

Classic Mike
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