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RamenRadio - U want black cleans?
Aug 24, 2007 by SapAuthor

I heard from renny ur obsessed with black cleans, and also have a pair of unused black sylons. I propose a trade. email me at trevorfayas@sonicandpals.com, my black cleans 13 are in pretty much mint condition, no threads have come loose, no permanent marks (i'll clean them up for ya), and i'll even pay shipping both ways since the cleans are mildley used and the sylons aren't.

Tell me if u want them.

Aug 24, 2007xJeremiahx

If he doesn't let me know and let me know how much.

Aug 24, 2007Page645


Aug 24, 2007Megashadow77


Aug 24, 2007Page645


Aug 24, 2007AnthoFlex


Aug 24, 2007Page645


Aug 25, 2007Megashadow77

Right past that pit of lava *points*

Aug 25, 2007SapAuthor

Firstly, Page645, we said STOP with the html, okay?

Second, this thread can let sink, me and him already worked out the agreement.

Aug 25, 2007hanson

beeeeeees lots and lots of bees

Aug 25, 2007greenfire8484

third, (and sorry) page u r the spazziest spaz ive ever heard speak (type, u kno wat i mean.) Dude, just cool it.

Aug 25, 2007Page645

first my bad trey i forgot about the html(BUT im learning how to CORRECTLY use it without fuckups)and second greenfire how does this make me a spaz????

Aug 25, 2007greenfire8484

how about the gigantic WHERE!!?!?!?!?!!?!?
the horse fucking incident... shall i go on? like no offense dude i guess i worded it wrong but u can kinda freak out

Aug 25, 2007Page645

im not freaking out that my way of joking around even ask trav or michael

Aug 25, 2007Megashadow77

Yeah, he's a jokester, not a spaz!....I mean, he his a spazz, but still....

Aug 25, 2007Page645

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