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rate the trick
Dec 11, 2003 by Collin

Here is a backside fastslide of me, i know the photography isnt that great just tell me what you think about it, and gimmie any suggestions, flame it to hell if you want just say what you think http://www.geocities.com/xxmaj1ckxx/DSC00001.JPG


Dec 11, 2003Phantom00991

First of all, you should get a pic of this when it's light out. Otherwise it looks good, mabie try to jump out more so you could get your balance more above your foot. It looks like you aren't balancing that well. I know that it's a stair set and it might just be the angle or a best pic or something. But if you jump out and put your foot down early, you should have better balance. Also it would be better if you could grab your back foot.
7/10-good consitering, but could be better.
PS:How big is that set?

Dec 11, 2003Tactic

Not to be mean but it doesn't look like you slid very far because from the angle of the pic it looks liek your not even on your plate, and me personally I don't like Fastslides at all so that also doesn't turn me on to the pic at all.

Dec 11, 2003Tactic


Dec 11, 2003Smokey

I can't see how you managed to slide very far on that... You are leaned WAY too far back. Unless this picture was taken at the end of your grind..?

Dec 11, 2003Collin

i guess i was just coming off, its a double set of like 50 stairs, but the kinks are way too sharp and the camera was tilted on a angle from where he was shooting at.

Dec 11, 2003Collin

i also jumped out really far so i hit about bottom middle

Dec 11, 2003Collin

**note** this pic was taking by a 12 year old.

Dec 12, 2003Smokey

Get a picture of the whole rail (you don't have to be grinding it).. I need something to wank off to.

Dec 12, 2003Collin

we tried but it didnt come out, the next clear day out i will, its the same size as the one in your sposer me video, if not. (its a double set) HUGE!

Dec 12, 2003Floptastic

I like it, the shoe reflectors look cool. and i respect fastslides, cuz i suck at em, always want to turn my foot so its facing forwards, then i fall. WOO i give it a 7

Dec 12, 2003Mart

You're leaning too far back, as Ryan said. You're also leaning far too far forward, so I don't believe that you rode this out for very long

Dec 12, 2003Smokey

err? How can he be leaning too far backwards AND forwards? I don't get it.

Dec 13, 2003Collin

i think he means like leaning out
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