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Pro Soaper Song
May 31, 2007 by broox

i'm sure most (if not all of you) haven't seen this vid. it's a little gem i just found on my server, haha.

jordan muck of the soap team singing "freestyle emo" about a day of soaping we did back in 2003.

yeah, the song sucks, but it's made up as he's going along... and it's about soaping and is sorta funny.


May 31, 2007Locke

Hahaha. Niiiice find.

"Cause we're all better than you are!"

May 31, 2007Rynasty

Haha wow.. I laughed so hard at the "don't tell your girlfriend
your professional profession."

May 31, 2007AnthoFlex

Does that dude even Soap anymore?

May 31, 2007SonicSoaper

I guess you could sing this if you're on the pro team. Otherwise I'd just punch someone in the face for telling me I can't Soap and I'm losing my edge.

May 31, 2007AnthoFlex

Jordan Muck doesnt even Soap anymore, just let it go AJ, its ok.....its ok

May 31, 2007broox

it's ok guys, he was just fooling around!

May 31, 2007cherryman696966

thats pretty funny. also broox, since i see you on here, are there any new photos you can add, there hasn't been a new one in quite a while

Jun 1, 2007SonicSoaper

Yeah, I'd like to see my Royale pic up here.

Jun 1, 2007SpiderSoaper

dont put in my royale pic i put the sucky royale by mistake other than my other one which actually looked like a royale

Jun 1, 2007cherryman696966

i don't care how they look, i just want something new to talk about really :P

Jun 1, 2007Mart

The admin panel is broken at the moment due to the server issues Derek outlined on the forum, so there won't be any new pictures just yet I'm afraid

Jun 1, 2007RamenRadio

I swear to god, this server cannot be serious hosting. How can they keep up this crap and say that they seriously ask from money when they can't even provide hosting?

Jun 1, 2007SpiderSoaper

hey cherryman696966....if ur talking about my pic, well it really suks,u cant really even see my shoes because i wear baggy pants, and it's a low rail

Jun 1, 2007cherryman696966

yes but just in general

Jun 3, 2007Surfaced

oh wow hahaha. Very funny. Its good that Muck never persued a career in entertainment.
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