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More Moderators
Jun 26, 2007 by RamenRadio

I think it's time we put more Moderators on solidgrind. A lot of people must hate me for doing this or something, but I honestly think we need more people. I know that Derek Brooks is working hard to fix admin tools or anything else wrong on solidgrind, but I don't see anyone else doing anything. Everyone is just letting it "sink to the bottom".

I'd have to give props to the following people in order:

Renny "AnthoFlex" Castillo

He's been working his ass off promoting soap shoes like mad. Not for anything, but just for the pleasure of working with something he loves. I have to give him props to that. And since he does such a good job doing his promoting and such, I think he'll even do a good job as a moderator.

Sam, you are a kickass soaper. I think you would do a great job moderating as you do soaping.

Dario, you've proven to be a great soaper. You're on team soap! I think you should have the privilege.

Steve, I know you're a busy guy. However, I think you should be a mod. You do so well when it comes to business, and you get all those soap shoes out to everyone wherever they may be. I think you should be a mod for all you have done.

Trevor, for all your hard work, the flash and host. I think you work as hard as renny and steve.

I think any of them would do such a great job. I'm not dissing anyone or anything, I'm just trying to help

Jun 26, 2007AnthoFlex

ehh, i cant be no mod.

I already asked Derek and he never got back to me. I'm starting to think the dude dunt like me too much.

oh well

Jun 26, 2007mets603412

i think renny should be moderator of solidgrind.

Jun 26, 2007RamenRadio

I'm only trying to get more help on solidgrind. It was wrong to call the mods lazy, and I'm sorry I said that. But I just think these guys would do a great job

Jun 26, 2007Megashadow77

I agree with all of those.

But to pick one, it would be Trey or Renny, because they're on all the time.

Jun 26, 2007RamenRadio

Come on Renny, you have worked pretty damn hard, and you're a great soaper as well as a great dude. I think you'd keep this place organized man. So I think Derek should think again. No offense or anything :D

Jun 26, 2007RamenRadio

I agree with megashadow :D

Jun 26, 2007mets603412

yea renny and trevor do work the most with soap shoes and there on all the time so they would be the best choices for moderator in my opinion.

Jun 26, 2007RamenRadio


Jun 26, 2007Megashadow77

Yeah, Renny works with Soaps the most.

Jun 26, 2007Megashadow77

Yeah, Renny works with Soaps the most.

Jun 26, 2007Megashadow77

wtf? double post?

Jun 26, 2007RamenRadio

It happens. But what doesn't happen is an awesome soaper like renny. I learned how to do a cheesegrater with some help from him. I used to hate cheesegraters SOOO much, but now it's one of my favorites. :D

Jun 26, 2007Surfaced

I dont think there will be anymore mods or admins, and for a few reasons.

And I kind of like it the way it is; most of the dudes who played big roles from when Soap shoes first took off have the power.

Jun 26, 2007AnthoFlex

the only reason i asked derek was because i have nothing better to do in my day than be on solidgrind.

I know almost every typo in pic descriptions, all the way down to the broken pic of Derek's BS Farf that somehow turned into Aaron doing a FS.

and there are a lot more. But its all good. I'm happy in my current staus

Jun 26, 2007Megashadow77

Responding to Surfaced.

Most of the dudes who had big roles when Soap Shoes first took off are never ON.

Jun 26, 2007RamenRadio

MegaShadow has a point. And one of the most noticeable big role guys on solidgrind would have to be renny. He's always on man, and he plays a HUGE role.

Jun 26, 2007Megashadow77

Yeah, in the Revival of Soap Shoes, Renny, Steve, and Trey are all taking a big part in it. Which, bringing them back to life is the feat of all.

Jun 26, 2007Megashadow77

....you know what, just ignore the whole last sentence in my last comment cuz I mistyped it and there's no way I'm gonna be able to word it right.

Jun 26, 2007RamenRadio

Surfaced, are you saying that Renny doesn't deserve to be a mod?

Renny not only takes part in the revival of soap shoes, but he's also a kick ass soaper. I think that he deserves a lot more than to be a mod. And to be honest, I kind of neglected to thank him for all he as done. Thanks a lot Renny (and trevor and steve as well), for all the hard work man.

Jun 26, 2007Megashadow77

Yeah, you guys are freakin' awesome!

Jun 26, 2007RamenRadio

chyeah boi :D

Jun 26, 2007sam

I think we'd all make great choices seeing as most of us are on at least a few times a day.

Jun 27, 2007ordnanceflint91

yup definately renny...he needs to be a moderator

Jun 27, 2007SapAuthor

Count me out for mod, at least not now. I'm soooo busy with things. I try to pop in here at least once a day to post on a thread or two, but no way i could moderate. I'm trying to sell websites for a living :P

Jun 28, 2007RamenRadio

Fair enough Trev, I just thought I'd recommend you and say you deserve it :D

Jun 28, 2007Megashadow77

I wonder of Broox has even read this topic...

Jun 28, 2007RamenRadio

dunno lol. Heck, I dunno if he has even been on solidgrind. He's too busy trying to fix everything up. nice guy :)

Jun 28, 2007RamenRadio


Jul 1, 2007RamenRadio

This thread will not die until I see something decent change.

Jul 1, 2007SonicSoaper

I'm back. It's all good.

Jul 1, 2007Page645

renny and sam all the way for mod status

Jul 1, 2007Soopahsonic

I'll have to go with Trey. And if antho won't take it, I will. Not to be the "omg I'm so 1337!! look I'm a mod!" but to get rid of those Nike spammers.

Jul 2, 2007AnthoFlex

I would take it, i just dunt think i would be given the chance to.

By the way, what does 1337! mean?

Jul 2, 2007sam


Jul 2, 2007AnthoFlex

and leet means?

Jul 2, 2007sam


Jul 2, 2007Altman

0m6 t3h ub3r r0XX0rZ l0l m4k3 m3 4 $4nDwIcH

Jul 2, 2007Altman

Translation: Oh my heavens! That rocks greatly whilst laughing out loud. Someone construct for me a sandwich for my speedy consumption.

Jul 2, 2007AnthoFlex


Jul 3, 2007Altman

Sorry. I saw some 1337 speak and has to n00b out.

Jul 3, 2007matrix8967

lol n00b it out.

Jul 3, 2007Megashadow77

I doubt this will do any good unless Broox actually....*gasp*


Jul 3, 2007RamenRadio

Derek has his reasons for not logging on.

As for not adding a mod (especially RENNY) I do not know not understand.

Jul 3, 2007RamenRadio

Whoops, he has logged on lol

Jul 5, 2007RamenRadio


Jul 5, 2007Altman


Jul 6, 2007Page645

still using altman aj? that really sucks

Jul 6, 2007RamenRadio

Yeah, someone should fix your account man

Jul 6, 2007Altman


Jul 6, 2007Megashadow77

...can altman Fly?

Jul 6, 2007pepsi

it seems so ;X

Jul 8, 2007Altman

No but he can make people believe he's flying.

Jul 11, 2007Surfaced

I'm down with Altman. He's overflowin' with style and uniqueness.

Jul 11, 2007Altman

It's a good thing that under this ski-mask no one knows that I'm really SonicSoaper. *aware that he said it out load* Ummm, you didn't just hear that. ALTMAN AWAY!
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