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Jun 28, 2007 by sam


Jun 28, 2007Megashadow77

Hahahaha, Sam made a blank topic....

And I got into it using Source.

Jun 28, 2007RamenRadio

We should might as well use this topic if no god damn mod is going to delete it.

I think we should use this topic to say what we all think about what HSL is doing to soap shoes.

What do you say guys? How do you feel?

DO WE WANT SOAP SHOES BACK!!!!??!?!?!?!?!??!

Jun 28, 2007RamenRadio

Jun 28, 2007RamenRadio

wtf? I'm confused.......

Jun 28, 2007Megashadow77

I've said it before, I'll say it again.....

"Johnson! Heelys Sales are dropping! We need a new shoe!"
"Uhm, sir, how about a new Soap shoe?"
"Soap shoe? Hell no! Just slap a grind plate on a pair of heelys, then let the monkey's spray paint, then release it to the public for an insane amount of money!"

Jun 29, 2007RamenRadio

HSL, we are pissed and disgusted about how you treat soap shoes. You have the rights, therefore it is your responsibility to give into the consumers demands. What's the matter, you can't make a move without us holding your fucking hand? You're sick, you know that?

Let's go over the facts shall we? You have a new heely model with a grind plate every freaking quarter. It's the evolution, then the grail, then the torches, what the hell is next, a piece of shit heely with a rip off of ANOTHER plate? maybe it won't be the express plate next. Maybe next time it might be the impact, or the BBK, or the octane, or the speedster.

Listen up here, we don't care about how many different screwed up ugly heelys you come out with every quarter. WE CARE ABOUT WHAT SOAP SHOES YOU RELEASE

We don't want any:
Or any other piece of crap shoe you can come up with. We don't like it. It's uncomfortable, and I don't like high heels, and I'm pretty sure no one else here likes high heels either.

So far, you've done a pretty crappy job with trying to meet the demands of the consumer. And you know what? It doesn't work, now does it HSL? Even though you try to make soap shoes the least popular of anything out in this world, sales continue to skyrocket across the pages.
HOWEVER, even though the sales continue to skyrocket, you STILL don't do anything? What the hell is your problem HSL?

We want more shoes. We want variety. We want soap shoes, and there is NOTHING you can do to change that.

Release more models!!!!!!!!

Jun 29, 2007RamenRadio

Above all, until you guys say you can "fix how heavy replaceable grind plate shoes are" you guys should above all release the:

Scorchers or broadsides.

Above all else, those you guys should release. I hope you guys get some sense smacked into you soon.

Jun 29, 2007Megashadow77

hell yeah!

Jun 29, 2007RamenRadio

That's right! Who else has a little thing to say to HSL?!?!

Jun 29, 2007Megashadow77

Dear Hsl,

Wheel Shoes=Gay
Grind Plate shoes= Cool
Wheel Grind Plate shoes= slightly less gay, but still pretty gay


Jun 29, 2007RamenRadio

HSL, I hope you will excuse me for not sounding professional, so I hope that this post will make up for it.

We have done so much to bring back soap shoes (when I say we, I mostly speak on behalf of Trevor, Renny, and Steve Deel of course, but I don't know if you realize there is an entire community here dedicated to soap shoes who tries to do whatever they can to promote soap shoes) and even though all the promoting WE have done as brought soap shoe sales to skyrocket, you still do nothing.

I hope you can understand where any recklessness is coming from. You have done nothing despite the increased sales. You do not advertise for soap shoes in the least (so you really cannot use how people don't know about soap shoes as a reason, since you guys never advertise for them). It's been a very long time, and I don't see anything that you guys have done to compromise for all we have done.

I noticed something in the letter from HSL that Alex Morris sent. You guys said you would release new shoes and they would just "not be under the name soap shoes. There is a lot more to it than that. We don't want to pay an extra 50 bucks for a crappy wheel we will never use. We don't want your shoes, we want soap shoes. Soap shoes we don't have to pay an extra 50 bucks for a wheel we don't want, need nor we will use.

So I hope you guys will reconsider your choice (considering what your stocks are like, and how much care you put into soap shoes so far).

Jun 29, 2007RamenRadio

MegaShadow, the wheel with grind plates isn't necessarily gay. We just don't need it. We don't use the wheel, since it's dangerous, and we just aren't into heelying. We soap, not heely. That's one thing, but if we aren't going to use the wheel, why would we spend the extra 50 bucks for that wheel? It doesn't make sense.

And HSL, I'm very sure that you guys wouldn't consider making a heely shoe with no wheel in the heel lol. So I don't think there is anything you can do unless you decrease your shoes prices by fifty bucks.

Jun 29, 2007RamenRadio

Trevor, I hope you can let them know I said most of that. Thanks a lot Trev :D

Jun 29, 2007Megashadow77

Yeah! Go Trav!

Jun 29, 2007SapAuthor

I'll try to use some of this, but the first major speach i will have to leave out. I'm not going to show HSL speaches that are dissing HSL left and right (even if they deserve it). Give me some speaches without swearing, without Heelys are gay (instead say 'heelys really don't appeal to us, they are heavy and we don't like the wheel' or something like that). Sales aren't 'skyrocketing' but they are keeping steady and slowly rising, and it's the consistancy that is the key.

Anyways, try rewriting and remember, they do own SOAPs, dont' bite the hand that feeds you type of thing. k? This is a business, not school. any comments that are rude won't do us a bit of good, they won't listen to any 'school punks' who are ranting (which is what it will seem in their minds).

Jun 29, 2007RamenRadio

I did appologize for any recklessness in one of my other comments. I'll try to organize it better and try not to sound like I'm dissing anyone.
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