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Jun 19, 2007 by adamblock

is ridiculous.


its ridonkulous.

well both. haha lets see how many people flame me for this.

Jun 19, 2007SapAuthor

Depends on what you find ridiculous. I think the forum is a bit chaotic and unorganized, could use some sort of organization.

If you find soaps ridiculous, you can go screw yourself. :-D

Jun 19, 2007RamenRadio

And that's not a flame aDAMNblock, that's the truth.

Yes it is true that solidgrind is having difficulties with this crappy server, but that's only temporary until Derek can find the time to find something new. He just got back from a wedding for christ sake.

And just because people flame each other once in a while doesn't mean it happens every freaking minute.

you've been pissing me off for a while now. You've kept on complaining about people flaming, and you keep saying it happens "all the time" I believe. If that's too much for you, that just sucks for you now doesn't it?

Jun 19, 2007adamblock

ironically, you call yourselves a family here.

i love soap shoes, but some of the people on this site are just too much.

its not difficulties with the 'crappy server' its people that take this site too seriously. if people disagree with your opinion just grow up. people on forums seem to lose their sense of humanity, like they actually feel the need to gain a reputation on some webpage.

by the way, i dont care about people flaming me, thats why i threw that last line in there. i just think society is messed up and everyone is secretly insecure (myself included) and we all feel the need to make ourselves the big man by taking everyone else down.

Jun 19, 2007Megashadow77

We are a family. Family's fight sometimes.:-D

If you are easily offended, and prefer to be isolated, then go ahead leave....trust me, we're not stoppin' you.

Jun 19, 2007RamenRadio

They why don't you shut up and go to a forum you think has "decent discussions". Just because we fight every now and then doesn't mean we hate each other. And it most certainly doesn't mean we flame each other "all the time". If you find it stupid that we flame every now and than, too bad for you. It happens, and in the end we get things sorted out. I suggest you stop whining. We (or most of us) think of this place as a second home, and you apparently don't.

Jun 19, 2007adamblock


bold letters are scaring me so! haha

i think the fighting on this site doesnt help you guys to get to your goal of brining soap shoes back. its like any newbie that comes on this site is instantly slaughtered with hate posts or whatever because they say heelys.

well face this: soap wont ever exist without heelys. its just business, kids. as long as heelys continues to thrive making their one wheeled wonders and little puny kids buy them, the soap shoe wont get too much freedom.

i completely support what you guys try to accomplish on this site. i just think some things are poorly executed.

Jun 19, 2007RamenRadio

And you bitching about our flames isn't helping either if you are too stupid to comprehend that

Jun 19, 2007iwantsoapshoes

maybe we should execute you.

Jun 19, 2007RamenRadio

And what the fuck do you know about business? Tell me, how is a shoe going to sell if they are so freaking expensive, dangerous, and if your parents don't want you to buy them because of the awful injuries they heard of? Why don't you also explain to me how their stocks are in the shit hole?

Jun 19, 2007SonicSoaper


Jun 19, 2007RamenRadio

Thank you iwantsoapshoes

Jun 19, 2007RamenRadio

That's the most rational thing I've heard since SAPauthor's comment

Jun 19, 2007adamblock

im not stupid :D

im teh smarts!

i know as much as i need to know about business.

ya know soaps are dangerous expenseive, their stocks are in the shit hole (slaps. cutting back on swears) and parents dont let kids buy them because of the injuries.


Jun 19, 2007RamenRadio

I can hardly even see you being serious about this. To me, you're a dumb fuck.

What do you think is more dangerous? Having a stupid ass wheel in your heel so that you can slip and instantly crack your head open, or a grind plate in a shoe that costs just the same for a pair of heelys without the grind plate?

you're a lot more stupid than I thought. Try actually knowing something before trying to say anything idiot


More than one i is not necessary

Jun 19, 2007sam

Actually, this form shows more hate than any i've ever been on before lol. In fact, alot of potential soapers have left beacause of gotten flamed on this site.

Jun 19, 2007RamenRadio

If that's all the dumb ass comments you have to say, I think you should shut up.

Get this through you're head, you're not the owner of this site, and you're don't control the mind of every member here. Especially not mine, I'd never let a fascist like you have my brain. People fight sometimes, it gets worked out eventually. If you don't get that, I'm sorry to hear you're retarded.

I know, I don't own this site, but I try to at least recommend things, try to make sure any mod/admin knows that there is a problem. But I don't go complaining about every single flame made by every member.

Jun 19, 2007RamenRadio

Sam that wasn't directed at you. you commented before me lol

Jun 19, 2007RamenRadio

But it's like I said, it happens, and we work it out eventually. We each apologize and everything.

Jun 19, 2007RamenRadio

You know what I found so ironic? How you keep complaining about us fighting, and how you're fighting and fighting RIGHT NOW. Jesus, you're such a freaking hypocrite adamnblock.

Jun 19, 2007iwantsoapshoes

you really need to get a life. like megashadow said, family's fight sometimes, and if you dont like that, there is no point in your life. you are a waste. get it through that thick head of your's. i dont see why your parents havent murdered you, and adopted someone that isnt as lucky as you.

Jun 19, 2007iwantsoapshoes

adamblock, i dont know why you dont call you're self writers block, because that is exactly what you are, something that stands in the way of someone's true potential i.e your IGNORANCE.

Jun 19, 2007rhinoskater30

I don't want people to get mad at me, but he's exactly right. I mean yeah Soaps are cool and if your good at em then I guess you GOOD. But if one person "steps out of line" so to speak, you chew the guy up and spit em right back out. Just because you say your good doesn't mean anything, and I don't mean everyone except for me, sucks, but you guys think your the shit just because you can side with someone you don't even know, and totally destroy someone with their comments.

And yeah Heelys are dangerous, maybe a little more if they have the wheel AND the grindplate. But if you think Heelys are dangerous, you really gotta try them, they're not hard AT ALL. If you can Soap, you can Heely. I too don't like to flame on people, but it's JUST SOAP SHOES. I'm not saying they suck, but there are plenty of other things you talk about than
OMG!!! He just said Heelys or he just insulted someone that we believe is awesome but may have not met him. And just so y'all know it's called Solid GRIND. Not just Soaps, not just Mr. Wilsons all kinds of Grinds including Heelys. The only time anyone needs to get mad is if someone threatens someone of if there's racism or something. But certainly not because of an opinion, and the sad thing is that happens here all the time. I love this site, it's great that people with the same rare intrest in Soap can talk together. I just don't like anyone to get mad, and it may have seemed like that with me and this comment, but I honestly want to express my feelings, and I don't want anyone to get hurt.

Jun 19, 2007iwantsoapshoes

rhino, i know this sounds as irrational as little WRITERS BLOCK here but please, we are flaming him, not sticking up for him.

Jun 19, 2007RamenRadio

Rhino, did you read ANYTHING anyone else said here?

Jun 19, 2007RamenRadio

Cause I think most of the time you don't read what anyone else says.

Jun 19, 2007RamenRadio

I'm sorry, but that's the third time you've said something without really reading (or not understanding) what someone was saying. I just wanted to point that out, I'm not flaming you

Jun 19, 2007adamblock

heck, at least one person likes me :D

Jun 19, 2007RamenRadio

Excuse me, but who said they hated you in the first place? Jesus, you're so fucking annoying

Jun 19, 2007adamblock

dont say jesus please. its offensive and religiously ignorant.

this thread has so much hate eminating from you. i mean you hate me because i mentioned that fighting occurs a lot? yipee.

this is the reason i said this site is ridiculous, because things like this happen.

im not annoying either, actually get to know me.

Jun 19, 2007RamenRadio

Rhino, I'm only correcting you on this. It's about GRIND SHOES, just as you said. It says nothing about heelys (as in heelying is not here). Do you get what I mean? We talk about grind shoes, not about heelying. I'm not flaming you, only correcting you.

And just so you know man, Soap Shoes means A LOT to me. You'd know that if you knew me.

Jun 19, 2007RamenRadio

I don't think I want to adamblock. I never said I hated you. EVER. Don't you dare try to say how I think about anyone here, you don't know shit.

And you're not helping adamnblock, in case you haven't noticed. All you're doing is taking up more space on a server. All you did was make another worthless thread.

Jun 19, 2007iwantsoapshoes

please, i've said this once, and i'll say it again, GO AND GET A LIFE. you are the most pathetic, littlle, "everybody hates me" bitch i have ever known.

Jun 19, 2007RamenRadio

So much hate emitting from me eh? Sounds like someone else has something to say about you're dumb ass problems adamblock.

Jun 19, 2007iwantsoapshoes

ramen,how's about i catch the 1st flight to america tomorrow, find your house, then make sure this bitch doesnt wake up.

Jun 19, 2007RamenRadio

XD I'd be with you on that.

But I think this should be the part where we at least try to make up now. I think adamnblock has gone way beyond too far, and I think we should all stop now.

iwantsoapshoes, I appreciate the support.

Jun 19, 2007RamenRadio

adamblock, this will be my last comment to you, so you shouldn't bother replying because I'm not wasting anymore time on your bullshit.

I don't care what you say, I don't believe anyone here asked your opinion (besides rhino apparently, I don't know), and I don't believe we take things too seriously.

We should stick to soap shoes topics and stop talking about politics and previous fights. You shouldn't remorse about the past adamblock. Now I'll be the first one here to say it.

I'm Sorry

I'm sorry about putting in this hate, but I nor anyone else could take what adamblock was saying.

Jun 19, 2007iwantsoapshoes

with you on that one, ramen. how about we all just forget about it?

Jun 19, 2007RamenRadio

Exactly man. :D

Jun 19, 2007iwantsoapshoes

you wouldnt know if i could join UKFSW, would you?

Jun 19, 2007RamenRadio

I'd have no clue about that lol. Sorry, try asking Mart about something like that.


Jun 20, 2007adamblock

fuck you guys. i cant believe you gave in.

i win

Jun 20, 2007SonicSoaper

You win a being a douche.


Jun 20, 2007SonicSoaper


Jun 20, 2007RamenRadio

Seems like some people just won't learn AJ. Let it be.

Jun 20, 2007adamblock

im glad im not the only person who says snipe.

Jun 20, 2007adamblock

yeah, some people wont learn.. coughcough RAMENRADIO coughcough

ps. i dont hate you ramen. its not my way of life to hate. im just saying that people should be more accepting of other peoples opinions. and yeah, i can be pretty immature, but look at what youve said too. i know its important to stand your ground and stick to your guns, but at some point you gotta understand the other person should be able to take you seriously.

so idk, read that, and disregard it, or take it to heart. i dont care, pick your poison. just giving a thought of (potential) wisdom.

pssh why do i try? everyone on this site probably hates my polygonal guts anyways. :D

Jun 20, 2007SapAuthor

adamblock, obviously you DON"T know much about business, do you? SOAPs are selling well, our problem is little advertising.

I myself run my own business, partner in selling SOAPs as well. I've competed and placed top 10 in the nation for e-commerce.

I just had a parent buy a pair for their kid too. Parent's don't really mind, most kids have the common sense to not try anything stupid until they are good.

You talk about flammers, what do you think you are starting? You are the one who started the fight, and don't think you didn't. What do you think will happen if you come in to a place and say "this place sucks"? You're an immature brat, and i think we all agree, you should leave. No one is keeping you here, and no one wants someone who will just go around and cause problems. Grow up.

Jun 20, 2007Page645

Jun 20, 2007Page645

TOP 10!!!!!

Jun 20, 2007Page645

srry about the blank comment my dell is just so fucked up i cant even type a freaking reply w/o it acting up

Jun 20, 2007SapAuthor

yeah, did it twice actually, first year got 7th, second year got 9th. but that is besides the point. IMHO people who post like that to start flame wars need to grow up.

"haha lets see how many people flame me for this."

Jun 20, 2007RamenRadio

Thanks Trevor, I think he needed to hear that from someone else.

Just to add to how he's an immature brat.

"yeah, some people wont learn.. coughcough RAMENRADIO coughcough"

I did learn something. I learned that I should not waste my time on a fucked up retard like yourself. That's all I'm going to say, I was just backing up Trevor on this one before you flame him out too you little prick.

Jun 20, 2007iwantsoapshoes

please dont tell me WRITERS BLOCK is still going on, ramen, i thought we finished him off yestarday.

Jun 20, 2007RamenRadio

He made up another thread about how he said sorry. Look it up in the forum
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