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SOAP Videogame
Jun 15, 2007 by soaper16

does anyone know of a soap videogame? besides sonic? I got the sonic for the 360, its sweet, hes pullin royales all ofer the place.

Jun 15, 2007SpiderSoaper

no only one game SA2

Jun 15, 2007AnthoFlex

I know of a REAL Soap game....but, its not really my authority to say anymore

Jun 15, 2007SpiderSoaper

y not?

Jun 15, 2007RamenRadio

Maybe it will come out soon SpiderSoaper.

Until one is really released, I"m stuck playing Jet Set Radio Future or Jet Grind Radio :(
Not that it's a bad game, I'm just not as much as an inliner than I am a soaper.

Jun 15, 2007SpiderSoaper

hard to believe it's happening even though soaps arent around as much, and how does antho know?

Jun 15, 2007RamenRadio

Not sure, you could try asking him, but he might get annoyed. If I were you, I'd just wait to see what happens and support soap shoes as much as you can :D

Jun 15, 2007RamenRadio

I said he MIGHT get annoyed. He has enough to deal with, that's all I mean.

Jun 15, 2007SpiderSoaper

okay i wont ask but it is cool to know a little more, or if he's just pulling our leg, as for supporting......*prints out soap stickers, runs back to stop sign with a soap sticker on it, the words are gone* damn cheap sticker paper!!!!!

Jun 15, 2007RamenRadio

What printer are you using spidersoaper? it's probably the cheap ink for printers that does that. It lasts a long time when it's a cannon printer. HP printers just all around screw it up. But it's good to see you're putting up stickers :D

Jun 15, 2007SpiderSoaper

yes HP office jet is mine, i thought a printer was just a printer, i need adhesvive paper though

Jun 15, 2007RamenRadio

It costs ten dollars for staples brand adhesive paper (30 sheets)

Just be cautious about ink, those things are getting mad expensive. ¬_¬

Jun 15, 2007SpiderSoaper

i found regular sticker paper, same amount same price, i didnt know they had their own adhesive brand, but hey it's staples doi! *slaps face*

Jun 15, 2007RamenRadio

XD nah, don't slap your face man, it's all good

Jun 15, 2007SpiderSoaper

how dose adhesive work anyway? wont the ink, like spread out if u print on the plastic film?

Jun 15, 2007RamenRadio

Not too sure. It works just fine for me, the ink doesn't spread or anything. Just make sure you do it on the right side though. once Keith put it on the wrong side and we had a complete plank page of "stickers" XD

Jun 15, 2007SpiderSoaper

ha! hapen to me, i printed on the peel side

Jun 15, 2007AnthoFlex

How do i know what?

Jun 15, 2007AnthoFlex

*in reply to Spidersoaper's 3rd comment

Jun 15, 2007SonicSoaper

He means the Soap video game. How do you know about it?

Jun 15, 2007AnthoFlex

Cant say lol

Jun 15, 2007Zutsumi

You have to be sworn into Antho's secret Soap society and be his cyber slave for a week to find out >.>

okay that's my random sugar rant of the day *balances on rail*

Jun 15, 2007SpiderSoaper

cool that game will probably be cool......if it's true though i'd buy it

Jun 15, 2007SonicSoaper

Is it anyting like the thing I described in terms of gameplay or are you still not supposed to say.

Jun 16, 2007soaper16

hey antho, can you tell us what consoles its for, and maybe a release date?

Jun 16, 2007RamenRadio

It might not be for a console YET soaper16. First it would be for the computer I'm guessing.

Jun 16, 2007SonicSoaper

Aww man. I HATE PC gaming. It feels so alien to me.

Jun 16, 2007RamenRadio


Jun 16, 2007RamenRadio


Jun 16, 2007SonicSoaper

Not me. I hate it.

Jun 16, 2007Page645

trav wtf did you do to this page?

Jun 17, 2007SapAuthor

I'll have to get ze answer from Anthoflex personally, mwahahaha (cuz i wanna know too!)

Jun 17, 2007RamenRadio

I was saying extreme, but I put in so many e's it went off the page before you could say me lol

Jun 17, 2007soaper16

screw pc games lol, go 360!

Jun 17, 2007Page645

hey trav how the fick am i supposed to understand that? you know im completely computer dumb

Jun 17, 2007Page645

html dumb*

Jun 17, 2007RamenRadio

go to the view source window, do you see where I say extreme? Look for all those eeeeeees. I put in so many e's that it went off the page.

Jun 18, 2007SpiderSoaper


Jun 18, 2007soaper16

i would love to see the soapshoes fad ressurected!

Jun 18, 2007SpiderSoaper

who wouldnt, new plates and old coming, awsome, hardly having to hunt down on ebay

Jun 18, 2007SonicSoaper

Please don't refer to it as a fad. Fads die out. Pokemon was considered a fad and despite the new gay looking characters, it's still going strong.

Jun 18, 2007Megashadow77

Yes, it is still going strong......If your five and have ADHD.

Jun 19, 2007SonicSoaper

I mean from an economic stand-point. I myself don't care about Pokemon anymore but the children of this generation do and they will do exactly what the first age of Pokemaniacs did and buy ANY Nintendo Liscenced Product of Pokemon they can get their hands on, whether it's a shirt or cartoons or the crappy cerial or more games. A new feature in the Pokemon games is the ability to trade Pokemon wirelessly through the internet with people around the world. Between Japan and the U.S. over 10 million Pokemon have been traded and the UK hasn't even gotten their Poke-fix yet. This franchise is making Nintendo a good million, if not a couple billion, a year so to say it's not going strong is to be someone who either doesn't know his facts or just wants to go against the issues at hand.

Jun 25, 2007iwantsoapshoes

if you go on the SOAPshoes wiki page it sez something about a game.

Jun 25, 2007sam

Yes, about sonic adventure 2 that featured grinding.

Jun 25, 2007iwantsoapshoes

no, a real game, look at the first paragraph, there's a bit that sez"the company rapidly gained popularity through numerous fansites, A VIDEO GAME and live demonstrations across europe and north america soon after.

Jun 25, 2007iwantsoapshoes

no, a real game, look at the first paragraph, there's a bit that sez"the company rapidly gained popularity through numerous fansites, A VIDEO GAME and live demonstrations across europe and north america soon after.

Jun 25, 2007sam

Yes, a video game called sonic adventure 2 battle.

Jun 25, 2007iwantsoapshoes

sorry.i see now.you were right.i was wrong.sorry for being a total retard.

Jun 25, 2007sam

Its ok, i see how you could have misunderstood that.

Jun 25, 2007iwantsoapshoes

i dont know how i could have missed that, i mean i paused SA2B to type that comment, it was staring me right in the face.

btw, sorry for the double post.

Jul 2, 2007xJeremiahx

My girlfriend's little sister is staying with us for the summer and she brought her PS2. I was playing Ratchet and Clank - going comando. You can get "grind boots" and there are a few levels where you have to grind. Unfotunatly all he does is frontsides.


Jul 2, 2007xJeremiahx

You can see it for @ 55 seconds into this clip:


It's a pretty fun game and very addicting.

Jul 3, 2007xJeremiahx

I finaly found a picture of Ratchet grinding.


Jul 3, 2007AnthoFlex

ewww, thats so weak

Jul 3, 2007SpiderSoaper

is that even grinding?

Jul 3, 2007Megashadow77


Jul 4, 2007Megashadow77

Either way, they're still grind shoes. Ratcher and CLank have a pretty good fanbase, as it's a pretty good game. They see him grinding, they're like "FTW!" they look up grind shoes, only ones are Soaps.


Jul 4, 2007Slidey

lol, that is so true. When you search "grind shoes" on google it comes up with this site as the 1st result [too bad it wasn't that way when I got into soaps XP]

Jul 4, 2007AnthoFlex

solidgrind's rebirth was 3 months after i got into SOaping

Jul 4, 2007Slidey

Cool, I had Soaps for about half a year before I discovered Soildgrind

Jul 26, 2007SpiderSoaper

okay...any thing else on the videogame....antho?

Jul 26, 2007Megashadow77

I just saw some game called Free Running...it's a Parkour game...and in one of the videos, the guy appears to be sliding down the rail...but I can't tell if it's his knee, or his shoes.

Jul 26, 2007SpiderSoaper

......that fsw game that you download to your computer

Jul 26, 2007Megashadow77

>> <<


Jul 26, 2007SpiderSoaper

that game dosent work right and skips and freezes

Jul 26, 2007Megashadow77

it's comin out for PS2 sometime this year...and PSP.

Jul 26, 2007SpiderSoaper

............................for real where r u getting his, the game i'm talking about is a flash game

Jul 26, 2007Megashadow77


Jul 26, 2007Megashadow77

and the video is on IGN.

Jul 26, 2007SpiderSoaper

oh okay i see, i think it's already out

Jul 26, 2007Megashadow77

It's out in Europe and Australia, but not here.

Jul 26, 2007AnthoFlex

Why does everyone always ask me about this game?


Jul 26, 2007Altman

Why indeed?

Jul 26, 2007SpiderSoaper

i just think antho only knows

Jul 26, 2007Altman

Or so you think...

Jul 26, 2007SpiderSoaper

....yea well, okay watever this soap game is i wanna play it, that's it
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