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A visual tricktionary, made by us?
Jul 27, 2007 by graybass20x6

Hey guys, I just had an epiphany of sorts.

Whilst looking up the tricks for our shoes, I wondered why there isn't a full guide to all the tricks we can do and come up with? I mean, there are a few sites with tricks...but not all the ones I've ever seen done.

That brought about this idea: Why don't all us SOAPers create a full visual tricktionary? We can take pictures of us doing the tricks, and then post them up as a guide and provide tips and pointers on how to get the trick right. This will also help with the creation of new tricks and other techniques.

It's probably been attempted before, but I think, as a labor of love for the sport, we can make something really useful.

Comments, questions, complete bust of an idea?


Jul 27, 2007SpiderSoaper

the sonic 360 spin? lol, maybe that can be one, if it's not already

Jul 27, 2007Altman

That would be called a switch-up.

Jul 27, 2007SpiderSoaper

thats a trick already?

Jul 27, 2007AnthoFlex

has everyone totally ignored the tricktionary on www.SSsoapshop.com? or www.myspace.com/Soapshoes?

Jul 27, 2007SapAuthor

lol i'm with Renny on this one, there is a complete tutorial with practically every trick, both picture, description, AND video, thanks to Renny (and a couple from Stu). It took a looong while to code, so use it!

Jul 27, 2007Locke

Yeah, I've used that a lot to help with my technique. You guys did a good job with that.

The only bad thing about it is that Renny says "This next trick" at the beginning of almost every clip. :P

Jul 28, 2007AnthoFlex

And? Is that bad?

Jul 28, 2007AnthoFlex

The tricktionary was originally supposed to be one giant video with the tricks in order of difficulty. Very similar to the Tony Hawk Trick Tips videos. And from Lateral to Sole plate trick difficulty as well. But we decided to cut it up into seperate tricks for the flash.

In fact though, when we go visit HSL next month, Trev and I are thinking about re-doing the Tricktionary to give out in DVD form with purchases of new Soaps. (Scorchers, Broadsides, Express). The video would be in better quality, without a shitty P.R. It would be filmed in the same sk8 park as Team Heelys did their tricktionary videos. (Which was obviously thought of after our tricktionary)

Jul 28, 2007Megashadow77

That sounds Super-D Badass!

Count another badass point for Renny Castillo!

Jul 28, 2007SpiderSoaper

awsome, i gotta see that, can u do a sidewalk?

Jul 28, 2007AnthoFlex

Actually, i've never tried any sidewalk or variation of the sidewalk. My guess is that i probably wont do it correctly anywayz.

Believe it or not, the only tricks i cant do (that i can remember off the top of my head) are:

Fastslide (i can do a torque, but cant do fastslide, what a world...)


Unity (But i can do a switch-unity...wtf is that? haha)

Jul 28, 2007mgm

If you want another good trick guide you could check out this aggressive skating grinding guide.


Jul 28, 2007SpiderSoaper

u cant do a UFO? i thought u did that in the tutorial

Jul 28, 2007Megashadow77

.....yeah, he did.

I am confused.

Jul 28, 2007AnthoFlex

I did, but its wierd, i cant do a proper UFO. i dun't remember the video to well, but i dunt think the UFO was anything great

Jul 28, 2007AnthoFlex

yea, i just looked at that video. That UFO completely sucks. It just gets the point across. But i cant do a proper UFO

Jul 28, 2007Page645

renny i can help you out with those UFO's of yours next time we soap :P

Jul 28, 2007matrix8967

sometimes, i can't help but do UFO's. dunno why.

Jul 28, 2007Megashadow77

MY UFOs suck, my feet tweak, but my legs refuse to.

Jul 28, 2007matrix8967

i can do them were it tweaks so much the sides of my shoes have rail-residue on them. if you guys need a clip of a UFO, let me know, i'll try to get some generic lookin clothes and be sure my head is out of the frame. could probably see if i could get 2 angles at once side by side.

Jul 28, 2007Rynasty

That tricktionary is wack. Sweatstance is easy?
Also the definitions for the tricks are wrong. sweatstance is done like a frontside, mizuo is done like a backside. Basically sweatstance is much harder.

Jul 28, 2007graybass20x6

Whoa, this kicked up pretty fast.

Antho, I have seen the tricktionaries on those sites. Don't get me wrong, I think they're really great.

My idea was a very comprehensive tricktionary made by us, for us. We could use our own pictures, and submit our own tips and techniques. You know, something on this site.

Just throwing an idea out there.

Jul 28, 2007Page645

Jul 28, 2007Page645

my bad didnt mean to do that sorry

Jul 28, 2007AnthoFlex

yea, we messed up a few things Ryan, thats why we are making a new one ; )

and i wouldnt go as far as saying its whack. I havent seen anyone else do one.

Jul 28, 2007AnthoFlex

And its true. Sweatstances are a bitch to do.

With a Mizuo, your Souling foot is already right there next to the rail.

With a sweatstance, you kinda have to disaster (jump over the rail) a bit

Jul 28, 2007AnthoFlex

And the new tricktionary wont have any difficulty levels put on it.

Look at me, i cant do UFO's the so-called "easiest trick" or "one of the easiest tricks".

Yet somehow, i can do *Switch* Unities, and 270 Royales with no problem. Theres sumthing really wrong with me, haha

Jul 28, 2007Page645

so you don't want my help renny?????

Jul 28, 2007AnthoFlex

Are you gonna go all the way to HSL with us?

Thanx, but no thanx. Trev can do good UFO's. But thanx tho

Jul 28, 2007Megashadow77

I think he meant he was gonna help you with YOUR UFOs next time ya'll saw each other...>>

Jul 28, 2007AnthoFlex


Well, if he wants to, then sure why not. I dunt really do UFO's, but if you wanna help me out, ok.

Jul 28, 2007SpiderSoaper

yea ufos arent done by people all the time, besides i think it hurts their crotches, that is if they r guys

Jul 28, 2007Page645

see mine hurt only if i hit the brake bar

Jul 28, 2007Megashadow77

You dun exactly have to do the Splits to do a UFO.

Jul 28, 2007Page645

and when i mean hurt it feels like i split my nutsack open thats if i do it incorrectly(no knee bending all ankles). if i can do correctly with the knee bending then i don't even feel the pain

Jul 28, 2007Page645

and i have done it incorrectly at time to time

Jul 28, 2007Megashadow77

how would bending your ankles affect your nutsack?

Jul 29, 2007SpiderSoaper

man i dont think any one can do a ufo like that guy from the shag this vid

Jul 29, 2007AnthoFlex

Ryan J had the best UFO's in my opinion

Jul 29, 2007Megashadow77

Ryan J?

Jul 29, 2007AnthoFlex

He was from Team Relate (original Soap team) Team Relate consisted of the best Soapers in the world.

Jul 29, 2007SapAuthor

Holy pink ninja monkeys! O.o this thing's like a chatroom lol.

First time i've heard that Renny wants to redo the tutorial and give out on DVD, i guess he was going to present it to me l8r, but i'm game, although not sure how much i'll be able to help, maybe bet the camera person :P

Also, i do get what you mean, a sort of forum thread for each trick, where people can submit pictures and stuff for others to help out, it would work well if we had a php board type of thing, but right now, dunno how we would manage it. Maybe we should start a new forum, i can make a php forum on my site, but it wouldn't be SG that's for sure, wish there was someway broox could make a organization system.

Otherwise, yeah, um, lots of posts.

Jul 29, 2007AnthoFlex

y do you always lower yourself Trev? We'll set the camera on a Tripod. And you and I will do the talking and explaining of the tricks

Jul 29, 2007Page645

damn ryan j is my UFO idol

Jul 29, 2007SapAuthor

Meh renny, just being honest :P Plus, i'm one of those overly modest guys. I'm not the best SOAPer, my contribution is in the background like Steve, you are more out there. Maybe someday if i get more time i'll be able to improve. Still looking forward to crashing HSL park with ya XD

Jul 29, 2007RamenRadio

You mean when you guys have the meeting? XD

Jul 30, 2007AnthoFlex

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Aaron MacDonald hittin a (freestyle) backslide torque slide on a ledge
Loren dalla betta hittin a UFO on handrail
Oliver Reed hittin a Royale on the way to the STL Demo
Orr Whartman hittin a Frontside
Oliver Reed hittin a Royale down the S rail at Wash U