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Best for a beginner?
Jun 27, 2007 by moojuiceman

hi guys i'm new here and i have no idea what would be best. i'm from the uk so whether i can actually get a pair of these is a mystery to me but i was wondering what would be the best shoes for a total beginner. i was thinking of getting some with quite a long lasting plate but i dont know the difference between types. any advice?

Jun 27, 2007AnthoFlex

The Express shoe has the Express plate. Out of the 21 Soaps i have, those plates last the longest

Jun 27, 2007AnthoFlex

And the Express shoe on its own is light, durable, and stylish.

http://www.sonicandpals.com/soaps/index.htm">Sonicandpals.com/Soaps/ has the best prices for the Express shoe. They also throw in a free Soap sticker, and soon, videos will be available to buy at the SSS Shop

Jun 27, 2007iwantsoapshoes

you can only get one model these days: the express.
go to soapshoes.com, click on shoes(i think! buy online could have its own button!) then click buy online. it will take you to a page with a list of websites. make sure you click on sss soap shop. fill out your order form and it should be processed on the nearest saturday, and should be delivered ten days from that saturday. it is best to use paypal to pay, because they are coming from america. oh, and whatever you do, do not order from the site rawk.com. they may seem genuine, but are complete con artists. i was ripped off and i an going to buy my soaps from the place i told you to. tell me if you have any questions.

Jun 27, 2007iwantsoapshoes

hey, i wanted to be the first poster, renny, you stole my kill...eeuurrgh i mean post.

Jun 27, 2007moojuiceman

well thanks for your advice i'll look through those and see i need to save some money for them but once i have i'll buy the best looking ones.

Jun 27, 2007iwantsoapshoes

moonjuice, please tell me you live in london, i need a guy to SOAP with, it'll be boring as hell on my own.

Jun 27, 2007SapAuthor

I don't think so iwantsoapshoes, but i'll tell u what. Email me ur email address (well, um, just email me lol), i'll scan through the SOAP order forms for those in london, and email them and ask them if they want to get a hold of you at all. I can't give u their emails cuz that's just not very sound business.

Jun 27, 2007iwantsoapshoes

um, i shouldnt really be doing this but ok! anywayz whats your email?

Jun 27, 2007iwantsoapshoes

hello? trevor? look above.

Jun 28, 2007moojuiceman

mines moojuiceman@hotmail.co.uk i dont live in london i live in oxford but my mums friend lives there and we are visiting her soon so if i hav them then i will try and visit you. maybe you can teach me some new stuff.

Jun 28, 2007RamenRadio

Just ask man, we'll show you as much as any soaper can :D

Jun 28, 2007moojuiceman

i just read a thread that said they arent for just walking around in unless you take the plate off, and you cant do that with these right? so i'm gonna have to only wear them when i wanna go grinding and i'll have to carry them everywhere in case i see a good spot.

Jun 28, 2007SonicSoaper

Dude, they're fine for walking. Don't worry about changing shoes.

Jun 28, 2007moojuiceman

oh good cos would kinda screw it up by having to take 2 pairs of shoes everywhere. me and my mate are gonnna get some money together and buy some. are they fine for like curbs and stuff cos i read another thread and people said it shredded the plate, but others said they were fine. i dont know of many rails near me so it would help if you can, i suppose i can try benches tho

Jun 28, 2007AnthoFlex

Dude, Soapshoes make walking fun again. Sorry for the pun, i know that sounds kinda lame, but its true.

You pass my a sick ledge on the way to school?


You are going to work and find a slick handrail?


They are awesome for walking and grinding

Jun 28, 2007RamenRadio

They are comfortable as HELL too
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