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Whats the best soap shoe?
May 10, 2007 by Ronni

I'm getting these things for my birthday but I dunno what the best kind is.

May 10, 2007RamenRadio

I'm afraid the pair that you'd most likely be getting is the express (thanks to ridiculous old HSL). But it's fine, the express is supposed to be a good shoe. Enjoy :)

May 10, 2007SonicSoaper

Dudette, the Express are pretty much one of the greatest pairs of Soaps ever made. They're even more superior to the newbie favorite the Scorchers.

May 10, 2007sam

It is all a matter of opinion of what shoe is the best.

May 10, 2007SamusMeleeMaste

yea i agree, the express are like the only shoe you can get (for now) buts its worth it

May 10, 2007Ronni

Ya I 'll probably get expresses. That's all that they're offering right now anyways lol.

May 10, 2007AnthoFlex

The express are a solid shoe anywayz, you'll love em, believe me

May 11, 2007RamenRadio

I don't think that the express are the GREATEST shoe, but I wasn't saying anything bad about them.

May 11, 2007SonicSoaper

They pretty much are.

May 11, 2007Surfaced

Buy the Soap Express. If you do, that would help us with our campaign.

May 11, 2007RamenRadio

They aren't the greatest shoe.... There are (or more like were) what, thirty models? You own one man.... You can't say anything unless you try out some other pairs.

May 11, 2007Wesker

The Express is an excellent grind shoe. The shock-absorbers are a pretty good touch (Although I guess it doesn't really matter considering they are removing those from the new models, maybe we should refer to the new Expresses as the Ex-b's? rofl).

The plate is really nice on it and like anything, don't grind tough surfaces without wax and you'll be just fine.

As for the Scortchers, those shoes continue to be awesome. Nothing really beats out the speed on those (I never had to put any effort in my run-up for the Scortchers), and damn if they just look cool. But yeah, good luck getting a pair.

May 11, 2007sam

Expresses are a pretty good shoe, but no where near the best for me. My favorite is my clean/slo-bro combo with the perfect groove.

May 11, 2007Tasslehoff

I wouldnt know. all Ive ever had are a pair of expresses. so far they RULE!!

May 11, 2007RamenRadio

Yeah, it's a good shoe, but just not THE BEST.

but wait a minute, didn't someone say the express were faster than the scorchers? I'm confused now...

May 11, 2007AnthoFlex

Travis, i need to talk to you, go on AIM

May 11, 2007kobansora

Oh somethin is up.


May 11, 2007Surfaced

eh, settin' em in line.


May 12, 2007Mart

Ahh, the oppression of free speech. Antho, dude, if he doesn't prefer the Express over all other shoes, you can't make him change his opinion

May 12, 2007RamenRadio

I can't even say that I love the express because I never even had the shoe.

May 12, 2007RamenRadio

But I'll take you guys word for it...

May 12, 2007SonicSoaper

What's this? Mart standing up for Travis? Has the day of Judgement come?

May 12, 2007kobansora

My favorite soaps are Expresses.

I just wish I could change the plates.


May 13, 2007AnthoFlex

Huh? what are you talking about Mart?

May 13, 2007Mart

It looked as though you wanted to talk to Ramen on AIM about his opinion on the Express, and how he's not rooting for it the same way other people are. Dave seemed to think that too, it would seem

May 14, 2007AnthoFlex

Oh that, yea, it did kinda seem like that even to me.

Nah, i had to ask him abou these giant stickers hes been printing out. I thought it'd seem wierd to ask on a "whast the best Soapshoe" thread

May 14, 2007SapAuthor

Express are a solid shoe, they were my first. But style wise i <3 my boltars, just a really awesome looking and feeling shoe.

But yeah, you can really only get express models, we sell them at soaps.sonicandpals.com, so head over there if you want to pick up your pair, just make sure to view the size chart on the order form page to find your proper fit.

May 14, 2007RamenRadio

Yeah, btw Trevor, thanks for the inkscape files. We're making tons of different stickers!!!! :D it's great man, thanks.

May 15, 2007rhinoskater30

Dude...which ever shoe YOU thinks best suits YOU and is most comfortable. But I'd say all around Broadside because of both plates, but, I don't really know how they actually are since I haven't actually tried em. :^P

May 15, 2007RamenRadio

Let's just say the express is just about the best we can get.

May 18, 2007rhinoskater30

Express with a sole plate would be

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