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Woo, got my Tanks
Jun 5, 2007 by Unasi

Yup, finally ordered my MB Tanks, the 14s from eBay. They'll be coming in soon. Just wondering what kind of supplies I should pick up that would help me practice. I've got some BBKs and Slo-Bros coming in the mail too, so I'm pretty stoked about that.

I've read that I should pick up a piece of PVP pipe. How long and what size should I get? Do I need some kind of wax of something for the plates? Any other things I may need to get started?


Jun 5, 2007Surfaced

Candle wax works just fine. And yeah, a PVC pipe with some supports makes an excellent practice rail. I'd say 9 or 10 feet is best.

Just curious though, what eBay seller did you buy those MB Tanks from?

Jun 5, 2007Unasi

That gmbus guy, the only dude selling them

Jun 5, 2007xJeremiahx

How do they fit? wheren't you saying that you where size 13? I may have to get a pair.

Jun 5, 2007Unasi

Nah, I'm a size 14-14.5. Haven't gotten them in the mail yet, but they're on the way. Assuming they'll be nice and snug.

Jun 8, 2007xJeremiahx

Cool man, let me know how they fit when you get them.

I'm a size 13 and I wear a size 12 soap. they are a tight fit though. Maybe a 14 would be better.

Jun 8, 2007SapAuthor

Again an example of the market we are missing by HSL not making size 13 and 14 SOAPs >.>

Jun 9, 2007Megashadow77

*darth vader* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Jun 9, 2007Surfaced

ugh that GMbus is just a scalping bastard. People like him need to run into a knife.

Jun 9, 2007Megashadow77

......what'd he do?

Jun 9, 2007AnthoFlex

Hes overpricing the shit that he sells.

Like hes selling a bunch of New MB Tanks for like $69 or sumthing.

And back then, he would by dozens of Steves Ordnance Flints, and sell them for double, even triple
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