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High Rails.
Jul 4, 2007 by Megashadow77

Okay, peoples, I'm about to go try my first high rail tomorrow, and I want tips, and kind of tips. Jumping, grinding, you name em, I need em.

Jul 4, 2007Megashadow77

*any kind, dammit.

Jul 4, 2007Slidey

Make sure you're READY if you bail. A lot of harsh inquries can be avoided by refelx actions if you're expecting it.

The more you fall, the better you'll learn to fall without hurting yourself.

Jul 4, 2007Megashadow77

Anything else? The rail I'm gonna try is right under chest high, and the highest I've tried is waist high

Jul 4, 2007Slidey

...maybe you shouldn't try it?
Good luck man, and remeber, back foot first is 10 times safer, this is what happened when I tried a chest high rail front foot first

Once again, good luck...

Jul 4, 2007Megashadow77

That's exactly what happened to me once, lol, thanks for the tip.

Jul 4, 2007AnthoFlex

back foot first is like the most UNsafe for me, ahaha

Jul 4, 2007Slidey

It's probably just completely un-natural for you, and therefore it would definatly be more unsafe unless you practice it, like I did.

Jul 4, 2007AnthoFlex

i only do it on Vert rails. I go front foot first because i sk8 as well

Jul 4, 2007Slidey

You do back foot first on vert rails? Most of the time I do it front foot first lol

Jul 4, 2007vault

Bend your knees and if u lose balance your ready to bail

Jul 4, 2007AnthoFlex

its hard for my to re-adjust my balance on vert rails with my usual Front-foot first method. I go straight up relate on vert rails haha.

I also go back-foot first when doing switch tricks

Jul 4, 2007Locke

I'm the same way Antho, except I go front foot first all the time. Also when I do switch I find it almost impossible to lock on. ><
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