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problems with rawk.
Jun 20, 2007 by iwantsoapshoes

ok guys, rawk are really taking the piss. i took you lots advice, and tried to cancel those boltars. when i sent them an email, no response. i then phoned the customer hotline, twice, and all i get is some whiny bitch telling me that rawk is unable to accept my call.

Jun 20, 2007RamenRadio

I wonder if there is any way of reporting them. But to be honest, I don't know anyone who has used rawk before. I said go with sonicandpals, but rawk does have more choices. I think that place is some sort of con artist site or something. I'd try everything I could do to report them or get in contact with them. I'm sorry to hear what happened.

Jun 20, 2007iwantsoapshoes

dont worry, i wont let them have my money.
weird thing is, they havent even taken it yet.

Jun 21, 2007AnthoFlex

Rawk is full of it. If they take your money, you can sue. Not only for your money back, but perhaps the rest of their Soap stock o.O

Jun 21, 2007RamenRadio

If they even have any soaps. If they do, I say you sue them as quick as possible lol.

Jun 21, 2007Kile

i thought rawk dosent sell to the united states cause i tried buying my first pair of soaps off there

Jun 21, 2007RamenRadio

They don't Kile. If you in the US want a pair, you need someone to receive the shoes in the UK and then ship them to you in the US. Very costy, and a little complex. Either way, you don't get your shoes for some odd reason.

Jun 21, 2007sam

Ok, im getting really tired of saying this over and over, rawk takes your fucking money, let me repeat that one more time, they take your fucking money do not buy from them.

Jun 21, 2007RamenRadio

Then I think that iwantsoapshoes has a right to do something about them. You should too Sam, if they took your money.

Jun 21, 2007sam

I had to fight with them a little, but I got my money back.

Jun 21, 2007Megashadow77

....Sam VERSUS Rawk...
Round 1...Ready? FIGHT!

Jun 21, 2007Megashadow77

....Sam VERSUS Rawk...
Round 1...Ready? FIGHT!

Jun 21, 2007Megashadow77


Jun 22, 2007peterbowdler

Hi US Boys!
Pierre here from the UK. My skate team often buy from RAWK in the UK, they are the best around. Great service, great prices. I got some SOAP shoes from them NO Problem!!! I don't think they are the same Rawk as you boys are on about.

Jun 22, 2007peterbowdler

I don't think RAWK supply to the USA - maybe that's why you can't get in touch cause of the time difference.

Jun 22, 2007oldskoolsk8

Yo Yo Yo, Hows it goin in NYC?!?!?!
Great site! Great!!!!
I think you boys are givin RAWK a bad time for no reason. RAWK have a massive warehouse with a huge halfpipe in for skaters that they let you sk8 in free.
The owners are cool as fuck and have mountains and mountains of stuff - I was in sk8 hevan!!!
As SK8 'white bloke black bloke sais' Easino Rasta!!!

Jun 22, 2007purcerocks

Hey dudes!

Gotta agree with oldskoolsk8. Used Rawk to get all my soaps and skates.

They were hella good - and will use again.

Jun 22, 2007pepsi


Jun 22, 2007RamenRadio

What the hell kind of fruity spammers are these?

Jun 22, 2007RamenRadio

.......... I'm going to run away now.....

Jun 22, 2007iwantsoapshoes

stop telling me that rawk are trustworthy, if they were i would have my SOAPS by now...

Jun 22, 2007iwantsoapshoes

and yes, i live in the uk and we are talking about the same rawk.

Jun 22, 2007oldskoolsk8

RAWK are OK dude... they never let me down

Jun 22, 2007oldskoolsk8

They have loads of SOAPS in stock... call them?

Jun 22, 2007SonicSoaper

Rawk represenatives?

Jun 22, 2007pepsi

probably ;/

Jun 23, 2007cherryman696966

wtf thats really weird.

Jun 24, 2007RamenRadio

So you're whole purpose of going on solidgrind is to tell us that rawk is 100 percent fine, that they don't rip you off, that they sell soap shoes, and that they ship to the US. Because if all of that was true, they would have NO size 12s. That's because I would have bought them all. Now I'm pretty sure that we all straightened up the fact that sonicandpals works just great, and you get a free original soap sticker with each purchase. Anyone who would want to buy a pair of soap shoes should get them at the soap shop.

Aug 14, 2007woodsey911

I see Rawk is getting some mixed reviews, however for the record as the Managing Director I want to put a few things straight.

Rawk is a genuine UK based company supplying solely customers in the UK, unfortunately we do not supply to the States due to the high shipping costs.

At Rawk we are fanatical about excellent customer service and you only have to visit our ebay shop at:


to see that we have 100% 1000+ positive feedback, this is because we care about our customers.

On occasions things do go wrong, such as courier and distribution delays which is usually out of our hands. If something is not in stock, we NEVER take anyone’s money and if a customer is unhappy we always offer a full refund.

If anyone has experienced any problems with Rawk, please email me at d.woods@rawk-mailorder.com and I will deal with it personally. Many thanks for your time David Woods Managing Director Rawk Limited

Aug 14, 2007dunk

I'm can only echo David's sentiments. Over the years we've recommended Rawk to countless numbers of people who've enquired through SoapShoes.info about buying Soaps. I've never heard a negative comment, only lots of good words.

Aug 17, 2007iwantsoapshoes

well fuck yourself and shove your shitty store up your ass.
i already canceled the shoes and guess what? nothing happened, you little asswipe.

Aug 17, 2007SapAuthor

huh? is that saying rawk does suck and you are dissing those that say it's legit, dissing those who told you rawk sucks and your mad at us cuz' now it seems they don't? i'm so confused lol

Aug 17, 2007iwantsoapshoes

im angry at that manager director asswipe.

Aug 27, 2007greenfire8484

haha i love those fruitboot spammers up there... lol thats fucking ridiculous.... they don't even sound like real users! lol


Hey, I want Soap Shoes, relax. I got really really pissed at them, that did nothing. My shoes accually did come to me (but a week late). They Probably wont serve me again cus I had a go on the message machine saying that they conned most of you :p

Sep 1, 2007RamenRadio

I emailed the guy asking to put some soap shoes on ebay for me in a size 12. So far, no luck haha. I think he's stumped now.

In case you Mr. Rawk guy are going back on this forum, put up all your soap shoes on ebay for the whole world to use!!!!

Sep 1, 2007RamenRadio

And while your at it, put up any plates you have (not sure what else you have in stock)

Sep 1, 2007iwantsoapshoes

and while your putting the SOAPs on ebay, go kill yourself
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