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Another shoe besides the express
Jun 11, 2007 by RamenRadio

If anyone could think of a shoe other than a shoe with an express plate, post which shoe you would want back and why you would want it. I know pretty much everyone is going to say broadsides or asides, but try and see if there are other shoes that you would want back too. HOWEVER, choose a shoe that has a cemented plate on it.

Jun 11, 2007RamenRadio

I'd want:
the broadsides or asides for obvious reasons (mainly I want the original design of the broadsides)

Scorchers because I want to check out what the speedster plate is like, it's a really nice looking shoe, and I think that's it.

Prabas because I really want to check out the Impact Plate (looking at the comments about it, it sounds like an awesome plate)

Flow, because of the impact plate again.

Spin, see how comfortable it is, a good skateboard shoe (thinking about skateboarding again)

Jun 11, 2007RamenRadio

oops, I know I said only a cemented grind plate, so I guess you can ignore the spin

Jun 12, 2007RamenRadio

also to the scorcher, i'd want it because it's sonic shoe :D lol

Jun 12, 2007soaper16

it would depend on what type of soaping you were into.

Jun 12, 2007RamenRadio


Jun 12, 2007AnthoFlex

Ledges, rails...thats what he means. You wont use Speedsters on a ledge, unless you are retarded

Jun 12, 2007RamenRadio

oh XD sorry, I didn't know he was referring to the speedsters.

Jun 12, 2007mets603412

scorchers would definitely be one i would wanna see back.

Jun 12, 2007MusicSoaper

Well, if Hella Stupid Lugnuts (HSL) would actually look at the big picture and notice that soaps are coming back and bigger than Heelys, they would whip out the blueprints of the scorchers and any others and start releasiing....But they are just haters.

Jun 12, 2007Megashadow77

HSL hates SOAP because Heelys with plates didn't help the Heelys at all.....

Jun 12, 2007Surfaced

eh, I bet that mysterious plastic arch on the bottom helped sell a few pairs to the kiddies. They like that kind of stuff I think.

Jun 12, 2007RamenRadio

They are not necessarily haters, they just like their own idea better than soap shoes. Seriously, if they didn't like the concept of a grindplate only on a shoe, they shouldn't have took soap shoes for the rights of a grind plate on their own shoe and making it so more uncomfortable to wear.

They know how to make grind shoes, definitely. If you look at the Tbones and the express, it's made so that if the glue wears off on the shoe, the grind plate will still remain in the shoe. So they can definitely do a decent job for soap shoes. The real problem at hand is that even though their sales are failing (and also more and more people are really starting to dislike heelys), they continue to advertise and keep trying to make new shoes.
Well, to be honest, it sounds a little like what we're trying to do here. Even though things seem to be bad and getting worse, they continue to fight for what they like and believe inHOWEVER, the big difference between US and THEM is that we're not the ones playing dirty. WE'RE, not the ones taking rights to a shoe with a plate just to step on the name and put the plate on their own shoes. WE'RE not the ones that don't supply well for the demos. WE'RE not the ones ignoring what everyone else is saying.THEY are, and it's time for them to acknowledge the fact that soap is not dead, and that it will not die. They can try and hurt it as much as they want. Go ahead and make new models! Go ahead and only have one soap shoe model! Go ahead and heel around at a mall (just to end up getting thrown out)! Soap shoes will not die, and eventually HSL, you will have to make a move when the time comes. Undersupplying sonicandpals doesn't hurt soap, it makes you lose money (I thought that'd be apparent for you since that's all you really care about when it comes to soap shoes).

Anyway, this is way off topic, lets get back on topic people! Who wants soap shoes!? ;D

Jun 12, 2007rhinoskater30

Just to let you know, the Speedster is like the Express, you just go faster when tweaked on your out edge.

Jun 12, 2007guero12

Yeah and the speedsters have better lock-in too.
So it's easier to stay on the rail.

Jun 13, 2007sam

If I had to pick one shoe come back it would definitely be the flows, those things are fucking sick!

Jun 13, 2007RamenRadio

Hell yes man.

Rhino, what did I say up there? I know a good amount about the speedsters. I want to try it out for myself man....

Jun 13, 2007MusicSoaper

I was actually checking out the Flows yesterday too. They are fucking sick though. I would buy them, but like most of us know.....Soap shoes are hard to come by. Especially if you have a big foot like myself. But i would go for the flows if i had a chance, and the Scorchers too =)

Jun 13, 2007AnthoFlex

The Speedters and Express lock-ins are the same. The only thing that is different is the tweak grooves. I'd rather form one myself by grinding

Jun 13, 2007AnthoFlex

And rhino, you usually go faster when tweaking your feet onto their outside (and inside) edges. Less contact= more speed.

This does NOT apply however, to the Dual impacts, like the ones on my Prabas

Jun 14, 2007RamenRadio


Jun 14, 2007MusicSoaper

how are the impacts anyway? There wasn't much discussion about them.

Jun 14, 2007Surfaced

That's cause not many people care for them.

I guess they're alright, but there are better (and more easy to acquire) plates around.

Jun 14, 2007AnthoFlex

I have both regular and dual impacts, they are pretty cool i guess

Jun 14, 2007rhinoskater30

thank goodness for grind plates, but i guess another good shoe would be HSL XP, yeah right...

but the express are good, and i do know about the speedsters and stuff, i just should have entered that differently sorry

Jun 15, 2007RamenRadio

I'd still love to try them out for myself. But I'm afraid I can't do that if HSL only has freaking express out.

Jun 15, 2007rhinoskater30

well, theyre kinda the same, ur not missing out on too too much, though it would be nice for a little diversity

HSL: "I've got it! A new shoe, with the Express, take that Soapers! Muahahahaha!"

Jun 15, 2007SonicSoaper

That's what SylonSoaper has been saying.

Jun 15, 2007SonicSoaper

*I mean ramenradio

Jun 15, 2007RamenRadio

Holy shit

That IS what I have been saying for the past 6 freaking months...

Jun 25, 2007RamenRadio


Jun 25, 2007Megashadow77

Scorchers- I know they're probably like Expresses, but still. I like the way they look, plus, they come with good grooves already in them.

Broadsides- Sole Plate. Plus, I think the normal plate looks pretty sick too. It seems to have good tweak.

Prabas- Impact Plate. Plus, I like the design of the Scabs, and these are....*drumroll* SUPPEERRR SCAAAABBBSSS!

T-Bones- Half Sole plate is all good. I likez it. Plus, the normal plate looks thick, controllable, and tweakable.

Jun 25, 2007RamenRadio

Damn straight megashadow77. That plate is sick. It resembles the octane plate. :D

Jun 25, 2007sam

I would like to see the dashes back, sick design plus sick plate plus sick colors= sick shoe

Jun 25, 2007RamenRadio

chyeah man, impact plate! :D that's the way to talk lol
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