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First Day of Soaping
Jun 7, 2007 by Locke

Alright, I got my first pair of Expresses today, and I just wanted to post my feedback.

At first, I tried a chest-high handrail (lol) because that's the only type of immediately noticeable rail around my house. Needless to say, it didn't end well. I fell on my ass a few times (in the grass, thank god that was there). Then, I gave up and walked home. But on my way, I spotted something nice; an ankle-high, plastic barrier like the kind that are in parking lots. It was PERFECT for a beginner. The first time I slipped backwards, because the plastic made the grind faster. But after that, I was hitting frontsides consistently, both regular and goofy.

So yeah, for brand new soapers, try to find something really low, and preferably made of plastic so you don't have to get a running start at it.

So, any tips for a begginer? Or maybe you guys can share some experiences from your first time soaping.

Jun 7, 2007Zutsumi

Yeah, starting off low is best for beginners (like me) sometimes I can't get my right foot to lock on so yeah... (i'm goofy)

Here's one of my first successful frontsides, after a couple practices of course =)


Jun 8, 2007SapAuthor

This goes for everyone, if you are new to this, start slow. Don't try to do some insane trick, or even do high rails, start low, start slow, and work your way up. Trying to do something you aren't ready for is how almost all SOAPing injuries (serious ones) occur.

Jun 8, 2007Locke

I hear that, Trev. xDD

BTW Zutsumi, nice grind. You have better form than me, I just sort of fall of the end. What's that you're grinding on, anyway?

Jun 8, 2007Locke

Oh, I forgot to ask, you don't mind me calling you Trev, do you? <.<;

Jun 8, 2007Zutsumi

I usually learn the form from watching soap vids lol, I learn fast mostly from anything I see, but as for the thing I was grinding on, it was the bottom part of the sliding garage fence, it was a bad idea because now my expresses have a ^ shaped wedge on the plate now -.-

Jun 8, 2007SpiderSoaper

my right plate has that shape too! anyone know how to fix it?

Jun 8, 2007xJeremiahx

Chest high? How tall are you?

I give you props for giving it a try but it's realy not safe. Start off small like a PVC pipe or painted curbs. P.S. I should be finishing up my video soon and posting it up on youtube.

Jun 8, 2007Locke

I'm 5' 6", and the only reason I tried that rail was because there was almost literally nothing else around. The plastic thing I was grinding just barely caught my eye, as it covered by grass. xD

Jun 8, 2007Locke

Err... 5' 8", actually. Not much of a difference in where my chest is, though. <<

Jun 8, 2007xJeremiahx

Where you able to jump high enough to get on top of that rail?

Jun 8, 2007Locke

I jumped off the steps onto the horizontal part. First time I missed completely, second time only my right foot locked on, and third time I finally did it. I only slid about a couple feet before I lost my balance though. ><

Jun 8, 2007Zutsumi

Grinding the metal bars next to the meat section of your local supermarket is a good spot also =)

Jun 8, 2007Unity619

LMFAO I thought i was the only on who did that Zutsumi

Jun 8, 2007SapAuthor

I don't mind Trev, but i prefer Trey (my more used nickname). And actually, that "V" shape is often desired, called the lock in groove. Makes it easier to stay on a grind. I know renny actually carved a divit into his shoes for the same effect.

Jun 8, 2007Zutsumi

After seeing the royales topic, I know what "V" shape you're referring to Trey, but the wedges on my plates are more concentrated so to speak, kinda like pushing-a-knife-down-on-your-plates, lol

And Unity, ROFL its sweet to know other people do it too!!! And it's a big attention grabber before a worker see's you and tells you to stop and gtfo >.>
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