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Preview of what's to come for the soap shop...
Aug 9, 2007 by SapAuthor

Everyone loves a teaser :D

We are revamping the website soon. We want to build suspence.

Aug 9, 2007SapAuthor

oops, sorry, forgot the http:, here it is


Aug 10, 2007AnthoFlex

Build a Shoe Game

More to come............


Aug 10, 2007RamenRadio

Ordinance lower! lol

Aug 10, 2007RamenRadio

Shoot, this reminds me of the black and white broadsides I was going to make. Damn it, I have to work on that one

Aug 10, 2007ordnanceflint91

I want that shoe. LOL j/k

Aug 10, 2007RamenRadio

I dunno looks pretty sharp to me. And I'm fine with ords

Aug 10, 2007RamenRadio

Hey Trey, put an octane plate in there if you make that shoe. And make sure to make size 12s or 13s


Aug 10, 2007Megashadow77


Aug 10, 2007vault

yes u r rite freakin sweet

Aug 10, 2007LVsoaper12

them shos are cool

Aug 10, 2007MusicSoaper

That looks pretty cool.
It would be even sweeter if
we put the most favorite model
and try to get it made....even
though i'm sure HSL will deny it...
but a guy can dream.

Aug 10, 2007SapAuthor

lol, everyone thinks its the actual shoe that we are talking about XD Clueless, maybe some old schoolers will know what it is.

Aug 10, 2007Altman


One the original Soap shoes website there was a game where you could make your own pair of Soap shoes. You couldn't but your creation but it was still a pretty cool game. After talking to Renny yesterday he informed me that he and Trev were working on an all new flash version of the game with real working pictures.

Aug 10, 2007SapAuthor

Although the flash game wil probably be WAY in the future, since neither of us really have a ton of time, plus im the flash coder and even something like this would take a loooong while.

Aug 10, 2007AnthoFlex

But yea people.

That shoe you are seeing there was made from the game itself. You can "create" your own shoe from every little piece of the shoe.

Plates, midsoles, uppers, logos, even thread patterns.

This is just an example of a shoe you can make by playing the game

Aug 10, 2007Megashadow77


Aug 10, 2007AnthoFlex

We are now constructing a new one that includes the more recent soles and uppers.

ex- Broadside, Septum, and HSL constructions

Aug 10, 2007SapAuthor

I had some time to work on it, and actually the figuring out the code is nearly done.

I got the color swatch thing figured out already, the moveability, a new adjustable layer thingy (so you can move items up and down in depth), now just need to do a delete object, and how to make an object appear when you click and drag on another peice from the parts menu. Maybe add a hex color enterer for more flexibility as well. Then it's all up to just design and implament the code.

Aug 10, 2007Altman

Yo, if you guys need any help I can get a few friends of mine to see what they can do.

Aug 11, 2007vault

oh yeah i read an article about the game. search soap logo in the sdarch box to find it. i tried to go to the link but got no where.

Aug 11, 2007vault

oh yeah i read an article about the game. search soap logo in the sdarch box to find it. i tried to go to the link but got no where.

Aug 11, 2007SapAuthor

The only problem i'm having is making a dragable button.

I can't use a movieclip because when it attachMovies the shoe part symbol, it puts it on a layer and thus you can only have one symbol. It only works with a button that just brings in the symbol (it's really screwy -.-), allowing for multiple items to be dragable, colorable, and layer changeable.

I'm doing more work on it later though. It's not necessary (we could just have it click and the part woudl appear on stage) but i would like to maintain the cool drag the part on effect. I'm also adding some new features, and Renny's adding some new parts.

Aug 11, 2007AnthoFlex

Dragging onto the screen isnt so cool dude. You have to drag it onto the stage before you can actually see that you are actually dragging it.

It took me a few minutes to realize that you had to drag it. And its not exctly so cool

Aug 12, 2007SapAuthor

Hey Altman, i guess i could use some help from your friend. I need to find a way to make the button on the screen at a higher depth level than the moveclip images of the various soap peices i'm creating. I'm getting totally lost.

Aug 12, 2007SapAuthor

Actually, nm, i'm taking a different approach.

Okay everyone, the coding testing is almost done. I just need to incorperate a sliding RGB bar to get the color system down (so you can pick any color, isntead of the limited pallet in the old one).

Renny's got a ton of new SOAP shoe components that we'll be adding, so it should be suped up in that aspect as well. I'm going to take a break, been working on this flash all day -.-

Aug 12, 2007AnthoFlex

Yea, imma take a break as well. The only thing that is left is the Broadside Midsole

Aug 13, 2007SapAuthor

I'm trying to get a print screen function, but it's some REALLY complex coding, external php, and the worst part is i can't test cuz my server is messed up again.

Will you all be heartbroken if you have to manually push "print screen" to save your shoe?

Aug 13, 2007AnthoFlex

I remember graffiticreator.net used to do that.

A lot of sites do that, i wouldnt mind

Aug 13, 2007Altman

Not at all. That's how I save my stuff when I use Kevicus' Sonic Character Designer.

Aug 13, 2007SapAuthor

I'm still working on it, i may be able to pull it off after all, but i'll know more l8r. I got it to come up with the image in a popup and you can save image, it is jpeg compression but not horrid, anyways i'm also working on maybe sending it via email, but this is a complex code....very complex, may not be able to send it in email >.> i'll do more research.

Aug 13, 2007SapAuthor

actually forget the jpeg, i changed the php code from imagejpeg($img, "", 90); to imagegif($img);, now it produces nice, smalle, clean gifs (since the thing will be in limited colors anyways, no gradients)

Now to figure out how to work this attach email php...

Aug 14, 2007rhinoskater30

ahhh, i remember when i was first crazed over soap shoes when it first started. i would play that game all the time
good times...

Aug 14, 2007Page645

cant wait man. this shit is going to be sick

Aug 14, 2007AnthoFlex

This is just part of the new site. Theres gonna be all kinds of cool new shit if Steve approves of it

Aug 14, 2007vault

yes. score...

Aug 14, 2007Megashadow77

....I will be able to play this all day....*drool*....

Aug 14, 2007SapAuthor

lol, although i'm still having one heck of a time figuring out how to get it to email with an attached image....this coding is so freaken complex, and i'm learning all of it lol, figuring things out as i go along. It will be messy, and probably there's an easier way to do it, but at least it will work.

Aug 17, 2007SapAuthor

okay, finally found out that i forgot to set my site's folder to writable. I now have it where the program can get and save the screenshot of hte shoe as a gif on the server, now i just nee to use the email with attachment php i found to finish the task, then incorperate the screenshot into the system.

Aug 17, 2007nigwa

uber cool. lawlz

http://www.vladypus.com/vyncentflaw/Pickupyophone.mp3" />
http://www.vladypus.com/vyncentflaw/Pickupyophone.mp3" />
http://www.vladypus.com/vyncentflaw/Pickupyophone.mp3" />

Aug 17, 2007sam

Is it just me or is there a song playing...

Aug 17, 2007iwantsoapshoes

yeah, its breaking the habit.

Aug 17, 2007sam

Nah, its something nigwa posted view the selection source.

Derek really needs to disable html.

Aug 17, 2007iwantsoapshoes

along with his life.
i love HTML, it enables me to get on peoples nerve's eeeven more...
(evil snicker)

Aug 17, 2007sam

hah, im saving that...

Aug 18, 2007RamenRadio

what the hell is with the music?

Aug 18, 2007AnthoFlex

im not hearing any music...

Aug 18, 2007LVsoaper12

i hear music

Aug 18, 2007Page645

WTF!?!?!?!?!?!!?! y the fuck is there music on here???!?!?!?!?

Aug 18, 2007Page645

ah now i see but how the fuck do you do that?

Aug 18, 2007sam

i can only hear it on my brothers dell. I read the selection sorce, that could be used for something usefull...

Aug 18, 2007SapAuthor

music html tag,...yeah...

Aug 18, 2007SapAuthor

Good news everyone, I just successfully took a screenshot in flash, sent it to a php script, had it assembled and emailed out! All i need to do now is to incorperate the screenshot.fla coding into the shoe builder so it takes a screenshot in there and we have all the tools we need to rebuild the game.

Aug 18, 2007Altman

Dude, this music is funny but sucks to the twelfth degree. good thing it's only ten seonds long.

Aug 19, 2007Surfaced

Does HSL know about any of this? I'm surprised they aren't coming down hard on your asses for this. It seems like something they would react defensively to (which is just about everything).

Aug 19, 2007greenfire8484

lol im not hearin that music... but pretty nice shoes. And I think HSL probably would do that...

Aug 19, 2007vault

yay my c/ ;i rappy mac ,os cant play the playlist lol. yeah i wa s thinking the same thing

Aug 19, 2007greenfire8484

haha i dont hav an os but my comp doesnt do anything it's not forced to do. One stubborn Dell.

Aug 19, 2007iwantsoapshoes

im on my wii so i cant hear shit.

Aug 19, 2007greenfire8484

haha Wii internet browsing is mad fun...

Aug 19, 2007iwantsoapshoes

up until you have to type something

Aug 19, 2007greenfire8484

yup. thats fucking (scuse my language) annoying as hellllllll

Aug 19, 2007iwantsoapshoes

its worse than hell, its worse than emo, its worse than korn, its SUPER HELL!

Aug 19, 2007greenfire8484

its like center of the earth lava melting ur brain hell
haha sooo much worse than korn (who knew that was possible?)

Aug 19, 2007iwantsoapshoes

you know what korn im talking about, right? not the eating corn, KORN.

Aug 19, 2007AnthoFlex

HSL has been acting a little cooler about the whole soap thing. So they are a little cooler now

Aug 19, 2007greenfire8484

yea the band lol
cuz corn, the food is the pure manifestation of awesome

Aug 20, 2007SpiderSoaper

it's good to hear that about them Antho, i mean, if they want more sales, soaps could probably do it, i just think they're scared that their product will fall under....but hey they own soap, so it's not like they're losing to someone else

Aug 20, 2007soapbofo

this looks cool

Aug 20, 2007AnthoFlex

They just fail to realize that Heelys appeals to young kids as with Soaps appeals to young teens all the way into adults. Just yesterday, i get an email for the Broadside list for someone who is 38. That PROVES that Soaps appeal mostly for young teens all the way to adults
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