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What do u think of putting Steve in the People tab
Jul 24, 2007 by SapAuthor

I think we all owe a big thanks to Steve Deel. The man has negotiated time and time again for the release of SOAPs, and thanks to everyone's interest, got them up and selling again. He still spends countless time making calls, and working with me and Renny to get some more models out and keep stock in.

I don't need a spot myself, i think renny would agree too, but i think Steve Deel, if anyone, deserves to be in the "poeple" section of SG, for his work and everything, and continued support of SOAPs.

Jul 24, 2007Megashadow77


Jul 24, 2007RamenRadio

As long as it's a long lengthy tab with a lot of info about him, I'm up for it :D

Jul 24, 2007Page645

yea man i'm all for steve in the ppl tab but wat if derek doesnt go for the idea? i hope he does

Jul 25, 2007ordnanceflint91

i agree, without Steve, Soap Shoes WOULD be dead by now.

Jul 25, 2007matrix8967

the man's a saint. hell, give him two places in the SG people tab. give him a catch title too like "duke steve deel" or something lol.

Jul 27, 2007SapAuthor

anyone else?

Jul 27, 2007SpiderSoaper

well i think so he is cool, and from what i hear he is apart of soap's history, wasnt he there when HSL bought soaps?

Jul 27, 2007RamenRadio

No Spider. He owned Instride, the company that took the soap shoes rights from Artimis Innovations (under Chris Morris). This is how it goes.

Soap shoes made under Artimis Innovations

Instride receives rights to soap shoes

HSL receives rights to soap shoes from Instride.

Jul 27, 2007RamenRadio

He made a couple of nice models in his time in Instride. Everyone says they did nothing, but I think that it was something. I'd prefer being in the days of Instride opposed to HSL. I only wish that Instride had released a couple more models, I hear that there were quite a few unreleased models.

Jul 27, 2007SpiderSoaper

whoah!? Steve owned instride? sorry if i'm not getting u correctly. but yea i understand how soap went to be owned by different companies, u dont have to explain it all Ramen, thanx though.............Steve owned instride?

Jul 28, 2007AnthoFlex

Steve did NOT own In-stride, although he was the CFO of In-stride

Jul 28, 2007SpiderSoaper

oh, okay i didnt understand Ramen

Jul 29, 2007SapAuthor

Yeah, he didn't own the company, but was one of the big wigs in there. He did personally have to hand over a lot of SOAP stuff to HSL. Plus, he still SOAPs :P

Jul 29, 2007Page645

hey renny wats a CFO????? lol

Jul 29, 2007AnthoFlex

Look it up

Jul 29, 2007Page645

wat u didnt mean a CEO then?

Jul 29, 2007Megashadow77

CFO- Chief Financial officer.

Hooray for google!

Jul 29, 2007AnthoFlex

Bingo, Michael rocks.

*High Five*

Jul 29, 2007Page645

i thought u meant CEO

Jul 29, 2007Page645

and i knew both of them anyway

Jul 29, 2007Megashadow77

*high five acception*

Anyways....Steve Rocks, and is big part in the ROSS, or, Revival Of Soap Shoes.

Jul 29, 2007AnthoFlex

Nice Acronym.

We used to call ourselves the revivers. Lol

And Keith, its ok, i thought it was CEO at first

Jul 29, 2007RamenRadio

Oh, sorry I meant to say CEO. Damn, I hate miss-saying things ugh gah blah gacthclsjgd

Jul 29, 2007Page645

don't worry tiger it's alright u don't have to keep hitting yourself over it

Jul 29, 2007RamenRadio


Jul 29, 2007Megashadow77

Burninating the peasants!

Jul 29, 2007sam


Jul 29, 2007Megashadow77

And the Trogdor comes in the NIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!!!!!!!

Jul 29, 2007Megashadow77

And the Solidgrind is dead right NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!

Jul 29, 2007Page645

no it isn't

Jul 29, 2007Megashadow77

Well, NOW it isn't.

Jul 29, 2007Page645

are me and you like the only ones that are on at like 1-8 a.m.?

Jul 29, 2007Megashadow77


Jul 29, 2007Page645

hey u have an aim?

Jul 29, 2007Megashadow77


Jul 29, 2007Page645

wat is it?

Jul 29, 2007Megashadow77


Jul 29, 2007Page645

wow im an idiot

Jul 29, 2007Megashadow77

lol, add me.

Jul 29, 2007RamenRadio

Good lord, stop with the freaking chat rooms man. It's getting into all the threads.

Jul 29, 2007Page645

thats y i asked for his aim asshole

Jul 29, 2007RamenRadio

Don't call me an asshole stupid shit fuckerhe gave us his aim a long time ago

Jul 29, 2007RamenRadio

I was a little vulger, but it's true dude. I can't believe you don't remember.

Jul 29, 2007AnthoFlex

Yo Retards, take the fighting to another thread.

Jul 29, 2007sam

how about theres no stupid fights on solidgrind?

Jul 29, 2007sam

haha, nice

Jul 29, 2007SapAuthor

i conquer

Jul 29, 2007RamenRadio

I agree on that one

Jul 31, 2007rhinoskater30

Hey man, no retard naming.

But yes, he is the CFO. I actually met him IN PERSON!!! How awesome is that?! He's such a nice guy.

I remember he told me
"I was in church one Sunday and I saw a kid in Heelys get out of a pew and roll down the isle."
He then chuckled and shook his head.

Jul 31, 2007AnthoFlex

He is a really nice guy. He came over to my house for dinner and business talk last wednesday (cause hes my business partner) and he hooked me up with sum Maxwells for my Blue cleans. He told me about the time he grinded on the Brooklyn Bridge with his Scorchers. Go Scorchers, haha

Aug 1, 2007RamenRadio

Oh snap man, you had DINNER with the man?
HOW AWESOME IS THAT!?!??!?!?!?!?

How is he in person man? What shoes did he wear to your place? lol

Aug 1, 2007AnthoFlex

Hes an awesome dude, but its to be expected. ITS STEVE! lol.

But we talked about business stuff, we had dinner at my house. And He saw me almost buts my as on my practice rail. (i forgot i had the maxwells on).

There were lots of other cool things. Like a few secrets he told me about Soapshoes back in the days and now. Showed me pix of a few shoes that havent been released, that arent EVEN listed here on Solidgrind....oh man, it was great. But those extremely secret secrets must remain a secret. http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d29/AnthoFlex/Wink.gif">

Aug 1, 2007AnthoFlex

And we are gonna go hang out again before he heads back to TX

Aug 1, 2007RamenRadio


Damn man, that's awesome. :D

Aug 1, 2007Megashadow77

Renny.....I will massage your feet.

Aug 1, 2007AnthoFlex

hee hee

Aug 1, 2007RamenRadio

Renny, you never gave me that option, is it still up for bids? XD

Dude, calm down, that's going far. XD A little too far.

Aug 1, 2007Megashadow77


and your smiley faces....

Aug 1, 2007RamenRadio

He's winking dude lol

Aug 1, 2007Kile

i say take all of the people who dont soap anymore or have just faded away from soaping and put some new people up for gosh sakes the damn people dont even come to this website and yes put renny and steve both up there they have doen so much shit its not even funny

Aug 1, 2007SpiderSoaper

hey Renny wanna spare those soap secrets? u see theres no secret that the best thing about secret, is secretly telling someone your secret, therby adding another secret to their secret collection of secrets....secretly

Aug 1, 2007Megashadow77

.....[insert everything SpiderSoaper just said here]

Aug 2, 2007SapAuthor

All will be revealed...in time.... *dun dun duuuun*

Aug 2, 2007Altman

Sorry Spidey but Spongebob logic won't work on Renny.

Aug 2, 2007SpiderSoaper

*heroic voice* but it must! everyone loves spongebob!

Aug 2, 2007Altman

Not everybody.

Aug 2, 2007Megashadow77

God Loves Spongebob!

Aug 2, 2007Altman

Do you know god personally?

Aug 2, 2007RamenRadio

Do you AJ? :P :D

Aug 2, 2007Page645

I KNOW I DO!!!!! *winks at travis*

Aug 2, 2007Altman

No Travis, i don't but I know you were once very close with a Biblical figure. Moses was it?

Aug 3, 2007RamenRadio

wtf are you smoking? you smoking heelys or some shit?

Aug 3, 2007Megashadow77



Aug 3, 2007RamenRadio

I don't know how he can be smoking heelys, I have his torches at my house (trust me, I'm not happy about that)

Aug 3, 2007Megashadow77

wait, I thought they were dead!

Aug 3, 2007RamenRadio

No, his torches still live.

Aug 3, 2007Megashadow77

What?!?!?!? They still live?

Aug 3, 2007RamenRadio

Yeah, and they live in my living room........ Scary, I sleep in the next room with all my soap shoes on a shelf next to my bed..... But that one pair of shoes is lying in my living room, waiting to make a move!

Aug 3, 2007Megashadow77

you'll wake up one night man, and those torches will be hovering over you with a knife.

Aug 3, 2007RamenRadio

No heelying over me with a knife to my sylons, or my tbones, or my boltars, or my GASP MY FLOWS! Not my septums, not my other pair of sylons! SPAIR MY SOAP SHOES MR. TORCHES!!!!!!!!!

Seriously, torches scare the shit out of me. Only one pair though

Aug 3, 2007Megashadow77

I bet at night, you look out a small crack in your door....

ONLY TO SEE THEM STARING RIGHT AT YOU....with them big beady wheels....

Aug 3, 2007RamenRadio

I just want to freaking beat them up in the box, burn them, and throw any ashes into the Nile river.

Of all shoes, I really hate the torches the most.

Aug 3, 2007Megashadow77

even more than the Neos?

Aug 3, 2007RamenRadio

Those aren't shoes, those aren't heelys. Those are ugly nike's with a shitty shitty grind plate. Those things couldn't do ledges if you had glued a bar of wax on that plate.

Aug 3, 2007RamenRadio

Besides, it's only one particular torch that I really despise. The black ones are ugly, sure, but there's a pair that just disgusts me lol.

I used to think the evolution's didn't look half bad, but I don't really care, those shoes weren't in my size, and they hurt your feet like mad anyway.

Aug 3, 2007Megashadow77

....we should have a Heelys bonfire...

You know, when I win the lottery.

Aug 3, 2007RamenRadio


Sounds like fun :D

Aug 3, 2007Megashadow77

Oh, hell yea, if I can ever drive, We'll have the bonfire after a demo.

Aug 3, 2007Page645

just like good ol' times that reminds me of something with heelys burning

Aug 3, 2007iwantsoapshoes

a heelys bonfire?? gawd, you lot are weird..

Aug 4, 2007RamenRadio

It'll be somewhat fun. Burning heelys so no one else can have them. XD Not my idea though

Aug 4, 2007Megashadow77

Yes, the Heely burning is my glorius idea.
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