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(in your opinion) The Top 5 Best Looking SOAP Shoes
Jun 26, 2007 by Megashadow77

What's your top five shoes, according to looks? Remember people, we're talking look here not preformance, or Sole Platage.

Jun 26, 2007Megashadow77

For me.....

1. Cobalt Boltars
2. Navy Scabs
3. Gray Crowbars
4. Blue Scorchers
5. Black Express

Jun 26, 2007AnthoFlex

Best looking? hmmmm.....

1. Black Septums
2. Black Warps
3. These Crowbars i just got
4. Green Broadside
5. Black Dash

Jun 26, 2007RamenRadio

Original Broadside
Black Scabs
Cobalt Boltars
Sylon Gunmetal
Red and blue scorcher
Blue and Green broadsides

Those are all I can think of right now

Jun 26, 2007Megashadow77

By original broadside, are you talkin' about those black ones at the top of Broox's site?

Jun 26, 2007RamenRadio

No, the original sylon design on the broadsides. You probably didn't know this, but before the broadsides, there was an original sylon design to the broadsides. But they switched it to the design that it is currently (or rather was ¬_¬, fucking HSL)

Jun 26, 2007AnthoFlex

how the hell is that HSL's fault?

Jun 26, 2007Megashadow77

Where can i see a pic? Cuz they sound badass.

And, I heard about this before...just can't remmeber where.

Jun 26, 2007Megashadow77

cuz they won't re-release broadsides/sole plated shoes. he wasn't tlaking about the color change.

Jun 26, 2007Megashadow77

....just pretend I posted my last comment before the one above it.

Jun 26, 2007RamenRadio

Mart said it once or twice. I have a picture somewhere, but it's a photoshoped look. You have to look on oNe or tWo to see the real thing in action. I don't remember exactly, but I think that's when the shoes were tested out (on video that is)

Give me a sec to look for that picture

Jun 26, 2007Megashadow77

.......Why the fuck did they change the color?

Jun 26, 2007RamenRadio

why, you like the sylon design? I think it was nice too lol

To be honest, I wouldn't remember that. :(
I liked it

Jun 26, 2007RamenRadio

Does anyone know why they changed it from the sylon design to what it is now?

Jun 26, 2007Megashadow77

well, I think the black Sylons are a good looking shoe, and those look so good together, you can barely tell it's photoshopped.

Jun 26, 2007RamenRadio

Chyeah, I know man. I would have loved to try out those shoes.... Freaking HSl..... I shall have your head.....

Anyway, I forgot to list the black sylons lol. I wish I had a pic of those :(

Jun 26, 2007Megashadow77

...why do you want a pic of them?

Jun 26, 2007sam

As Renny just said, the broadside as it is today had nothing to do with HSL. In fact they wanted to release a full sole plate, known as the a-side.

Jun 26, 2007sam

But best 5 looking soapshoes...

1. White Dashes
2. Blue flows
3. black warps
4. white vectors
5. goa whiteouts

Jun 26, 2007AnthoFlex

Travis, those photoshopped Sylon-Broadside prototype that i photoshopped is the wrong color.

The upper is supposed to be the Sylon Gunmetal (what i have) The one i photoshopped was of the Sylon Charcoal

Jun 27, 2007Soaper13

My choice...

1. Red Scorchers
2. Red&Black Ordances
3. Blue Flows
4. Red Vectors
5. Red Boltars

Jun 27, 2007RamenRadio

I forgot to mention that Renny.

Sam, I know that HSL had nothing to do with the broadsides being as it looks today. I'm just pissed that HSL didn't release the broadsides.

Jun 27, 2007RamenRadio

Those Red boltars do look nice :D

Jun 27, 2007sam

do you mean rust boltars? I think those and cobalt look the best.

Jun 27, 2007RamenRadio

XD I mixed things up. Iike the red goas is what I meant to say

Jun 27, 2007sam

Yeah, me too. Those would really stand out.

Jun 27, 2007AnthoFlex

Cobalts loos disgusting on Rawk's pic. But they are sexy in real life

Jun 27, 2007iwantsoapshoes


my faves :D

1) red goas
2) goa chemboyl
3) boltar cobalt
4) white express
5) the nitros made to look like sonic's soaps.
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