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SOAP Shoes Site
May 15, 2007 by Megashadow77 I was thinking, how about we make a freewebs site with info on certain shoes? I know freewebs sux, but it's all I can use. The thing is, we need some info up to tell people more about the shoes, their ups and their downs. Just tell me what you guys think. Replies
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May 15, 2007rhinoskater30
1. There is this site.
2. There is a Soap MySpace, which, many people have, and that probably has many links to different sites on Soap.
There's not a whole lot else I can think of doing except for promoting Soap in every other possible way we can.
May 15, 2007Megashadow77
I wish someone could make a wiki for it....
May 15, 2007rhinoskater30
May 15, 2007AnthoFlex
May 15, 2007RamenRadio
May 15, 2007Surfaced
Fuck no. We are fine.
May 15, 2007RamenRadio
May 15, 2007SapAuthor
But really, we already have a lot of the markets on the web taken care of, we could use more street marketing. Do you have anyone else who SOAPs around you that you both could head out. But anyways, if you think there is possible sales there that we could get, sure :-)
Don't be so quick to smash down ideas guys. As with any business, ANY advertising (as long as it's not brining people away) is good advertising, we can use all the sales we can to keep this going.
If you want to contact me about the website options, since i do a lot of business and e-commerce, email me at trevorfayas@sonicandpals.com
May 15, 2007Surfaced
May 15, 2007RamenRadio
May 16, 2007SonicSoaper
May 17, 2007SapAuthor
May 17, 2007SonicSoaper
May 18, 2007rhinoskater30
May 24, 2007SonicSoaper
May 25, 2007Spano565