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Very nice SOAP vid from a SSS member
Jun 10, 2007 by SapAuthor


^ He got 28 points for this vid. He pulls off some very difficult tricks, i told him next is to take it to the street since this is mostly practice rail and a small hand rail. I'm thinking there will be some great video from this guy in the future.


Jun 10, 2007Megashadow77

Woohoo! I'm awesome!

Jun 10, 2007RamenRadio

Where did u get that practice rail? That's a pretty damn good rail man.

Jun 10, 2007Megashadow77


It's in the skateboarding section. It works really well.

Jun 11, 2007SonicSoaper

Dude, that's the rail I've been wanting to buy from Dicks for ages.

Jun 11, 2007Megashadow77

It's definately worth the price. I learned all my tricks on it.

Jun 11, 2007cherryman696966

nice vid

Jun 12, 2007Surfaced

pretty nice.

Jun 12, 2007SapAuthor

I got 4 more video submits last night (yipe!) I'm going to put them up for tonight (sorry if i have to multipost, spam filter is mistaking me for spam).

Jun 12, 2007SapAuthor


Gino, brand new to SOAPs and he's already on hand rails.

Jun 12, 2007SapAuthor

http://vi ds.mysp ace.com/index.cfm?

Jefferson. Basic stuff but the kid draws a crowd ;)

Jun 12, 2007SapAuthor

(not, you have to remove spaces and combine it, the spam filter wouldn't let me post any other way)

http://www.youtu be.com/watch?v=cEoC2O_Jjv8

Sam. Awesome vid of him grinding a bunch of stuff around town, i don't think there's a practice rail in this vid.

Jun 14, 2007Megashadow77

Pffff....I could find rails like that.....If I could drive >>

Jun 14, 2007sam

Haha, guess what? I found all those rails without being able to drive

Jun 14, 2007Megashadow77

......You know, the funny thing is. Right before I posted that comment, I said to myself "Sam is gonna pop in and say something about this *click*"

I was just kidding, man. It's a great vid.

Jun 14, 2007Megashadow77

Also, I live in this really crappy town, that's, like, the center of the whole city, and everything is equal distance away...

Jun 14, 2007SapAuthor

you should see some of the rails here in Slovakia. WHen i get time i really need to go on a small SOAPing expidition. Here's a great example of one of them, this one i HAVE to hit before I go to Kosice.


Jun 14, 2007SapAuthor

oh and sorry, not off ground, off the ledge.

Jun 16, 2007JeiHeirumaru

My god...grindalicious *above picture*

Jun 16, 2007SpiderSoaper

damn i wanna soap it so bad!

Jun 16, 2007SapAuthor

I know, right? And there's more. The whole city has these hand rail thingies, they are a bit high but i think i could jump up (if not, there's a lower bar in the middle that you can step up onto). Plus in areas there are low metal rails used as sort of "curbs" for cars, and some very sick downhill rails. As much as i don't really like Slovakia (save my Kristy <3 ) it has some nice rails.
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