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Jul 25, 2007 by vault

ok guys im goin 2 comicon this thurs. and man am i gonna stick stickers everywhere. so since im goin hav ne ideas on how to get the word out cuz im already gonna go n where my soap shirt and my express. and im thinking of going in front of a camera like g4's and be in the background with a big sign. seriously so ne ways hopefully you'll see soaps on the tv again besides that heelys commercial.

Jul 25, 2007RamenRadio


Jul 25, 2007vault

thx i think im goin to stick some stickers on ppls costumes lol i start geekin out there

Jul 25, 2007matrix8967

A+ buddy. sticker slap like mad. go crazy.

Jul 26, 2007vault

ok tommorows the big day n i just remembered my badge says professional because my dad had his work send him there so ill be decked out. oh yeah check g4 every so often u never know

Jul 26, 2007matrix8967

if you do this...i'm having your babies.

Jul 26, 2007SapAuthor

Link us if any vid comes up, i got to see this :D Good job representing SOAPs man!

Jul 26, 2007Altman

Don't forget to mention the SSS Store to the Sonic cosplayers.

Jul 27, 2007matrix8967

if you do this, i'll take a bullet for you.

Jul 27, 2007AnthoFlex

what the hell is comi-con?

Jul 27, 2007Altman

Comic-Con is an annual comic book convention held in San-Diego and starting in 2006 New York City. It is host to the biggest names in the comic book industry and many major things go down there every year.

Jul 27, 2007Page645

u would know AJ

Jul 27, 2007vault

hey guys just got back and man was that fun ok so i handed out stickers talked to kids gave them some stickers and it was such a great experience. My favorite was kid a when he asked what are Soap shoes and i said to him, " Soap shoes are a special shoe that allows u to grind on rails and ledges and such."
and he replied, " Wow those are like heely's except cooler'"
that definatley brought tears to my eyes. So I gave him 3 big stickers =)
It was cool had all the hookups no need to w8 n line since i was in the professional line and I got to see cool stuff.
Im sorry i didnt video it. BUT, I got pictures
And, I DID recommend SSSOAPSHOP.COM since thats where i got my shoe, so Trey and Steve your in good hands.
Also like i said be4, I did sticker slap mostly in front of the building on signs and in front of cars and disply cases (CHHUCKY)
So it was great had fun and got the word out about soaps again and I think my shirt helped alot since it was yellow and had soapshoes.com on the side =)
So like i said great times and i liked reaching out to the kids and get them awaay from just sitting inside and watching tv lol.

Oh yeah I was On tv dont know if u saw me but i was on G4 w/ a yellow hat but i was too short so u couldnt see my soap shirt =(
But hey had fun bought some stuff passed out stickers and may LONG LIVE SOAP'S!!!!

ps. alex Im a guy so i cant have babies w/ u hahaha jk PEACE

-Devyn ( oh yeah u can call me Devyn u dont hav to call me vault)

Jul 27, 2007matrix8967

i don't care if you're a man. babies will be made.

amazing man. amazing. you're a trooper.

Jul 27, 2007AnthoFlex

i love how everyone always disregards my existence when giving credit to the SSS Shop.

I fucking love it, really i do.

Stupid fucks

Jul 27, 2007vault

oh shit dude i really forgot im so freaking sorry man okay to requote " So, Trey, Renny, and Steve your in good hands'"
holy shit man im sorry i totally forgot it was about midnight when i wrote that
I know your a major part in SSS Shop and Im an idiot for forgetting
Im srry

Jul 27, 2007SapAuthor

I'm sure it wasnt intentional Renny, don't be too hard on him, he did do a lot of promo for us. I know ur a big part of this shop man.

Jul 27, 2007vault

seriously man im srry i didnt mean to


Jul 27, 2007RamenRadio

It's all good man, don't worry about it you said sorry.


Jul 27, 2007RamenRadio

Don't say sorry for supporting soap shoes though lol.

Jul 27, 2007RamenRadio

Renny, I am sorry that some of us here forget to recognize you though. Renny you have done a lot of work as well. Soap Shoes is getting bigger thanks to you, Steve, and Trevor, and we should be thankful to you for that. I guess people just aren't aware of it no matter how many times I post it, so I think I will post a little something right here:

Renny has been the person working on saving soap shoes from being taken off the face of the planet. When he found out about soap shoes, it was very much dead. There wasn't anything going on in the soaping world. What he could have done was just buy heelys with grind plates and use those as soap shoes forever. HOWEVER, Renny is the guy that said no. He didn't want to buy a pair of shoes for an extra 50 bucks for a wheel he wouldn't use, he wouldn't buy a pair of shoes that he thought was ugly (when he could buy a pair of nice soap shoes that looked WAY nice), and most of all, he did nothing that was easy (it's a lot easier to buy a pair of torches than to save a whole idea from dying). He's the guy that wanted soap shoes to stay alive, and NO MATTER HOW HARD the work was, he's still doing. He does it all for the sake of soaping, and that shows how much he enjoys soaping, and how much work he's done.

Renny, I hope that makes you feel a little better.

Soaper's and "soapettes" (I dunno, that's what AJ calls girl soapers lol), that's Renny for you. The guy that's pretty much saving soap shoes along with Steven Deel, and Trevor Fayas.


Jul 27, 2007vault

hell yeah thx every1

Jul 27, 2007RamenRadio

Keep supporting man. btw, I don't think it was anything you did Vault. I think Renny was just a little upset about how no one really knows what is going on with how much work and effort he puts into stuff. Trust me, I don't blame the guy at all. I know he's doing this just for the love of soap shoes, but sometimes you wonder why people don't know about the effort your putting in lol.

You guys know about the flash on sss soap shop? he photoshopped all of those tabs. Every detail was his doing. Trevor was the one who knew how to do the flash work, but any graphic designing you see on the soap shoes myspace, sonicandpals, or anything related to those are most likely thanks to Renny's graphic designing skills. He doesn't stop with graphics though, he inspires people to soap too. Going all over the place soaping is just one thing, but he also hands out business cards to people who are interested, tells his friends in school, and so on. He does a good amount guys.


But don't say sorry vault, you're new here, so I DEFINITELY don't expect you to know ALL of that lol. Just ask around, and people will tell you.

Also check out the peoples tab ;)

Jul 27, 2007Megashadow77


Jul 27, 2007vault

ok i knew that he did myspace but i didnt know he did sssoap design i understand i got it

Jul 27, 2007SpiderSoaper

Renny how did u end up working for soap? u are head of promotion, right? have u ever spoken to Chris Morris?

Jul 28, 2007AnthoFlex

I ended up working for Soap because i would always (and still do) promote Soaps to the extreme. Noone can even begin to imagine how Soaps has influenced my life. I literally Eat, sleep, and LIVE Soapshoes. 24/7 366 days of the year.

Every bit of w.e comes out of my mouth is always Soap-related.

Noone ever hates on me Soaping anymore because i have both the Skillz and the Material to show that when it comes to Soap, i dont Fuck around.

and yes, I have spoken to Chris Morris a few times.

Jul 28, 2007SpiderSoaper

he got u the job? and thats cool u got to talk to him

Jul 28, 2007AnthoFlex

Chris didnt get me the job, the dude never did anything for me. We just talked.

Jul 28, 2007matrix8967

wait, like...work for soap, do you mean you filled out the app and recieve payroll for promoting, or it's like volunteer/no recognition from hsl work?

Jul 28, 2007matrix8967

like freelance?

Jul 28, 2007AnthoFlex

no no, ugh...

never mind, just drop the subject

Jul 28, 2007AnthoFlex

This is like the same kinda crap that got my dad pissed at me for supporting Soaps


Jul 28, 2007SpiderSoaper

thats kind of sad... my dad would have thought the same thing, oh well if u dont wanna tell us then alright i'm cool

Jul 28, 2007AnthoFlex

Nah it isnt that. I remember i used to get bashed left and right by my family for supporting Soaps with out any pay. I would tell them that getting Stickers, shirts, and other free stuff was all that i wanted.

They even had the guts to tell me "Why don't you support Heelys? Its more popular, everyone does it, and at least you'll get paid for doing it..."

Every fucking night i would have to go home to the same shit....every single day. I eventually had to keep my voluntary promotion on the down-low.

Eventually i got recognized for my EXTREMELY hard work that i did daily. I got a job at the SSS Shop, and now look at me, i get the respect i deserve, i get paid, and i have fun. Now, my dad wears Soaps on occasion, always wears one of my Soap hats, and my mom even wears Soap shirts.

And thats the way i like it. I demand the respect I rightfully deserve.

Jul 28, 2007SpiderSoaper

thats a cool story now that u fully explained, my parents would have been all "who r u working for? is it safe, r they trustful? que carajo tambien ase el Jay?".......oh well....hey is there anything that i can do to help out soaps my self, i have drawn so many soap shit that it aint funny, i luv to draw its a hobby of mine, i even drew the 4 fathers with their proper soaps, damn my scanner dosent work, i wanna ulpoad them to show u guys

Jul 28, 2007xJeremiahx

damn Devyn, I wish I would have read this thread earlier. I live in the San diego area. I could have shown you around and shown you my local soap spots.

Jul 28, 2007AnthoFlex

Wow, that phrase is your typical hispanic parental kick-in-the-face

Jul 28, 2007SpiderSoaper

yes it is Renny, u get told the same thing

Jul 28, 2007vault

renny i totally agree w/ u and it was a mistake i dont want us to hav a vendetta between us
u work real hard and u are a major part of the soaping community.
I know u live millions a miles away from me but i just dont want anybody angry @ me

ps. thx jerimiah.

Jul 28, 2007Page645

dude trust me i know renny enough to know that he just wanted you and everyone else around here steve and trey aren't the only ones who've worked their asses off so he is DEFINITLY cool. i hope

Jul 28, 2007RamenRadio

Keith, you ever IM me again and I'll kill you.

Jul 28, 2007Page645

oh shit u got that?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
and dude wats up ur ass?

Jul 28, 2007Kile

oh shit its going down between Trav and Keith i think im gonna have to jump in now

Jul 28, 2007Megashadow77

*shows up wearing a black and white striped shirt*

I want no hits below the belt!

Jul 28, 2007AnthoFlex

I dunt hate anyone. I just like to see the awareness of what i do shown as well.

Or anyone for that matter

Jul 28, 2007vault

ok cool man

Jul 29, 2007SapAuthor

Yeah, at first it was just Steve, i offered my site to sell the stuff for free and build the first (crappy) flash system. Then, cuz i was fund raising, he gave me a commission on shoe sales, and soon we just called it a partnership.

Later, I suggested to Steve to bring my main man Renny in on this, since he was already doing so much for SOAPs and helping us, steve was already on it. Renny helped rebuild the flash site, make it snazzier and more functional, build the myspace page, and we brought him in as a partner, head of promotion. Since then, hes put together a Demo, countless surveys and promo tools, done a lot of tracking down of vids and brought in some great ideas. I manage the SSS team, the website and flash, and crunch numbers and sales data, and steve handles shipping and payments. We all deal with HSL in our own ways.

So yeah, Renny is as big of a part of this thing as me and steve are (probably more than me).

But don't forget all of you, every soaper who ground a rail in public, told a friend, or bought SOAPs from us is helping keep soaps alive. We don't have money or means to promote, just by word of mouth really (and renny's things he comes up with). Give yourselves a pat on the back lol.


C'mon everyone hug and make up, we area community where we are trying to WORK TOGETHER to bring Soap Shoes back into popularity again.
*Hugs vault and AnthoFlex*

Aug 2, 2007Altman

...That's creepy. Don't hug me.

Aug 6, 2007Surfaced

Comic-Con... the most colossal gathering of virgins.


Aug 6, 2007AnthoFlex

oh shit, haha

Aug 6, 2007Megashadow77

............*dies of laughter*

Aug 6, 2007vault

lol so true

Aug 6, 2007SapAuthor

Hey, not all of us dorks can't find dates. They just need to do what I do and find someone who is as dorky (even more so) than themselves :P Kristy and I <3 watching cartoons, playing video games, and being total uber dorks.

Dorks together make a happy life.

Aug 6, 2007Altman

True. I just wish my girlfriend liked comics as much as I do. The only comic related thing she likes is the upside-down kiss from the first Spider-Man movie.

Aug 6, 2007matrix8967

yeah, i'm all about some comics...i'm going through my yearly hellblazer kick.
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