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my crazy advertising idea
Jul 30, 2007 by iwantsoapshoes

i just had a stupid idea. i was wonderin' if i should walk around habo hotel and mokitown and gunz belting out information about SOAPs and where to get them and how heelys origanally came from them and why they heelys are so, well, just so, unsociablle. thats it. unsociablle around anyone over the age of 10

Jul 30, 2007iwantsoapshoes

oh, so suddenly no one wants all the help we can get in SOAPs revival? come on guys pull out with the "waste of space" and "emo grind" and whatever you normally say when i get an idea

Jul 30, 2007AnthoFlex

shut up dude. Noone was on at the time, thats why noone responded to your stupid idea

Jul 30, 2007iwantsoapshoes

well i never knew that. jeez, i was joking about.
there was no need for that shutup

Jul 30, 2007RamenRadio

Please guys, let's all just chillz. There isn't any need to argue man. Just chill just chill just chill.

Jul 30, 2007RamenRadio

It's not the best idea or joke, but it's nothing to argue about lol. Everyone just chill man :)

Jul 31, 2007Megashadow77

chill ppls.

Jul 31, 2007AnthoFlex

My bad, its just its quite obvious that either:

1. Noone was on at the time to read the idea
2. Noone cared enough to reply.

Im simply lashed out because i sensed a stupid, childish sarcastic attitude coming from:

oh, so suddenly no one wants all the help we can get in SOAPs revival? come on guys pull out with the "waste of space" and "emo grind" and whatever you normally say when i get an idea

Jul 31, 2007rhinoskater30

Just don't get in trouble or hurt.
You are in New York after all.

Jul 31, 2007RamenRadio

Nah Dude, I understand what you mean Renny. It's all good don't worry about it man.

Jul 31, 2007RamenRadio

Mart, I'll give you a thousand dollars to delete ANY thread. PLEASE MAN, LOGIN!

Jul 31, 2007iwantsoapshoes

i feel sort of hurt. i do the best i can to help out without ACTUALLY having any SOAPs, yet i get it thrown back in my face.

Jul 31, 2007vault

dude uve been here4 months n u still dont have soaps? i think mostly y ppl lash out becuz u do stupid stuff like create new accounts n post a forum thread about it. also " hey im the emo fuck..." dude seriorly this is a soap shoes community and ppl r rite this isnt emogrind. so dont feel hurt just leave. go to athensfsw.com n bother som1 there.

Jul 31, 2007vault

ps. here ill get u started go put light switch covers on ur shoes. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Jul 31, 2007AnthoFlex

dunt feel hurt dude. You are the one who called it a stupid idea. Im not gonna lie to you. It isnt the greatest idea, BUT, if you are willing to do that, im more than sure you can cook up some kick-ass helpful ideas

Jul 31, 2007iwantsoapshoes

light switch covers let you grind??

Jul 31, 2007AnthoFlex

rhino, what does that mean?

"dont get hurt, you ARE in NY after all"

Jul 31, 2007vault

yea the plastic 1s. try the unbreakable 1s. oh yeah u have 2 screw them on

Jul 31, 2007iwantsoapshoes

nd renny, my idea is in progress as we speak.
anyone else that plays gunz, habbo hotel or mokitown can help me, if they wish.

Jul 31, 2007DG

I can do it on world of warcraft...

Jul 31, 2007AnthoFlex

I have to vote strongly against the doing of advertising Soaps on games such as CS, World Of Warcraft, Halo, and Gears Of War. And on other Forums as well.

You guys can do what you wish, but if i remember correctly, A few attempts extremely similar to this have been done and have gotten Soaps more bashed than it already is.

You can't just show up on a forum or game or whatever and start talking about how great Soaps are.

Lots of people will usually give you one of the following responses (the responses are not limited to these):

1. "Soaps? wtf is that, sounds fucking gay"
2. "Soapshoes? Grinding? Wtf, is like a wanna-be Heelys or sumthing?"
3. "Soaps? They STILL make those?...wow dude, you have no life"
-(or the most common)
4. Dude, you DO realize this is **name of game, or forum**, Not Soapshoes.com right?

I say this because i have gotten those responses before. Not #4 though, i dunt advertise on games or forums.

Now, of course it doesnt happen to me anymore. Why? Because i just dun't bring it up outta the blue. I work my system, show media, show what Soaps are capable of, show what I personally can do, and show that Soaps CAN indeed be considered "Extreme". It can be for fun, you can take it seriously and make it "extreme", or mix-and-match tricks with Soaps and sk8boarding and/or Scooters.
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