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To late to start?
May 31, 2007 by Hutch

I already posted this in the "unsuspected soapers" thread but it was WAY off topic so I thought I'd start a new thread.

I'll be 24 in June. Do you reckon I've left it to late to get into soaps? I've got no experience with in lines and I'm the worlds worst skater (seriously, I can't even ollie!).

What you reckon? Should I get the hip replacement booked just in case!

May 31, 2007SapAuthor

lol your not considered old until ur at least 35. SOAPs are made for older teens, young adults, and even adults too. I dont' know how old Tony Hawk is, but there isn't exactly an age limit on sports (well, maybe heeling XD).

Get yourself a pair. Worse comes to worse you don't like SOAPing, and you still have an extremely comfertable shoe (the high arch spreads the impact onto the entire foot instead of pressure points on the heal and ball of the foot, providing a more comfertable wear).

I do suggest for everyone to start low and work your way up. Go to your local hardware store and get a 2 inch diameter 10 ft PVC pipe, they work great for practice rails. Find some way to secure it, if you have a power drill, drill some screws into the wood and the pvc or find someway to keep it from rolling.

Good luck ;-) But don't worry, ur not too old lol.

May 31, 2007AnthoFlex

Hutch, look at the relate crew. Most of those guys are 30 or older and they are the best known Soapers in the world.

You wanting to Soap at 24 proves that Soapshoes appeals more to Adults

as where Heelys appeals more to kids

May 31, 2007Hutch

Nice 1 guys, I won't be getting the wheel chair out just yet then!

May 31, 2007xJeremiahx

I'm 24 and I say Get them!! As long as you are having fun it doesn't matter how old you are. I got my first pair of soaps a few years ago but I never realy used them. I just recently got back into them and I am learning pretty quick. How long have you been skateboarding? I skated for almost a year before I could ollie.

May 31, 2007RamenRadio

Dude, it is never too late. I do regeret not getting into soaping earlier, but that's only because I couldn't try other shoes. Dude, it's never to late to join. :)

May 31, 2007Hutch

I've been skating on and off for about 3 years but i'm in Cyprus and I'm really struggling to find anywhere skatable. All the concrete is rough as shit, there's hardly any parks and I've got no one to go skating with (Oh woe is me!). Plenty of rails around though. SOAPing it is then!

May 31, 2007RamenRadio

:D great to hear man

May 31, 2007SpiderSoaper

no rails where i live, how much r practice rails usually?

May 31, 2007xJeremiahx

Sounds like Soaping would be good for you. Keep skating though. I've been skating for around 10 years and so far soaping has been much easier than skatbaording for sure. I enjoy both equaly though. I've been trying to combine both sports. Example: Riding up to a bench, jump off the skateboard, grind the bench with my soaps, jump back onto my skateboard.

May 31, 2007Mart

Antho, the Relate guys will be mid-late 20s by now, not into their 30s just yet

May 31, 2007AnthoFlex

Thank goodness, *rubs forehead

Jun 1, 2007ordnanceflint91

hell im 21 and im like the only soaper where i live. no matter how old you are its never too late i dont think...just might break more bones lol. but yeah that would be bad.but yeah go for soaps man. they are great
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