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May 5, 2007 by teamheelz

Is this just a soap site cuss it seems like theres a lot of dissing bout heelys.

May 5, 2007kobansora

People are just bitchy about Heelys. I mean, I sorta am too b/c Heelers always try to show me up when I'm Soaping... Without grindplates.

Ppls will dis you for having your name as teamheelz but w/e. As long as you respect Soaping and aren't a bot like that one other heelys person.


May 5, 2007teamheelz

i dont care if people dis me im using my team name so w/e and yea i respect soapers i dont have a problem with them i think soaps are cool but im more of a heelys person. Im actually gonna be getting a pair of soaps soon. So i think there both cool

May 5, 2007Mart

This site is about all grind shoes, not just Soap shoes

May 5, 2007AnthoFlex

David, care to say why we really don't like Heelys?

I dunt mind normal Heelys but Grinding Heelys are another story.

May 5, 2007xJeremiahx

True. I think heelys should make heelys and then make soaps for grinding shoes. I think by adding grind plates to heelys they no longer have any reason at all to promote soap.

May 5, 2007rhinoskater30

I'm all for that! ^^ Heelys are still cool though.

May 5, 2007RamenRadio

I'm not going to comment on that....

To be honest, I'm tired of talking about heelys, and I just get mad whenever I do. I'm not going to even bother say why I don't like them, why I'm pissed at HSL, and why i don't even care about whoever disses on soap shoes (unless they do a stupid move like the heely guys that threw a pizza pie at my sylons). It should be obvious by now why some people don't like them and why some people do.

May 5, 2007AnthoFlex

David seems to be busy so here goes:

HSL only bought Soap for the grindplate rights. At the time, they though owning Soap was the coolest fucking thing in the world. Since they didnt know wtf they were doing, Soaps went *thumb down gesture* down the drain. ever since, they have been putting the EXPRESS grindplate on Heelys giving no credit to Soapshoes. They completely ditched Soap.

And now they are just holding onto Soap for grinplate rights and patents.

*spins gun and blows top smoke*

May 6, 2007SapAuthor

Most people are sore becuase HSL put the nail in the coffin of SOAPs, shut them down, and then took the grind plate. Even now HSL is giving us a hard time, we are running out fo SOAPs to sell, HSL won't give us more shoes, won't make more, we are already out of size 9 in black and white (only 3 grey left), and out of size 12 white.

But people, this guy's okay, he's looking to get SOAPs.

(reads Renny's comment) oh woops, lol, renny already said it. B ut yeah, that's why we are sore. Me, Steve, and Renny are no longer selling SOAPs for HSL, but in spite of them. They didn't think we could make it, and we are selling like hotcakes and HSL just keeps putting blocks in front of us, putting SOAPs on the back shelf, yeah.

May 7, 2007RamenRadio

Yes, and now they won't even supply a proper amount of soap shoes of the one model they DO have selling. HSL, you really make me wonder.

May 7, 2007SapAuthor

This is like i said, the main reason why we are all ticked at Heelys. They bought out SOAPs, took the grind plate, and now after we finally started a heartbeat, HSL is sufficating the life back out of SOAPs.

May 7, 2007SonicSoaper

That and it's pretty much a Soap/grind shoe site. The "sport" of heeling isn't really focused on here and we kinda get annoyed when Heelys fans come on and profess their love for the wheel shoes.

May 7, 2007adamblock

who cares its just a shoe with a wheel in it.

May 7, 2007adamblock

i meant that its just a shoe, but the company is a boil on the ass of society.

May 8, 2007SapAuthor

lol love the analogy

May 8, 2007adamblock

why thank you.

May 9, 2007Mart

What you all are failing to realise is that HSL brought out the Grails waaaay before they bought Soap. So no, HSL didn't buy Soap for 'grindplate rights'. This has been said many times before, please actually take this on board this time

May 9, 2007RamenRadio

woa woa woa, I don't understand then, why would they even think about taking the rights to soap shoes?
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