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SOAP van
Apr 24, 2007 by Tasslehoff

I thought that maybe those in the SOAP community that live in the same area could maybe make a SOAP van or something by welding rails to a homemade frame or something. they could go to demonstrations every once in a while, and road trips blaring SOAP for everyone to check out. either way I think it would be a good publicity for the SOAP community. think about that.

Apr 24, 2007kobansora

Maybe we have?! I don't know.. I'm sure everybody has thought about this.


Apr 24, 2007SapAuthor

Yeah, Renny's been itching to find out if he can get the SOAP van. We are working on it, but it's unlikely that HSL will give us a van to use, at least not for free >.>

Apr 24, 2007AnthoFlex

Team Heelys has most of its demos here in NYC.

I live in NYC, so i think a Soap van would help out a lot for demos

Apr 24, 2007SonicSoaper

I checked out the old Soap website. Turns out the van in question is called The Soapmobile.

Apr 24, 2007Surfaced

That was what they called the tour. Soapmobile 2000. You could even win a party. Whoever did was one lucky fella.

Apr 24, 2007SonicSoaper

My mom drives a Ford Freestar. If you want, Renny, we could try to prop all the PR on the areas near the doors and the trunk.

Apr 24, 2007AnthoFlex

Thanx, but no thanx, i'll stick with the Soap van

Apr 25, 2007SonicSoaper

IF you get it.

May 1, 2007SapAuthor

I talked with Steve. When the brand was bought out, there were still payments on the van, so when it came up they sent the vans back. Both them, and the two SOAP trailers, are no longer in existance. Sorry all.

May 1, 2007kobansora

We can make our own.


May 1, 2007Surfaced

It'll be a disgrace but go ahead.

May 1, 2007kobansora


What the hell? Why?


May 1, 2007SapAuthor

The original SOAP van cost 20,000, another 20,000 for rails and installation, and lastly another 10,000 for all the sound equipment and paint job. If you really want to buy a van and equip it out, lol it isn't going to be cheap.

May 1, 2007kobansora

It wouldn't be a disgrace since we'd be putting so much work into it. A disgrace would be something like... Getting a beat up van and calling it the Soap van. What do you think goes through my mind? Jeeeeeeeeeze lol.

But still.... I'd say we can make our own somehow. If we could just get a team of some highly skilled volunteers...


May 1, 2007Slider388

I'd consider myself rather skilled.
Even though I'm just 13, I'm pretty good at airbrushing and metalwork. I know how to handle angle griinders, all kinds of drills, dremels, jigsaws, blowtorches, and most of the standard stuff you can throw at me. If you actually start a project like this, I wouldn't mind coming by for few days this summer.

May 1, 2007rhinoskater30

Dude, you aren't just RATHER skilled if you can do that stuff already, if we were to start some kinda team and you were on it. Dude. We or I would want you just cuz you can do that.
It'd be like..
Hey we need a sick rail!
Slider: I'm on it.

May 2, 2007AnthoFlex

I had really high hopes for having the Soap van....oh well...


May 2, 2007Joshua3109

well im going to buy a beat up old van in a few months when i get my permit and stick soap stickers all over it. I will then get my tagger friend to spray paint SOAP on the side in big soap logo letters. It'll be sweet!

May 2, 2007Joshua3109

There is the soap van.

May 2, 2007AnthoFlex

ehh, i dunno about that, but ok, go for it

May 2, 2007rhinoskater30

When I talked to Steve, he said that HSL got rid of the vans, so who knows what they are now.

May 2, 2007rhinoskater30

Oh wait, Trev already said this too, that's why we're talking about this. oooooooooooo :P

well, uhh, that's the truth though.

May 2, 2007Slider388

Um ok so as we already said, the soap vans are scrapped.
If we want a soap van, we'll either have to buy vehicle and change it, use someone's vehicle for a soap car, or pick up a crappy vehicle and build the sh** out of it.
If we want a soapmobile, we'd have to actually change it more than a bit, not only paint on it and stuff. As In:
Grind rails that can swivel out, like on the original soapmobile 2000
Shoe compartments in the back
Soap Paintjob
as the primary ideas.
It could not really be someone's vehicle, we'd rather need something that someone(preferably in nyc) could keep, and bring to all the demos.

May 2, 2007RamenRadio

I'll do it! I'll drive the soap mobile! lol, I'm not too sure how we'll get the money (heck, maybe any money we make off the demos), but it'll happen one way or another. It's not quite our primary concern atm (at least I don't think), but it's something to take into consideration sometime.

May 2, 2007AnthoFlex

I personally think that noone here is gonna build a "Soapmobile" And if anyone is gonna drive one, it has to be a person who is: on the team or works for HSL, and has the ability to do Soap demos and tours

May 2, 2007SonicSoaper

You never know Renny, someone might be nuts enough to try it.

May 2, 2007AnthoFlex

Go for it if you want. Its good advertsing. All im saying is that if you spend all that money on a van, and you arent even with HSL or anything, its kinda pointless. HSL racks in the green while you spend yours on gas, and insurance and stuff for the van. At least be sponsored by Soap so you have sumthing to fall on

May 2, 2007AnthoFlex

Slider, i didnt read the bottom of your comment until now. Its true (i think so) that keeping it in NYC is the best idea. Likewise in Team Heelys, most of HSL's sales come from here. If you want, you can let either Me, or Dario hold onto it

May 2, 2007AnthoFlex

Most of Soap sales are coming from NYC as well....and Germany, for sum bizarre reason.

May 2, 2007AnthoFlex

Ford 2000 Econoline 250 V-10 eh?

Looking up.....

May 2, 2007AnthoFlex


asking price: $2,450

$20,000 huh Trev? ; )

May 2, 2007rhinoskater30

1. Buy a crappy van.
2. Spill stuff in it.
3. Break stuff in it.
4. Make up stories.

as if that would ever happen though

May 2, 2007AnthoFlex

i dunt think the sound system is a must though...neither are the door rails

May 2, 2007rhinoskater30

nope, don't spend more than you need to, just something to draw attention, and make an impact on the crowd that tries soaps out

But that can still be pricey

May 3, 2007SonicSoaper


I don't think we need five thousand DVD screens in the trunk of the car.

May 3, 2007rhinoskater30

why do people hate on others comments?


May 3, 2007Surfaced

Trevor probably meant that in 1999 it retailed for $20,000.

May 3, 2007kobansora

Because people here are PMSey... Sorry guys :/ But you always start a fight somehow. I could say something stupid and I bet I'd get fifty people on my ass here. Fifty.

Haha, anyways, Soap Van... How about Soap backpacks first. That's easy. Then we can move up to keychains and stuff again, and eventually a van. Maybe even a plane. Or two.


May 3, 2007AnthoFlex

Noone was starting a fight. SonicSoaper was just laughing about the comment that Rhino made.

Thats a bit extreme, kobansora...But yea, i like the backpack idea (even though there were already Soap backpacks), and i already have 2 Soap keychains. A van would be nice, but a plane, thats a bit extreme, dunt ya think?

May 3, 2007Joshua3109

A plane wouldent be that extreme if SOAP were to take off. Just imagine that. Walking to your plane at the airport and seeing a jumbo jet with SOAP written all over it. Im preety sure id piss myself seeing something like that.

May 3, 2007Surfaced

Renny can you get that keychain to Wesker soon? I fear that at the demo something I wasn't planning for might happen, and in the end I'll be out a couple of jumbo stickers that are hella rare and keychains.

May 3, 2007Surfaced

I'm sorry its a strange matter that I feel should stay private... It's not wise for me to discuss the subject publicly, since it only increases my chances of that "something I wasn't planning for" happening.

May 3, 2007AnthoFlex

Instant Message me then, im confused

Jul 1, 2007Megashadow77

I know this is an old topic, and I probably shouldn't have bumped it up....

But, I was goin through and saw it. It made me think of how I saw a cheap van for sell the other day, and wanted to paint a Soap logo on it, and drive it to demos. (Well, I can't drive, but still.....)

Has that happened to anybody else?

Jul 1, 2007AnthoFlex

i have thought of that before. But i'm not gonna spend money buying, insuring, painting, decaling, and customizing (rails) on a van that probably wouldnt even come out as good as the first one.

Like it states above. If HSL still had the Soap van (which they don't), i think it woulda be best kept with me considering i Eat, Sleep, and LIVE Soapshoes. Everyone knows that a Soap van would make it so much easier to bring demos around the U.S.

But In-Stride trashed the 2nd Soap van. Paul Cifuentes (That guy from that movie with that scary mask-Big O Video) crashed the first van. Its quite disappointing to me. My 3 favorite Relate members that i looked up to the most were: (In no order)

Bryndon Smith
Danny Lynch
Paul Cifuentes

It saddens me because there was some speculation that Paul was either high as a kite or drunk when he crashed the damn thing....oh well

Jul 1, 2007Megashadow77

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