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SOAP Commercial ideas.
Apr 25, 2007 by SapAuthor

We need to put some commercials out. I was thinking making the flash stick-man commercials, they are simple, don't take a lot of time, and can be funny to watch. I was thinking of a line up of SOAP commercials, with a continual "Soaps, doing since "

For instance, here's a couple ideas. Please put down ur own ideas of similar format that can be made and situations, and any tips.

I want to focus a lot on how soaps compliment inline for the inliner crowd, and also comfert and other fun stuff.

A guy is standing next to an old lady with a purse. A theif runs by and takes the purse and starts running down the stairs with it. The guy standing next starts to run down the stairs after (this will be a side view), then a mysterious other stick man guy appears with SOAP shoes, jumping onto the stair rail and sliding/diving into the theif. Cuts out to the old lady getting back her purse. "SOAPs, saving old ladies since _____"

Commercial 2
Boy by a girl, below a stair with rail. Boy has though bubble of him blading down the stair to impress hte girl, but remembers he doesn't have his inlines on. Then, a SOAPer slides down the rail, and either slams into the boy or something else, eliminating him fromt he scene or wahtever, and hte girl takes the SOAPer's hand and they walk off. "SOAPs Wining over the ladies anywhere, anytime, since _____"

Commercial 3
In the distance there is a shining, 'holy' grind rail with an picture of inlines with a cross through them. An inliner goes to grind, and a laser comes out and vaporizes him (no, i don't have anything against inliners, but seeing stick people vaporized makes me happy). A guy with SOAPs sneaks in, and is able to grind on the holy grail into a shining light in the distance. "SOAPs, going where you blades aren't allowed since ____"

Tell me waht you think. I know the laser may seem like i wantt o blast inliners, but that's not hte case lol. The laser is metaphor for security gaurds, or other security that prevents people from grinding, stuff like malls.

Apr 25, 2007SapAuthor

Oh, and forgot

Commercial 4
A guy is sitting on the couch with SOAPs on. Another one comes in "dude, arent those the grind plate shoes?" couch guy "What? They grind? All i know is they are extremely comfertable." "SOAPs. Yes they do grind, yes they are comfertable...um...since _____"

Apr 25, 2007pepsi

commercial 2 is cool, it would appeal to kids a lot, but the others are quite cool as well

Apr 25, 2007SonicSoaper

I was actually thinking of some Soap commercials awhile back. One that I was thinking about would have various shots of handrails and traceurs tricking off of them. A new guy walks up and the other traceurs are getting ready to rip on his style when he busts a backside farf and various other tricks off the rails. The Soaper then lands his grind and walks off a the screen fades to black with the Soap logo fading in.

Apr 25, 2007Mart

The whole point of advertising is to engage as wide an audience as possible. An advert that opens with people busting Parkour moves isn't going to excite a vast majority of people as they don't understand it. Also, it would be ridiculously difficult to draw Soap shoes on a stick man as the whole point of that style of drawing is that it's completely minimalist and simple

What would make a more sound argument would be to mix Trev's third idea with AJ's one. Take a scenario where there's a security guard hanging around a good spot; a skateboarder rolls up reading to gap a stair set and the guard busts him. An inliner then turns up, is about to take a go at the rail but, again, the security guard tells him where to go. Then a guy in shoes walks up, the guard thinks nothing of it until the kid hops up on the rail and busts a super-stylish grind and runs off. Throw in some typical anti-skating identifiers like 'no skating' signs etc and you have something that the general public can recognise due to the presence of inliners and wood-pushers along the subversion of the 'no skating' environment

Apr 25, 2007adamblock

i think theyre neat. its got a good chance to appeal to the more alternative lifestyle kids...whatever that means. you could try getting a magazine spot too, idk how hard (or easy) that is though. you could try seeing if you could get an advertising spot on [adult swim], because it seems like that would draw a good crowd.

just some thoughts.

Apr 25, 2007SapAuthor

Not a bad idea. As for the SOAPs on the stickfigure, i wouldn't put actual soap shoe pictures on. It would be pure stickfigure, then after when it says "SOAPS" will be the picture of the express with one showing the bottom other showing a horizontal angled shot.

I want to make these funny so people show others though, something to really catch their attention. I remember some of the old SOAP stuff often was just crazy stuff like that, funny things (like the weird description for shoes. Boltars! Global domination!" type of things :P

Apr 25, 2007SonicSoaper

Maybe the stick ideas could be for magazine advertisments. Mart's inclusion of Trev's and my ideas sounds pretty appealing to me. I can actually picture the commercial now.

Apr 25, 2007AnthoFlex

Trev, if you want, lets shoot a commercial when you come to NYC

Apr 26, 2007SapAuthor

Yeah, i love the stick figure thing though. Here's something like it, except not nearly as advanced lol


Apr 26, 2007SonicSoaper

A vs. A is one of my favorite flash movies. They get better each time.

Apr 27, 2007Surfaced

why are we discussing commercials for Soap?

and I like Mart's idea.

Apr 27, 2007AnthoFlex

i dunno, but for the last few days, its the only thing i can think of....

i think i wanna take a crack at it...but OF COURSE....i'm gonna need a REALLY good camera...not my current shitty one.

Apr 27, 2007SonicSoaper

And you know what that means, we need to make some cashola.

Apr 27, 2007AnthoFlex


i just wanna make it for the fun of it

Apr 27, 2007SonicSoaper

I meant to get a better camera dude.

Apr 28, 2007AnthoFlex

ma bad, haha

yea, werd to that though....my camera is shittay

Apr 28, 2007SonicSoaper


Apr 29, 2007matrix8967

A vs. A is AMAZING! i think you could put some decent looking scabs on a stick figure...but we're not advertising scabs...i like the flash idea. it's in expensive and all...but mart's idea is good too...maybe we could do them both?


Apr 29, 2007AnthoFlex

i still like the idea of filming real people. Unless you can make the stick figure commercial F***ing awesome, people won't wanna see it

Apr 29, 2007AnthoFlex

*same goes for the real people commercial.

But i think people would like to see REAL people Soaping in a commercial, not stick figures

Apr 30, 2007SpiderSoaper

aaahhhhh! damn HSL, i just saw their heelys commercial with kids grinding a few minutes ago! to tell the truth, i've never seen commercial with the grinding heelys, is this the first time showing it?

Apr 30, 2007Surfaced

oh shit. Was that on TV or the internet?

Apr 30, 2007AnthoFlex

UUUUUGHHHHHHHHH, don't even get me started

Apr 30, 2007SonicSoaper

*grinds teeth in agony*

Apr 30, 2007SapAuthor

I think we should do both. But all, i know how much TV commercials are, we can't afford them right now. Our main source of income is web-based anyways, so youtube, google video, etc. Then we'll need the SOAPing community to comment and rate it up to help get it publicized. Like i said, we can do both real and stick figure. I want to flex my flash abilities, renny can take the live vid.

Apr 30, 2007AnthoFlex


Apr 30, 2007AnthoFlex

When its all done, we should all try to embed the two commercials on our myspace pages and such, and get our friends to do it.

Or maybe i can contact myspace to have them put it in the "Featured Video of the Week"

Apr 30, 2007SpiderSoaper

it was on tv surfaced

Apr 30, 2007RamenRadio

YAY! I didn't see the commercial haha. I feel happy lol. Thank you god that I don't watch TV that much!

Apr 30, 2007rhinoskater30

Yeah cool
Oh yeah, today's my birthday, i can finally test out my black express, and my kinked rail!!!!!!!

May 20, 2007SapAuthor

I got another commercial idea. Imagine this.

Stick guy is walking, and walks over a crack. Then a "elsewhere" it shows his mom breaking her back.

Then, there is a stick guy with SOAP shoes on (has the arch) and he steps over the crack, but the plate prevents him from stepping on the crack. Again a meanwhile of his mom being fine.

"SOAPs, saving mother's backs since 1998"

May 20, 2007Rynasty

Some of these ideas are pretty good, but for the love of God if you ever want soap to be taken seriously again, DO NOT use stick figures in commercials. Even if they won't be on TV, stick figures are incredibly lame. You have the shoes, so use them.

May 20, 2007Rynasty

I like the first two ideas with the thief and the hot girl, but I would combine them. All you need is a hot chick, someone to act like a thief, and a rail. After you take the give the purse back, they walk off together. "Soap: Shoes for the Daily Grind." Classic. My friend has an HD camera so it would look good no matter what haha. I'll see what I can do.

May 20, 2007AnthoFlex

See? even Ryan agrees with me about the stick figures...Stick figures are dumb as hell...

Unless you make it like crazy crazy smooth looking and sick. But i would still stick to the real life commercials

May 20, 2007SonicSoaper

Yeah. Unless you can get the guy who did Xiao Xiao for the stick figures, they're not worth doing.

May 20, 2007AnthoFlex

Ehhh, not even, you gotta pull like some crazy shit like some TV commercials have done before.

Just drop the Stick figure idea, its dumb

May 20, 2007AnthoFlex

Actually, i think the only stick figure type thing that would probably do well is this:

Have a split screen of a real Soaper and a stick figure doing the same thing. But the stick figure must be drawn out very crappy yet, the animation must be as smooth as the actualy clip showing. The backround, soaper, and rail has to be drawn out like if it were drawn by a bored kid in math class in his notebook....

Here is an AWESOME example of crappy drawing (looks like the paint program was used! :p ) but with a very very smooth animation of real clips, the only difference is that the actual clips werent used as a split screen:

http://www.lookatentertainment.com/v/v-760.htm> A Skate Of Mind Flash


May 20, 2007AnthoFlex

fuck, stupid HTML, im sorry guys

May 20, 2007AnthoFlex

May 20, 2007AnthoFlex

damnit, im trying to close it but i cant

May 20, 2007AnthoFlex

anywayz, heres the link to the thing i was trying to show:


May 20, 2007Slider388

hey I got access to some sick programs at school I could probably do ad #2.

May 20, 2007SonicSoaper

I like how he used rotoscoping in that vid.

May 20, 2007Rynasty

So Antho, tell me about this commercial idea more... I think it would be sweet if HSL would put a bunch of these on dvds or something, and have one free with every pair of soaps. Seems like the best idea, since SOap was doing its best when the Relate crew was being shown soaping in videos quite often, with all those old promo tapes. But in this day and age where technology is so cheap, it would be easy to just give these things out, or have them for download on their site.

May 21, 2007AnthoFlex

I dunno, i wanna do the commercial. Its been nonstop in my head. I really really really wanna do this thing. But not stick figures, it just won't work the same.

I'll think of sumthing tomorrow in class. Storyboard, Shots, Setting, Cast, all of that. I'll see if Dario wants to shoot it with his cam.

May 21, 2007AnthoFlex

yea, Artemis definetly knew what they were doing with Relate. I think thats a great idea Ryan

May 21, 2007Slider388

K well I can make the second Idea commercial I got the programs i need and I can do it if you want me to, cause I would really like to

May 21, 2007Rynasty

No stick figures, unless the point of this is to make it as gay as possible.

May 21, 2007Mart

Stick figures are shit. Soaping is perceived to be weak as it is, so replacing people sliding down rails with stickmen sliding down rails would attract more negative response than positive

Antho, have you looked into how much it would cost to have the advert put out on television networks? Advertising is a fierce business and, unless you can front the money yourself, HSL aren't going to dropping megabucks for an advertising campaign that they've had no control over, and for a product that they clearly have no intention of currently promoting at such a level. That said, if your initial plan was to put the advertisement out on the net, the idea is good but you'd probably be better off just cutting a really good crew edit and use that as marketing material

May 21, 2007AnthoFlex

Yea dude, ive looked into it. Its a shit load of money.... it sucks.

Yea, that was my original plan anywayz. I have a lot of Sk8r friends and Razor scooter friends that are really really good. They should do really well in helping me out with this.

I dunno if i said this before, but i refuse to do it unless it is with a really good camera. There is NO way in hell my current camera can do the job. I need a Digital cam. Probably one of those fancy 3CCD ones, i dunno too much about cameras.

I'm saying that because if you guys have ever seen sk8 videos on the net, and then you see a sk8 video on DVD or VHS, you would see that there is a GREAT GREAT difference in quality. Everythign is crystal clear, with no pixels and Frames lost. Its all in real time. Thats why i wanna do this commercial with a very High quality cam

May 22, 2007xJeremiahx

I like idea # 3. I would ditch the lazer though and add a rent-a-cop standing in front of the rail. Show a skateboarder riding up to the rail and the cop stoping him, making him leave. Next do the same with a rollerblader.

Then have a seemingly innocent soaper walk right on by past the unsuspecting cop and grind the rail with no problems.

May 22, 2007rhinoskater30

commercials would be great but it would cost way to much money, and it could potentially lead to a bigger Heelys production, since the express and heelys have the same grind plate...kids would be like "oh those have wheels AND grindplates i'll get those instead."

When there is the money, and a good plan, and ESPECIALLY when Soap gets another sole plate, THAT'S when we put out the commercial.

.....Please no stick figures!!! XO

May 23, 2007SpiderSoaper

stick figures arent that bad for sequal commercial............ but i had and idea at school today for a commercial.... a boy student who attends a college campus wakes up late and notices on his alarm clock that he is going to be late for a test...he looks out the window and sees a bunch of students crowded up outside the classroom door........as he's changing the students are going in the class.........he is about to put on his normal shoes....then notices his soaps and waers them instead.......he gets out the dorm.....and there is a long ass staircase with a rail......so he grinds it as soon as he sees the professor closing the class door.....then he makes it and stops the professor by getting ahold of the door....they look at eachother and the proffesr looks frustrated and lets him in........then the soap logo fades in....end

Rhino wat u said comes to my mind as well, kids will get heelys cause they ride and grind,,,, but do they have other varieties of plate? no they dont. so soap has a little advantage

May 23, 2007AnthoFlex

yes they are, stick figures are the most retarded thing

May 23, 2007AnthoFlex

Dude, your commercial sounds a lot like this old crappy Heely commercial. This kid is late for class, he heels to class, avoids a security guard by walking (big derf) and he gets to class. He takes his seat, then this butt-ugly chick tells him "ur riight on time" and he says ".......always" (the dude looks like Peter Parker from spiderman by the way, except blond and gay

May 23, 2007SpiderSoaper

okay i have no idea whered u get that all from......but i said a college student not kid, u got any better than that i wanna hear it

May 23, 2007SpiderSoaper

the heelys commercial look gay already, a parade of kids using heelys at a skatepark with no skaters at all, so it's like a heelys park, they all have cheezy smiles....atleast wat u said right now to me sounds better than the only heelys commercial i've seen

May 23, 2007AnthoFlex

i wasnt flaming you dude, so just cool it.

And by the way, the Shitty heelys commercial was a college kid too.

May 23, 2007AnthoFlex

*the one i was talking about i mean

May 23, 2007SpiderSoaper

no i'm not mad,,,,,ive never seen a heelys commercial like that... just the same one with the kids at the skate park

May 23, 2007AnthoFlex

BUt the one im talking about is really dumb. At the end you get a clear view of the guy's face and he looks like a blond, gay spiderman

May 24, 2007SpiderSoaper

but for me a soap version of that commercial is better, i never knew that commercial existed, so sorry if my idea sounds close to it, hehe blonde gay spiderman

May 24, 2007SonicSoaper

Oh, you mean Scarlet Spider?

May 24, 2007SpiderSoaper

damn wat did scarlet spider look like again

May 24, 2007AnthoFlex

go to Heelys.com, look at videos and look at "The Rush"

May 24, 2007SonicSoaper

That was......the gayest thing I've seen since that day I went to the Pines at Fire Island.

May 24, 2007AnthoFlex

omg, sons of bitches! They made a tricktionary! OMFG, look at it, its the same fucking format as the Flash Soapshoes one. Such little shitheads

May 24, 2007SpiderSoaper

that commercial was gay, also that security guard, my idea was a little different though, that kid does look like peter parker in a gay form

May 24, 2007xJeremiahx

haha...."footy grind". WTF!?!

May 24, 2007SonicSoaper

DUDE! THOSE GRINDS SUCKED SO MUCH MAN BALLS THAT IT'S NOT FUNNY! XD It's not a "footy grind", it's a fast-fuck-slide! Their Royales and Farfs didn't even have enough tweak to even be called such tricks! Their ufos...my god. You think you could at least get that right. The only grind Keith and I saw that were actually good was their Cheesegrater but they only went about an inch. Their front and backsides weren't even far enough to be classified as a grind at all. Leave the grinding to Soap, skating, and aggressive inline you wheel humping whackos.

May 25, 2007SonicSoaper

So so sad.

May 27, 2007Mart

Why does everyone have to hate on stuff like this? Stop acting like such elitist fuckheads when very few of you have any media of your own to even begin to qualify your opnions. Soap Shoes are about having fun so don't rag on people who take things as seriously as you, it's not cool and makes you look like a fool

May 30, 2007Megashadow77

In Response to Soap Commercial 2:

Tell me what you think, and yes, I know it could be smoother, and if everyone likes it enough, I'll redo it.

May 30, 2007AnthoFlex

Do us all a favor and take that thing off youtube. Didnt we agree on NO stick figures?

What kind of example are you trying to set for Soap? It has a crappy enough rep, dunt make it look more stupid.

Ok, you get props for the animation, that musta took you long, but dude...the stick figures...why?

May 30, 2007Megashadow77

I saw the main thing...and I was...bored?

May 30, 2007SonicSoaper

You want media? I've got a solid pic of me doing a Royale that hasn't been accepted here yet but people have seen it. Don't get pissed just because I spoke the truth on their grinds.

May 30, 2007AnthoFlex

i didnt mean to flame you megashadow, but dude, we all agreed that Stick fgures is NOT the way to go. At least change the tags, because noobs looking for Soapshoes are gonna be turned off by that video

May 30, 2007SpiderSoaper

where's the shoes in that vid, how about the website for people who r new to soap or never heard of it, anyway good animation skills, im taking that class next year

May 30, 2007Megashadow77

May 30, 2007SpiderSoaper

megashadow jus let it out and say it, lol(he wrote nothing in the last comment)

May 30, 2007Megashadow77

Whatever, I was jus bored, sorry I almost fucked up the SOAPing name, with just a freaking video, I didn't realise it was that f'ing fragile.

May 30, 2007AnthoFlex

dude its all good, dunt even kick yourself in the ass for it...but seriously, take that vid down

May 30, 2007Megashadow77

Yeah, I did.

May 31, 2007RamenRadio

Mart, shut the fuck up now. He has a kick ass pic of him doing a royale. It wasn't uploaded yet, but he has it on his myspace. And just because we were criticizing the stuff they had on the heelys site, gives you the right to criticize us? And then you say we should not criticize anything? What the fuck do you think we do when it comes to some of the pictures of people grinding? "that's not a ufo, it doesn't have any tweak in the legs". The only fuck head here is you Mart.
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Anthony Soto hittin a Frontside
Alexei Tajzler of DEOS hittin an Alley-Opp CG in Wilmington, Delaware
Aaron Taraboletti sliding a square kinked rail at Drake University
Zach Larson hittin a Royale
David Martin hittin a UFO