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Pink Turtles FSW Forum
Jan 5, 2004 by Jordan_Thompson

I just put up a forum on my site (located at: http://www.freewebs.com/pinkturtlesfsw or http://www.pinkturtlesfsw.tk) and I set up a more user-friendly forum for fsw and heely related things, and a general forum. I am currently looking for moderators and people to join so I can began to advertise this forum and get a decent amount of people there. I believe that this is better than phpBB2 and will run more smoothly because it can be better moderated and everything. If you are interested, please e-mail me at: pinkturtlesfsw@hotmail.com. And if you want, become a member. I am trying to make a fun, relaxed, and busy place. No more of this lagging messageboard (no offence Derek).

Jan 5, 2004dunk

I honestly don't think it'll work but good luck anyway. Simple fact is Soap shoe related message boards don't work. SolidGrind is by far the most popular Soap shoe website on the internet but hardly anyone uses these message boards, and it's not that they're badly managed, it's just that there's nothing to talk about. The Soap shoe 'industry' doesn't evolve quick enough to give us all something to talk about everyday and soaping in itself is very much a seasonal activity anyway.

Jan 5, 2004Jordan_Thompson

I understand what you mean, and it's a longshot. But I miss the old days of brooksfsw. :( DEREK BRING IT BACK!!!!

Jan 5, 2004Mart

...brooksfsw is essentially the shoe section of this site

Jan 5, 2004Mart

I'm with Dunk on this one; There's only one major player in the grindshoe market and if there's no competition, products don't improve and evolve. Until grind shoes become more popular and more companies tag onto the idea, it's gonna be slow and boring like this. And even still, there's only so much you can do to improve a shoe

Jan 6, 2004Tactic

I recently EM Soap, and asked them about competitors, and it turns out that there's another company in the business of making gtrindshoes.(if you already knew about that please don't flame me this is for those that didn't know)The company's name is Bizo(bizo.com) I went to their site but I didn't get a chance to look for very long I had to go somewhere. But yeah anyway I just thought I'd tell everyone.

Jan 6, 2004Mart

Bizo aren't new, they've been around for ages and never got anywhere

Saloman and Rollerblade also manufactured grind shoes, the Saloman's being the only serious 'competition' Soap had. They brought out the first shoe with a sole plate but both of their models (Mr. Wilson and X-Factor) were really slow

Jan 6, 2004dunk

Yeah, I got a free pair of Bizos some while ago (thanks to Aaron), they look ugly as hell although they slide quite nicely. I've never really used them much but by the looks of them they wouldn't stand up to much.
Bizo surfaced at the same time as all the other Soap brand immitations (Rollerbalde, Salomon) and like the others they were never very successful. I'm pretty certain all Bizo are doing now is selling off deadstock from 3 or 4 years ago... they're hardly competition.

Jan 6, 2004Jordan_Thompson

Well, there are two grind shoe brands out... Heelys and Soap, but of course both are owned by Heely. I also have a pair of Bizos. Mine looked decent, and grinded nice, but I haven't used them in quite some time. Will Salomon ever come back? Rollerblade?

Jan 6, 2004dunk

I doubt it. Not until Soap shoes become the new craze again (which, according to Charlie at Soap Shoes UK, will happen in the next 3 years), then I expect we'll see lots more companies popping up.

Jan 6, 2004Jordan_Thompson

3 years? That's awesome.

Jan 6, 2004Mart

Soap and Heely are hardly going to try and compete with each other you idiot
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