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Media Thread!
Jun 26, 2007 by RamenRadio

Think you have what it takes to be on Team Soap, or do you just want to show some of your sick soap footage?

Either way, post some footage your best soap vids.

Keep in mind, just post the url, not the actual videos.

Jun 26, 2007RamenRadio

I'm going to try to get some sick footage this weekend in Soaptopia :D

Jun 26, 2007SpiderSoaper

those HSL people told me that i coudlnt join the Team cause soaps were "Dead".........................................................................................................well.....................................they out sale your faggot product!!!! shoes with wheels have been ivented over 129475374545747564, diferent times!..............sorry back to the main topic

Jun 26, 2007SpiderSoaper

whoooaaahhhh i made a booboo, wat the hell hapend to the page?

Jun 26, 2007RamenRadio

Wait, did that actually happen?

Jun 26, 2007SpiderSoaper

the RamenRadio effect.......dum dum duuuuuum

Jun 26, 2007Megashadow77

I have two.

This one is of me when i first started.

And this one is from about a month ago.

Jun 26, 2007xJeremiahx

Good stuff man^^

I'll add my backside to this thread.

I have some more footage but I want to wait until I get a new capture device so I can get it in better quality.

Jun 26, 2007sam

Not my best work but...

The best part i think is 1:03, or the acid sidewalk somewhere in there. Sucky angle though. Ill get some sicker shit later today.

Jun 26, 2007iwantsoapshoes

i have a nice little camera phone with SICK quality, so ill mix up some of my shitty free running with some SOAPing, that outta be sick.

Jun 27, 2007RamenRadio

Spider, mind if you explain what the hell you were saying before?

Jun 27, 2007SpiderSoaper

didnt that happen to you in another forum when u posted? i believe it's u

Jun 27, 2007RamenRadio

wtf are you talking about?!??!

Jun 27, 2007SpiderSoaper

look i srewed up the page just now, on the second comment, that happend to u too on another forum

Jun 27, 2007RamenRadio

ohhhhh lol yeah that did happen. XD

Sorry, I get what you're saying now.

Jun 27, 2007Rynasty

We filmed a clip in HD a few days ago... I'll try and post it up in a couple days once it gets captured.

Jun 27, 2007Slidey

this is a vid I made about a week ago, it's got both parkour and soaping in it.
(sorry it's mostly parkour but I'll have more soap footage soon)

Jun 27, 2007Slidey

Also, this is a trick I learnt 3 days ago that still scares the shit outta me

Jun 27, 2007sam

Wallspins? That was one of the first tougher tricks i learned.

Jun 27, 2007Slidey

u can wallspin? shoooww meeee =D

Jun 27, 2007sam

ok, i can probably post pics later.

Jul 8, 2007SpiderSoaper

holy crap, sorry for bumping this but ramen in your comment (the fourth one on this forum) u asked me if they actually said that to me, that soaps were dead, wat selfish fuknuts!!!

Jul 8, 2007SpiderSoaper

and wat i mean by "they" i maen HSL

Jul 8, 2007RamenRadio

If I was a real stupid ass hole, I'd leave a little friendly message for them on one of their answering machines.

Fuck them man, they are just pissed because heelys are uncomfortable, heavy, look awful, are rip offs of previous grind shoes, and just over all stupid.

Jul 8, 2007Page645

hmmm im gonna go do that

Jul 8, 2007RamenRadio

Dude, don't. Then they won't do anything on the meeting that's going down soon.

Jul 8, 2007Page645

then ill do it anonymously

Jul 8, 2007RamenRadio


Don't forget to use a payphone and a condom

Jul 8, 2007Page645

whats the condom for.......... oh yeah

Jul 8, 2007RamenRadio


I was only joking around. For some reason I had the shag this video floating in my mind XD lol

Jul 8, 2007Page645


Jul 8, 2007SapAuthor

for all the videos, do this to take a look at what's out there. Go to youtube, search "Soap shoe" and then in the search results do by date, you'll see all the latest SOAP vids up, i went down the line, some aren't half bad ;) nice to see SOAP shoe video growing on youtube

Aug 8, 2007xJeremiahx

I made this vid on my lunch break today. SSS team submision maybe?(even though I bought my shoes from SSsoapshop) Let me know what you think. And don't mind the pinky and the brain intro. It's an inside joke with my friends.


http://www.youtube.com/v/ezJX6SUXtJ0">http://www.youtube.com/v/ezJX6SUXtJ0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">

Aug 8, 2007matrix8967

not bad. i like that last rail...it'd be a killer PR...

Aug 8, 2007Page645

omg theres a bike rack in the vid. OMG! LORD HELP ME!!!!!!!!
*runs and hides under the bed*
ow my ankle hurts soooo bad

Aug 8, 2007Megashadow77

Watch out man, it'll steal your balls again.

Aug 8, 2007Page645


Aug 8, 2007RamenRadio

Keith, I don't want to piss you off or something, but Trevor said to stop with the HTML. I don't want to start anything, I'm just mentioning it.

Aug 8, 2007ordnanceflint91


this is one of mine from a few months back

Aug 8, 2007xJeremiahx

Nice man, I remember watching that video right before I got back into soaping. That would be a fun rail.

Aug 10, 2007xJeremiahx

I just found this on youtube.


I told him about soap shoes and the sssoapshop. Hopefully these kids will buy a few pairs.

Aug 10, 2007sam

Haha, im in massachusetts right now. The are so many sick rails. When i get back expect video.

Watch out kids :)


There should be Teams for different countries
(soz if my spelling sucks) 'cus then soap would be come international! I think if there was a UK team Stu (Slidey) would probably or most defenetly be on it. I'm improving, but I hardly video 'cus I am really really short but I can jump to just above my waist or mabey a little bit higher.

That reminds me, I'm going to vid me doing a UFO on the Village Hall Rail in a sec, I may even throw in a farf or Royal or even mabey a cheese Grater, that is if I don't wuss out.

Aug 22, 2007xJeremiahx

I put together another video. It has a lot of the same stuff from the last video but there are a couple new soap clips and a bunch more skate clips. Also some old skate stuff I did back in 2001. I also lightened up the clip of my drag queen so you can see it better.


There is a couple new soap clips of me grinding a sloped rail that are in night vision. The rail starts off just above my knees and slopes up to about my rib cage. I could only get about 1/2 the rail so any tips would be great.

Aug 24, 2007xJeremiahx

Bump up since I don't think anyone saw this. I could definately use some help on the slanted rail. It is to high for me to jump up on the top so I have been trying to go up the slope. I am also scared to go much faster because I lack health insurence and I realy don't want to break my arm again. Any tips or techniques for going up slopes would be helpfull.

Aug 25, 2007SapAuthor

Going up slanted rails? Well, it's all about speed then, maybe bust a power slide to reduce area.

And just wear a lot of padding if u don't got insurance, but if u go big, there's always the risk, but u should be fine, i have yet to hear of someone breaking a bone on SOAPs, most sever i think was that really badly torn up ankle.

Aug 25, 2007xJeremiahx

Ya, the first time I broke my arm was i 5th grade playing dodge ball. The second time I was swiging between 2 desks in class when one slipped. That one resulted in a compoud fracture where my radius stabed through my skin. With my luck I would be the first to brake a boe soaping.

Aug 25, 2007Megashadow77

No way, man! I got the world's worst luck, so the first soaping break will go to me!

Aug 25, 2007greenfire8484

no. i hav entered all the contests you can think of. And i dont mean just like only 3 ppl won. I mean like ALLL contests and drawings. I promise u i will suffer a concussion and/or break a bone.

Aug 25, 2007greenfire8484

o and duuuuuhhh i forgot to type that i won a goldfish and a helmet on 2 different occasions. The helmet was too big and the fish died before i could name him. Whoopee. Otherwise, i hav never won

Aug 25, 2007Megashadow77

What does that have to do with ANYTHING?

Aug 25, 2007xJeremiahx

Thanks for the comment Renny. That was my first sucessfull 360 flip and it just so happened to be on film.

Aug 25, 2007LVsoaper12

haha yor fish died died before u could name him thats kinda funny

Aug 26, 2007greenfire8484

my last comment had to do with the unlucky argument

Sep 2, 2007greenfire8484

i broked the page i think.

Sep 2, 2007RamenRadio

Guys, can we keep this on topic? This place is being used as a chat room and it's meant to post media and comment on that media. That's all.

If anyone wants to chat, use the sonic and pals chat room, don't flood up topics with useless stuff guys. Seriously, you gotta stop.

Sep 2, 2007juno

DEAD!?!?! Well Il show them dead with a nice keen foot with an EXPRESS boot shoved rite up their----Oh. sorry. Hey Ramen? What did u get this video idea? U got something in mind my friend?

Sep 2, 2007RamenRadio

well, yeah. Just making a good amount of nice soap shoes videos and putting them all here for people to see. Maybe to put on SAP also for anyone who wants soap shoes to see.

Sep 2, 2007juno

You think rather clever my frind. :D

Sep 10, 2007RamenRadio

Hey, how've you been Juno? :D

Bump, keep putting up your media.

All of my media is on the old school soapers myspace:


And I'm also trying to think of a new Nickname lol

Mar 13, 2012RamenRadio

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