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Aug 26, 2007 by SapAuthor

http://sonicandpals.com/soapforum/index.php"> Click Here

This is the new PHPBB Soap Forum i put together, enjoy, i organized it so hopefully it won't get bad like this.

Also, The soap shop is temporarily closed. While i was switching servers, the order system messed up, and it's not worth fixing because either tonight or tommarow steve is giving me the info so we can finally open up the new shop with instant pay.

Aug 26, 2007greenfire8484

if u fucking mean SSS i will be sooooooo piiiisssssssed... anfd they owe me fucking 62 dollars

Aug 26, 2007greenfire8484

o sorry... i reread it... and that was stupid
ignore that one

Aug 26, 2007Page645

greenfire a little hot under the collar there?

Aug 26, 2007Megashadow77

*clicks there*
*clicks there again*
*clicks there once again* WTF?

Aug 26, 2007Megashadow77

Yay, I registered....*waits for confirmation e-mail*
*still waiting*
*looks at watch*

Aug 26, 2007sam

One question. Is the 'general' part for absoutely anything to talk about or is everything soap related?

Aug 26, 2007Megashadow77

I'm guessing, both.

Aug 27, 2007soapbofo

i should register for this

Aug 27, 2007Megashadow77

What's the dealio, I still haven't gotten a confirmation e-mail!

Aug 27, 2007SapAuthor

Greenfire, if you already paid for the order, chill, then it's on it's way. I'm talking about those who ordered within the last day or two, they will not receive any payment form since we never got the email, they are lost.

So if you already paid, ur set, Steve wil have the shipment label printed up and u'll get ur shoes. This is purely for those who ordered and don't receive payment forms.

Aug 27, 2007SapAuthor

Also, the forum is a bit buggy, i'll have my techie look into it, please email me at trevorfayas@sonicandpals.com if you expreience a problem. Those who registered but did not receive a conformation email will hav eto re-register, i changed it from user activation to admin to prevent further problems.

Aug 27, 2007greenfire8484

yea page... sorry dude but i thought my order got canceled. I've been wanting Soaps of my own since i was like, 7, so really i was NOT happy. Sorry for exploding...

Aug 27, 2007Altman

Yeah, Trev? I registered yesterday and my account is still inactive. Could you maybe fix it?

Aug 28, 2007SapAuthor

Altman, you may have registered before i switched it to admin register (the self-verify isn't working).

I'll delete your account, then just re-register, i'm receiving new users daily.

Also though, why is no one using it? We have like 1 post on there >.>

Aug 28, 2007Altman

I'm not really sure if I did register with the admin register but I'll try it again.

Aug 28, 2007greenfire8484

how long should my soaps take to get to my house? they shipped out on the weekend and i'm just curious...

Aug 28, 2007iwantsoapshoes

anyone on right now?

Aug 28, 2007SapAuthor

greenfire, you can always go to usps.com and do the shipment time calculator. but if you did parcel post and your inside te US, you'll prob get it next week sometime, it's usually 6-9 business days. Could be sooner, dunno.
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