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Selling Soaps Thread
Jun 24, 2007 by Megashadow77

I don't know if anyone has done this, or if we're not supposed to, but, I put this up as a selling SOAP Shoes thread. This way, people can get SOAPs from other people on here, securely, and seperate from Ebay.

It's reccomended to leave Shoe Type, Color, size, and a way to contact you. Although, I don't reccomend giving out Phone Numbers on here.

Jun 24, 2007SapAuthor

Well, this will be in the future, but i'm going to try to get another pair of 13 boltars somehow, i can't stand my cleans, they aren't comfertable for me, i have very sensative feet. So in the future, a pair of nice black clean 13s.

Jun 24, 2007AnthoFlex

I believe that this has been done before. But i doubt it would work.

If i were to sell my Broadsides or Septums for example, i wouldnt want an asking price to put here. I would want people to rip their heads off in a bidding war to get them, you know?

Jun 24, 2007Megashadow77

Well, i need some size 10 soaps. Bad.

Jun 24, 2007SapAuthor

Well we dooo sell them in express if u need SOAPs bad. They won't be the older models of course, but it goes to help bring SOAPs back. All the sales are going to be shown to HSL in hopes of bringing out some new models and bigger sizes this fall.

Jun 24, 2007Megashadow77

I have Expresses, I'm on SSS. XD.

I meant older models.

Jun 24, 2007Locke

Perhaps the new models you're trying to convince HSL to release could have removable plates?

Jun 24, 2007Megashadow77

Yeah, replacable plates rawk my sox.

Jun 24, 2007sam

I personally dont like replaceable plates to much, beacause after a while the screws start to get stripped and their wicked hard to get out. but thats just me.

If HSL did make removeable plates the soaps would easily cost about $120 just for the first line to come out.

Jun 24, 2007sam

*120 to buy one pair

Jun 25, 2007SpiderSoaper

i stil want Page645's (Kieth) ord's

Jun 25, 2007SpiderSoaper

anyone have sylons? size 9?

Jun 25, 2007RamenRadio

Sylons size 12, sorry. Sides, I love those shoes lol

Jun 25, 2007AnthoFlex

i have some Gunmetals (rare color), but it somewhat has the same problem as your boltars, but not as severe, Shoe goo can fix it

Jun 26, 2007SpiderSoaper

Sylonsoaper, of course u luv um, and the shoe goo i put on worked but, the sole is making new tears!!!! damn, i think cause the sole isnt leather, and the real ones r, but ive never seen real non-proto boltars, will u sell them Antho(Sylons)? hey Ramen are your cobalt's soles made of leather, mine r made of some cheap shit, i feel cheated off of the boltars! *throws boltars*

Jun 26, 2007RamenRadio


No way man....

Jun 26, 2007SpiderSoaper

wat is it then?

Jun 26, 2007RamenRadio

Not too sure about that. I wouldn't think any shoe would be leather though. Damn man. :(

Jun 26, 2007SpiderSoaper

i have protos and i think theyre cheaply made, tough model from soap my ass, theyre protos!!!!!!

Jun 26, 2007SpiderSoaper

Ramen is it like a soft spongy plasticy material?

Jun 26, 2007Go2Crew

Jefferson, I told you over a week and a half ago to send them back to me so I could review what the problem is. I also told you I would refund your money if they were defective, after I had a chance to look at them. You have apparently chosen not to return them, slap Shoe Goo on them, and complain about them in this thread and a couple of others. I have tried to be very fair and helpful up to now, but what to you expect? Well, the offer still stands: send them back, I will review them, probibly throw them away since they sound pretty well trashed-up at this point, and refund your money, assuming they are defective. Please explain how can I be any more fair? ---Steve
P.S. Please e-mail me directly and keep the complaining off of the forum, when I am trying to work this out for you. Thanks. (Derek, sorry for the clutter).

Jun 26, 2007SpiderSoaper

well hey i didnt think you would still want them, did u see the pictures? i understand you but when u said that u wanted them back in the same condition, i thought a ripped off sole wouldnt appeal to you.....................

here you go look at these before i put the goo: http://i188.photobucket.com/albums/z187/Jayster5109/PHOT0003-1.jpg


Jun 26, 2007SpiderSoaper

i'm sorry that didnt sound right these pics are before i put the goo

Jun 26, 2007Go2Crew

Put it all back in the box. Send them back to me and I will refund your purchase. And seriously, e-mail me directly, please. --- Steve

Jun 26, 2007AnthoFlex

Nice job Spider, nice fucking job....geez.

You know Steve doesnt HAVE to sell you protos, those are from his own personal stash that he keeps as a collection. He was nice enough to sel l it you, and you spill off in a sea of complaints. My Sylon gunmetals have the same problem, but you dunt see me complaining, thats because Steve is my good friend and those sylons are a token of his friendship

Jun 26, 2007RamenRadio

Spider, Those shoes are not meant to be worn. They are meant for display.... I'm surprised he even sold them

Jun 26, 2007SpiderSoaper

sorry will i didnt know they were protos till i got them alright, and i'm not blaming him so calm down, i know i had the chance to send them back, but i wanted to see if i can fix them

Jun 26, 2007AnthoFlex

all protos fall apart like that, you know why?

They are for display, not for wearing

Jun 26, 2007AnthoFlex

do one or the other, because u are pissing both me and Steve off

Jun 26, 2007SpiderSoaper

..............i didnt know that till i got them, until i saw the sample thing on the tounge after i wore them once

Jun 26, 2007Go2Crew

It's OK Renny. Let it go! He kept saying that the sole was tearing and looking at the photos he just linked, what it really is de-lamination of the upper to midsole glue line adhesion. Heck the prototypes were made-up in 2000-2001 so the glue is like seven years old. Reworkable with Shoe Goo or neoprene cement, but only if clamped until the glue cures, to set the bond. Anyhow like I told him, if he sends them back, I'll refund his purchase, and thne I'll see if I can salvage this pair, if there's not to much new gunk on them to get a good bond. No problem. --- Steve.

Jun 26, 2007Go2Crew

** then ...
Damn I hate it when I miss it on spelling!

Jun 26, 2007Megashadow77

...I didn't even know Steve had any old style of shoes......

Spider, you're lucky you even got protos, man.

Jun 26, 2007SpiderSoaper

....yea i guess, thanx though Steve, but i guess theres hella gunk on it and u might try super hard to get the sole apart, or maybe not cause new tears are forming

Jun 26, 2007RamenRadio

How much did you even pay for those? o.o

Jun 26, 2007RamenRadio

I mean, you can't really put a price on that....

Jun 26, 2007SpiderSoaper

well they were 40

Jun 26, 2007Megashadow77

That ain't too bad.

Jun 26, 2007SpiderSoaper

yea but i also bought plates, which i'll keep but yea, the boltars look tough

Jun 27, 2007SpiderSoaper


Jun 30, 2007SpiderSoaper

size nines out there?

Jan 14, 2008RamenRadio

I'm selling some soap shoes size 12

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