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Forum Stalkers
Aug 27, 2007 by greenfire8484

Forum stalkers are people who keep refreshing, waiting for new posts to spark lil fun arguments... or conversations, of course.
If you're a forum stalker, just post here!

Aug 27, 2007SapAuthor

Forum stalking isn't good, each refresh sends 6-8 requests to the MySQL database, and if you keep it up it slows yours and everyone's forums, as well if enough people do it, it can cause your hosting service to cut you off.

Aug 27, 2007greenfire8484

uhh... well actually i dont use refresh i just go to another page cuz then u can see the posts... im just saying refresh cuz i didnt wanna hav to say "go to another page since every time you do that it updates" so yeah...

Aug 27, 2007SapAuthor

doesnt' matter if you refresh or go to another page, it still sends 6-8 requests (the PHP script has to ask for various things from the database, like posts, post dates, who posted, whose online, do i have new messages?)

Aug 27, 2007greenfire8484

damn... sorry... lol
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