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soap shoes for daily use
Feb 28, 2004 by jwisniew

would soaps be fine for wearing daily and grindin whenever u get a chance?

Feb 28, 2004Smokey

...That is exactly what they were meant for.

Feb 28, 2004Phantom00991

Yeah that's basically the point of grinding shoes. The only thing is that because of the plate it makes the actual shoe weaker because there's a giant chunk out of the shoe where the plate is, so when you wear then them all the time they tend to wear down faster than regular shoes. My t's are trashed from wearing them so much.

Mar 1, 2004Mart

The heels of both my Squeeky Cleans and Vectors have worn right down and have holes in them. Also, I changed the plates in my squeaks recently and the new plates don't follow the contours of the soles, thus they scrape along the ground

Mar 4, 2004Floptastic

Yeah, my heels are white instead of orange. And my friend left his plates off for a month or two, and when he put em back on, he could pretty much skate on tile floors because they were off so much.. pretty fun actually

Mar 4, 2004Smokey

One of my favorite improvements on the new soaps is the fact that they actually used strong rubber on the soles. I had the same problem on my Vectors and Cleans (the heels wore right off) but the soles of my Scams are still looking good.

Mar 4, 2004Greg

the problem i had with my soap shoes is that they where ugly like your sister.
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