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anyone have faders for sale?
Apr 26, 2007 by SpiderSoaper

i seriously want faders, any one out there have a pair that they want to sell me? they are my favorite design

Apr 27, 2007Surfaced


click "shoes" from there. Prices are in Aussie dollars, so they arent really $100.

However I'd recommend the Express... it is a more comfortable shoe, and when purchased, it helps our struggle with (or against, depending on how you see it) HSL.

Apr 27, 2007Surfaced

BTW, they might not have your size.

Apr 27, 2007AnthoFlex

yea, Express are too awesome to pass up. I dunno why you insist on fighting against the Express dude

Apr 27, 2007kobansora

Expresses ARE pretty awesome.. But my feet still hurt in them, and it's been two weeks. It'll work out soon I hope lol.

Buy expresses. Now.


Apr 27, 2007SpiderSoaper

yea, i have expresses and they are great, i just wanna try out replacable grind plates though, but the faders have a simple design to it, like the cleans do, as for comfortness of expresses, they are comfterable at first, then they just hurt later on

Apr 27, 2007AnthoFlex

why do you want replaceable plates so bad?

Apr 27, 2007Mart

I think he just means he wants to try out some different plates. You're a plate whore Antho, you should understand ;)

Apr 27, 2007AnthoFlex

I cant hide it! AHHH! damn you Mart!


Apr 27, 2007AnthoFlex

i know a lot of people message me on myspace asking where can they get shoes. I always tell them to go to the SSS shop, and they are always like "ummm, i was thinking of going for replaceable plates...."

so i simply reply like this:

"hmm, why do you want replaceable plates so bad?"

"so i can replace them when they get worn down...duh"

"ohh....i see.....well, where the hell are you gonna find replacement plates? ; ) "

*because Keemaz doesnt have anymore 9/10 and above.

Apr 27, 2007SpiderSoaper

i have a pair of new BBK's because my friends older brother, who's now in college, used to soap, and in my friend's shed was a new pair of bbk's that his brother never used, he let me have them, damn they are new, it's in the pakaging still, though the packaging has holes and it has dirt on it

Apr 27, 2007SpiderSoaper

haha mart said plate whore, damn antho has octanes

Apr 28, 2007AnthoFlex

so...you guys want Octanes? just say so, i'll get you guys a few.....when i get around to it, i mean

Apr 28, 2007AnthoFlex

oh, by the way:

i have NEVER used my Octanes....and i dun't really plan to

Apr 28, 2007SpiderSoaper

i thought u supposedly had the last pair? but if you can get some dat would be tough

Apr 28, 2007SpiderSoaper

damn i thought u used them

Apr 28, 2007ordnanceflint91

Renny i want some octanes duh.....lol you ever gonna get me some?

Apr 28, 2007AnthoFlex

Yea, man, like i said, imma try to get out some 9/10's soon, i just havent gotten around to it, demo, site and stuff

Apr 28, 2007AnthoFlex

Spider, i do have the last pair, but that isnt gonna stop me from selling some out

Apr 28, 2007SpiderSoaper

ight cool, r u gonna sell things at the demo?

Apr 28, 2007AnthoFlex

yea, but first we need to get a vendor's permit along with the park permit we have

Apr 28, 2007RamenRadio

Dude, is there ANY chance of some in size 11/12? I just want to try them out SOOOO badly. I can pay for them whenever too.

And it seems that people still like replaceable grind plates.

Apr 28, 2007AnthoFlex

Octanes? in 11/12?


Apr 28, 2007SpiderSoaper

damn awsome bro, so anything else specific youll be selling? damn so many permits u have to get, u r hardworker, thanx alot

Apr 29, 2007AnthoFlex

No prob, honestly, we need 3 permits, but we are only getting 2.

Park Permit
Vendor's Permit
Sound Permit

we arent gonna get the sound permit because we aren't gonna have super amplified music.
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