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Starting over!
Dec 16, 2003 by Tactic

Ok first thing if you didn't read my last post on "New Sig" then do so before you read anymore. Ok back to what I was getting at, I'm Maxwell from the Tactic Soap Team. We're some new soapers who are jsut looking for tips from other soaper on how to be better at the sport. I realize that the sport is for FUN, yeah I said it FUN, but it's a sport none the less, so it would but nice to be good at it. So I hope we can all be "friends"(the reson I put that in quotes is because we can never be friends but we can stop flameing each other for no reason)and get past our past differences. Thank you Maxwell Tactic Soaping.

Dec 16, 2003Marc

Tips? Dood.. Theres not really any "Tips" you just kinda soap.. And then you get better.. Easy as that..

Dec 16, 2003mike

ok, one, its not a sport...its an activity...thing, but everyones got their own opinion so yeah. as for tips...jump...and land on top of a rail, and dont fall...and grinding rails in the rain is a stupid idea...

Dec 16, 2003Floptastic

TIp: bend your knees before you jump, and dont wax pvc...

Dec 16, 2003Mart

Why not wax PVC? What are you, a pansy?

Dec 16, 2003Floptastic

Yes, yes i am a pansy. but theres not really any point in waxing pvc, unless you guys have just a pipe laying in the lawn, but if its elevated no need says I. if you're bored with it, whip out all the different greases in your garage, try wd40, and mechanical grease. and if you are a dork, get trombone slide grease, that shit will tear you up! woooo im gay

Dec 16, 2003C.Strife

._O dude.......

Dec 16, 2003Mart

You can't elevate PVC, idiot, it bends

Dec 16, 2003xssoaper

You can elevate pvc u just have to have supports a lot of em and support so ur sole doesnt' catch on it...just tinker with shit and u can do a lot to pvc...but yea if you don't wax the pvc unless its brand new well...wax it makes u slide a lot faster, its fun...for rails yea jump land on it with ur plates and slide and dont' get sole.

Dec 16, 2003Floptastic

its called a practice rail, big 2x4 with pvc on top. just imagine tactics pics, where he screwed on some pvc to all those crappy wooden hand rails, except mines on the ground, not a hand rail.

Dec 17, 2003dunk

it's not a sport.
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