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Changing from Right foot to Goofy Foot
May 24, 2007 by RamenRadio

I was checking out how different it is to soap goofy foot, and I'm changing to goofy foot. I find it a lot better because you get more speed, and (to me at least) it seems somewhat easier to do.

I do have a question though. I have done a couple of backsides goofy footed, but I'm having just a little trouble. Can anyone help me out?

May 24, 2007AnthoFlex

I think you were goofy from the beginning, thats why you shot out like crazy every time we went Soaping. You even told me that you were goofy but when we hung out for the first time, you were going regular

May 24, 2007xJeremiahx

For some reason I do better on ledges goofy.

I think it is because when I grind regular I put my front foot on first and when I grind goofy I put my back foot on first.

May 24, 2007RamenRadio

I like doing goofy now, so I'm going to stick with it. And to be honest, I don't get why people say you feel safer when you do regular. I actually feel safer doing goofy lol. But I'm still a little iffy on the backsides. However, I can at least do a backside now lol.

May 24, 2007Rynasty

You shouldn't just pick either goofy or regular just because you think you should. Just do shit that is most comfortable for you. For me, I have to jump off my left foot and lock my right foot on the rail first. The only exception is when I do backside royales, because you can't go backfoot first on backside tricks. If you can, I commend you.

May 24, 2007xJeremiahx

Usualy when doing backsides I land with both feet on at the same time.

May 24, 2007SonicSoaper

Just do shit that's comfortable for you.

You mean like he's doing now?

May 24, 2007Page645

trav trust me stick to goofy foot it's going to be alot easier for you to do backsides.
P.S. i'll help you with your backsides i do them all the time XD

May 24, 2007sam

you should stick to whatever feels easiest, one method is not better than the other.

May 25, 2007Rynasty

Yes like he is doing now. I remember when Ben of BiS started out, he went front foot first then realized later that he was better at going back foot first. I guess it doesnt matter because that way you can be good at both.

May 25, 2007RamenRadio

Yeah, I'm doing goofy foot because it feels better. I had so much trouble just trying to do a backside, let alone a backside royale or something. Now I can actually do a backside without really screwing myself up :D I'm definitely sticking with goofy. I definitely feel safer, and you go flying! lol

May 25, 2007Page645

your doin fine trav dont worry. now all u got to do is work on your cheese graters XD

May 25, 2007RamenRadio

Hey hey! I don't like that! I'm already having progress with that man lol. But yeah, definitely sticking with goofy foot, it's really helping me out man.

May 25, 2007Page645

your cheese graters are fine dude but mine are a hell of alot better

May 25, 2007RamenRadio

Oh yes, I should bow down to the soaper who can do a ufo grater lol

Yeah, they are better, but I've only grinded once goofy footed. You've been doing it goofy footed for months man

May 25, 2007Page645

remeber who hit the top of the bike rack

May 25, 2007RamenRadio

remember the person who hit the sick rails at citi bank park :P

May 25, 2007Page645

who cleared the rail at beach channel?????

May 25, 2007Page645


May 25, 2007RamenRadio

Who couldn't clear beach channel because he falls on his ass whenever he does a backside, and who is your daddy and what does he do?

May 25, 2007Page645

and that is the reason y we have this forum right now

May 25, 2007RamenRadio

wtf? lol, I think we should stop, this is WAY off topic (at least I think) point is that I changed to goofy foot, and I LOVE it

May 25, 2007Page645

im in with that dude peace

May 25, 2007SonicSoaper


May 25, 2007Surfaced

whatever feels more comfortable to you is your stance.

or you could follow these steps if you are lost...

Step One
Put forward whichever foot makes you feel the most balanced, controlled and relaxed in that position.

Step Two
Lie on your stomach on the ground as you would on a surfboard, putting your hands under your shoulders as if you were going to do a pushup. Spring into a surfing or riding stance. Try it first with your left foot forward and then with your right. Whichever stance feels better is probably the right one for you.

Step Three
Have someone give you a surprise shove from behind. Not only will your friend likely enjoy this, but whichever foot you step forward with first to catch your balance is probably the foot that should go in front when you Soap.

May 25, 2007sam

The foot you kick a soccer ball with should go behind you, thats what i did.

May 25, 2007cherryman696966

its funny, i kick w/ my right and step w/ my right but in track i jump off of my left for long and high jump, so i guess i'll stay w/ goofy, i just feel more balanced in goofy then if i went w/ my left foot leading.

May 25, 2007RamenRadio

To be honest, before soaping, I did A LOT of things with my right foot. I don't particularly remember how I skateboarded, but I used to kick a soccar ball with my right foot because it was like my stronger side I guess.

I'll try out what you said Dave, thanks. :)

May 27, 2007Megashadow77

Eh, I like riding Goofy.
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