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Wow, this is kinky(not spam)
Aug 18, 2007 by xJeremiahx

This is crazy! I would love to see someone bust this on soaps.

http://www.youtube.com/v/kHcpWqqagKA">http://www.youtube.com/v/kHcpWqqagKA" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">

Aug 18, 2007cherryman696966

wow, that is fucking insane, and i love how u put not spam. . . it gave me a good laugh.

Aug 18, 2007mgm

Im sure someone could do this on soaps but they would be going slow as heck.

Aug 18, 2007vault

yyeah i saw that a few days ago man hes going wicked fast. hmm i wonder what would happen if mike murda put onn soaps... 360 on the rail! i mean he did it on skates y not?

Aug 18, 2007iwantsoapshoes

fuck fuck fuck. i would kill myself on that

Aug 19, 2007mgm

A person on soaps would just brake as much as possible the whole time.

Aug 19, 2007AnthoFlex

yea, especially since you cant roll outta it.

And before any smart-ass noob Heeler says "Thats why grinding Heelys are better" You try landing perfectly on your heels after a grind like that

Aug 19, 2007xJeremiahx

^^serious. Every heeler vid I've seen they always land, take a couple steps, and then start to roll. It just looks goofy.

Aug 19, 2007Surfaced

Oh my.

Funny title, by the way.

Aug 20, 2007vault

lol i fianally got it...
this remimds me of a time when*family guy reference* ha ha

Aug 20, 2007AnthoFlex

Its because there is NO way to land perfectly on your heels after a handrail grind

Aug 20, 2007greenfire8484

dddddaaaaaammmmmnnn. that is mind explosion of the awesome variety. :P

Aug 21, 2007vault

yeah the first time i saw heelers landing was that video from brooxs utube. ah break dancing w/ heelys now that was funny

Aug 21, 2007AnthoFlex

yea, thats the video i was talking about on another thread.

Also, if you notice, all the people with wheels, they never actually showed the landing off grinds.....why? figure it out

Aug 21, 2007iwantsoapshoes

because they landed on their asses
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