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oNe video
Jul 20, 2007 by mgm

Just wondering if anyone has been working on putting this video up online.

Jul 20, 2007vault

well som1 has to rip it then they hav to find a hosting site plus split it into segments then a whole buncha crap so not unless some1 is willing 2....no

Jul 20, 2007mgm

I remember someone said they were going to put it online a while ago.

Jul 20, 2007RamenRadio

No, we were actually agreeing not to put it online lol

Maybe a trailer if anything, but nothing passed that.

And putting oNe might be a little too hard to do. That's all I'm going to say about it though.

Jul 20, 2007Surfaced

whats up, Mgm? Its been a while.

Yeah we've sort of concurred that a video like oNe or tWo should not be simply uploaded... this is really going to make it harder for a lot of us to see it at this point but we are hoping that it will become more available in the near future.

Jul 20, 2007SapAuthor

we're trying, Dario has the vid but hasn't been to cooperative in getting it from VHS onto DVD and making copies. I want to see oNe and tWo too :'(

Jul 20, 2007RamenRadio

Yeah, there is a possibility of getting oNe and tWo sold in the soap shoes shop on DVD if Dario ever lends us the vids. I could have done it sunday, but Dario apparently had other plans :(

tWo there is no problem at all in putting onto DVD. oNe, we cannot say for sure at all.

However, maybe we can upload the Teaster of tWo onto solidgrind. That doesn't sound bad to me.

Jul 20, 2007AnthoFlex


Jul 20, 2007dunk

We have the space on SoapShoes.info if anyone wants to upload it via FTP. I'd do it in an instant but I really don't have the time and my cam has bitten the dust.
Btw, Relate was given a cease or desist for selling oNe due to a lack of rights to the songs they used, I wouldn't risk selling it again.

Jul 20, 2007AnthoFlex

Didnt we all agree not to put it online?

Anywayz, when we get oNe, we will most likely throw copies of them inside randomly with the SOAPs we sell

Jul 20, 2007sam

Dunk has a good point though they were given a cease and desist, already.

Jul 20, 2007dunk

As long as you're not selling oNe it's not a problem, it's when you start making money from unlicensed music that the record companies start getting pissed. And why not put oNe and tWo online? They're by far the best examples of promotional material that Soap Shoes have to its name ( so far, at least ;) ). People want to see them and watching online is the only way the majority are gonna be able to do so. You can talk all you want about putting them on DVD, good luck with that.

Jul 21, 2007AnthoFlex

i guess your right about the whole DVD stuff. I know quite a few people who talk about DVD this and DVD that but i say keep it VHS if DVD is too much damn problem.

But, seeing oNe and tWo in that perfect quality makes a better impression than seeing it on pixelated and missing framed computer quality.

Jul 21, 2007AnthoFlex

And before anyone fucking says it (im sorry but it gets me pissed) even if you put it in "pure" quality onto your hosting site, people DLing it will still not see the WOW quality if their video card is shit.

There, i said it

Jul 21, 2007Page645

and so u did

Jul 21, 2007mgm

But if you only give away random copies of the video with the shoes you sell a lot of us still would not be able to see it. I already have a pair of soaps and I'm not going to buy another pair just so I could maybe get the video.

Jul 21, 2007RamenRadio

Ok, how about I clear a few things up?

No matter WHAT you lose quality whenever you make a copy. HOWEVER, it's not entirely noticeable, and there are ways to keep the copies you make in a good quality. If Renny was to have a master DVD that was made DIRECTLY from the VHS to that one DVD, right there you lose quality. HOWEVER, it's not at all noticeable since digital is a lot better than analog. If you keep on making a tape of a tape of a tape of a tape, you just keep o losing quality, and tapes wear eventually.

Tapes are no way to go. If you keep going by making a DVD of a DVD of a DVD, you can't see much of any difference and it's not a big quality loss as much as it is from tapes.

HOWEVER, since Renny is so worried about quality, in order for him to do this with only the SLIGHTEST quality loss would for him to do this.

You make a copy of oNe or tWo onto DVD, and that's your MASTER COPY. You have that master copy ripped onto the hard drive of your computer. And with that file on your computer, you keep making DVD's off of that ONE FILE. Not off one DVD after another, just off of that one file. That's the only real way to keep it in the best quality ever.

And as for putting one on solidgrind, how about not downloading it? Use flash that way people can only view it. I recommend putting it up on sonicandpals (if you guys have the space that is) and use flash so people can just view it any time they want.

That's all I can really say right now.

Jul 21, 2007AnthoFlex

In response to MGM:

The you are gonna have to find another way of getting it, or you can buy sumthing else from the shop and see if you can get the tape.

In response to Travis:

Dude, So what if im worried about quality? I dunt like seeing shitty quality videos, period, the end. And i'll do what i please to make the easiest way possible for people to see it.

And we went over about seeing it online. Noone is gonna DL the raw video. Might as well distribute it via sales

Jul 21, 2007RamenRadio

Renny, I was only telling you what you had to do, I wasn't dissing you for wanting quality lol. I'm 100 percent for quality too, I was only explaining what you had to do. Just trying to help out man, not hate I dunno what you thought I was saying, but I was just trying to let you know what you had to do to keep it in good quality Renny.

Jul 22, 2007SapAuthor

Actually Ramen, you CAN do edits to video and keep it 100% quality, it's called Raw avi, and runs about a gig every 2 minutes of video (at 320x240). It basically saves each image as a bmp, so no loss, although that's a massive, MASSIVE file size. What we (Renny, Steve, and I) to do is take oNe and tWo and go to a place to get it burnt onto dvd via a vhs to dvd machine (lowest quality loss, plus no having to store it on computer). From there we'll make copies, and if necessary, get a huge harddrive to save raw and start making it ready for the web or compress it for this and that, but first we want it on DVD.

Jul 23, 2007RamenRadio

No matter what, you lose quality when you record it from VHS to DVD, it's just not at all noticeable. If it goes from file to file, that I would not know of. I'm not sure of what methods you talk about.

But the point was that I was just letting Renny know what I would recommend, I wasn't slurring about how he wanted quality or something. I was only recommending something.

Jul 23, 2007AnthoFlex

Trev deals with this kinda shit all the time, dunt argue with him

Jul 23, 2007RamenRadio

What? I wasn't arguing with him. I said that I wasn't familiar with what he was talking about.

Jul 23, 2007AnthoFlex

and you know what else?


Jul 23, 2007SpiderSoaper

i saw some vids on youtube, and they look like the relate crew, but they arent shown in any vids here, it looks tough, is that by any chance oNe?

Jul 23, 2007AnthoFlex

theres one video on youtube that ive seen that was like 5 minutes of oNe, but the quality is so horrible that i dare not see it

Jul 23, 2007RamenRadio

Chicken what? whatever...

Jul 23, 2007AnthoFlex


Yea, Chicken and Watermelon biatch

Jul 23, 2007RamenRadio


Jul 23, 2007SpiderSoaper

i think it was called soap style

Jul 23, 2007Altman

...Yo Renny, why you gotta be racsical dawg? XD

Jul 23, 2007AnthoFlex

I honestly think that there is sumthing wrong with me. I'm clearly not black, but i swear that Fried Chicken and Watermelon are the shit....not so much watermelon though.

OOooOOoo, i sterotyped O.o

Jul 23, 2007Page645

im with u on the "fried chicken is the shit" renny

Jul 23, 2007Megashadow77

I second that, Brutha!

Jul 23, 2007SapAuthor

Fried Chicken knows no race...

and yeah, from VHS to DVD you do loose a wee bit of quality, since DVDs have their own compression, but video straight to a raw AVI, if you had a superior video card, could do it with no video loss, although it's hard since VHS is not as high quality as dvd anyways.

Jul 23, 2007Altman

Still, there's nothing more badass than watching an awesome vid on good old VHS with one of those old school plasticy VCRs.

Jul 24, 2007RamenRadio

Props to Trev, I wasn't aware of that.

AJ, I have no idea what you are talking about. XD

Jul 24, 2007Page645

i kinda get wat he's saying

Aug 7, 2007RamenRadio


Aug 7, 2007RamenRadio

who besides Dario has oNe or tWo on VHS? The only people I can think of are the following people:

Derek Brooks
Zach Larson
Chris Morris (I think he only has oNe)
Bryndon Smith (I think he only has tWo)

We need to get both those vids converted to DVD guys, can any of those people help us out? (NOT Chris Morris, he's a busy guy and none can get in contact with him).

Aug 7, 2007sam

Im sure bryndon has at least oNe and tWo.

Aug 7, 2007dunk

I imagine loads of people have them. I have oNe, tWo, the tWo 4 minute filler, big O and some other promo stuff all on VHS. As I said before we've got the space to host them on Soapshoes.info but I don't have the time to capture the stuff right now.

Aug 7, 2007SapAuthor

Yo dunk, we need those films. Would you be willing to send us them on DVD if we paid to get them converted (we would need the price of how much a local store by you would convert them) and paid for shipping, maybe a little extra? We are trying desperately to get them. Please email me at trevorfayas@sonicandpals.com, thanks man.

Aug 7, 2007matrix8967

sounds sweet. i hope this works out. i've had to do some converting from vhs to digital...i'm not asking for HD...as long as I can make out everything (the shoes, the grind, and the person) i'm cool. everything looks kinda pixelated on my monitor because it's a 19" widescreen...my graphics card is nice though...nvidia geforce 7900gs so it pulls some nice weight.

Aug 7, 2007AnthoFlex

I still have to send you those videos and stickers for the Broadsides Alex.

Aug 8, 2007matrix8967

i still gotta send broadsides. i'm taking them for one last spin...my friends and I are having a "soap party" before college starts next friday and i'll take them for a last kind grind or two and then i'm strapping on...probably cleans or ords, who knows. but they're getting WAY to small for me. i can only wear them for a few hours before it starts to be uncomfortable. but after that, they're yours and in the mail. i even have the box all addressed and stuff.

Aug 8, 2007AnthoFlex

Sick, your stuff is going out tomorrow then. Now i gotta put this shit all in a box, haha.

Aug 8, 2007ordnanceflint91

damn Renny, u gonna have enough broadsides bro? lol

Aug 8, 2007matrix8967

oh, you can NEVER have enough broadsides.

Aug 8, 2007Megashadow77


Aug 8, 2007AnthoFlex

Stop complaining, you guys can get your hands on Broadsides when they come back out next month

Aug 8, 2007AnthoFlex

; )

Aug 8, 2007iwantsoapshoes

there coming out next month? scorchers, too?

Aug 8, 2007Megashadow77

.......Me WANT.

Aug 8, 2007SpiderSoaper

ive made my decision, i want broadsides now, beacause of the more tricks u can do

Aug 8, 2007RamenRadio

SPIDER CAVED!!!!!!! ZOMG!!!!?!~?!?!?!

XD just playing man

Aug 9, 2007SpiderSoaper

lol, i guess u can say that, and for some reason i wanna realyy do a soyale grind

Aug 9, 2007SpiderSoaper

*really wanna do

Aug 9, 2007AnthoFlex


Aug 9, 2007Rynasty

it's like an alley oop soul, but with your foot bent like a royale.

Aug 9, 2007AnthoFlex

Woah, I never thought of that trick. Imma try that now

Aug 9, 2007RamenRadio

I was only playing anyway Spider

Aug 9, 2007SpiderSoaper

yea i know

Aug 9, 2007SapAuthor

Just an FYI, no, neither broadside or scorchers are coming out in a month. If HSL agrees to release a new shoe, we are looking at 5+ months to get them produced and available to sell. So PLEASE do not hold off for the broadside and scorchers, and continue to support SOAPs by getting the express model we currently carry. More sales also means more likely HSL will take us seriously.

Aug 9, 2007RamenRadio


Shocking, why so long? Do they need that much time to make the shoes or something? That's most upsetting. Well at least I have my brand new pair of express to look forward to. About 11 more days and they are MINE!!!

Aug 9, 2007AnthoFlex

Yea dude, it takes a while to ship the molds out and start production. But its all good

Aug 9, 2007SapAuthor

Anyone have dunk's contact, i want to get a hold of him about the VHS vids and stuff. Or would it be easier to just go to soapshoes.info?

Aug 9, 2007AnthoFlex

Trev, Dunk has stated many times that he doesnt have time to copy those videos

Aug 9, 2007RamenRadio

I'll fly to the UK myself and do it for him, I don't care. I'll do all the work for him. He could send me the videos or I could fly up there and do it lol. Whichever is better.

Aug 14, 2007dunk

SapAuthor sorry mate, I'm traveling around europe until early October but once I get back I'll have access to a deck and everything I need to capture the videos.

Aug 15, 2007SapAuthor

Hey man, it's okay, we can wait. If you would be so kind to convert them and help us get a hold of them, we'll make sure they get out over here, and i can help make it worth your while. Me, Renny, and all of us are dieing to get a peak at oNe and tWo. It would be greatly appreaciated if you can hook us up.

Aug 15, 2007vault

oNe and tWo. i need to see it. its what soaps can really do rite? dang im tired im not even making sense...

Aug 15, 2007SapAuthor

yeah, Relate crew hitting everything they can, some insane stuff on there.
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Dario Nieva with a Backside UFO
Bryndon with a frontside (about to jump from rail 1 to rail 2).
Zach Larson hittin a Royale
Mark Pooley hittin a Frontside at Cornell
Derek Brooks hittin a Frontside