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Soap Shop Re-opening!!
Aug 27, 2007 by SapAuthor

Alright, the thing is functional. As I said, dont tell me about how crappy it looks, we haven't designed the site yet, but i put up the stuff so at least it's functional. We have up the items and you can pay via paypal, credit card, or e-check by going with "Paypal" since it has those 3 options there (i put a note on it) or do it the long way with money or check. But with those 3 options, u can instant buy and it should all be good.

The newsletters are there, so sign up to receive news on the site, events, etc. I put up the new chatroom and also made the forum as most of you know. I also put up an easier contact thing so you can contact either Steve Renny or I, depending on for what (Steve for orders/shipping, Renny for events/help, me for Website/Team SSS).

I'm exhausted, i need to get some rest, big day tommarow. Enjoy all, the link for www.sssoapshop.com should be working soon, otherwise here's the link:

http://site.mawebcenters.com/sssoapshop/"> http://site.mawebcenters.com/sssoapshop/

Enjoy folks.

Aug 27, 2007Page645

hell yea trey!!!!you keep doing wat u do best: making soapers happy!!!!!!

Aug 27, 2007AnthoFlex

Trev, when we gonna start building the new look?

and to everyone else:

When the new site is done, it will just be www.SSsoapshop.com, not the other long link you see above

Aug 27, 2007SapAuthor

I'll prob start on it later this week, i have some website demos to prep for, got to make money lol.

I also put up the translator, so any of our spanish, Greek, or other languaged friends can buy with ease. Athens FSW should like that ;-)

Aug 27, 2007iwantsoapshoes

when is the soap builder gonna be up?

Aug 27, 2007AnthoFlex

as soon as the new site goes up....if not then, then a little after.

Aug 27, 2007soapbofo

the shop is almost out of every shoe every size

Aug 27, 2007SapAuthor

Steve is putting in some restocking orders. At least now you know how many are left, you aren't ordering blind. First pay first Get.

Aug 27, 2007Go2Crew

Yeah guys, Trevor's right. You asked for shopping cart and now here it is. Cart inventory is telling you exactly how many pair/size/color I have here ready to pull and ship right now. Instant pay and they are on the way...! Anyhow, yes, I am ordering re-stock on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, as needed and will update availability upon receipt. Note: At this time HSL is totally void on only Express Black size 12, which by the way they failed to produce, ran out-of two to three weeks ago, forgot to tell me about not having stock, and shorted my re-stock order by the three pair of that size I had on order and were already sold to customers. This is the prime reason I won't add to available inventory now, until the shoes arrive. I dislike having to make apologies and refunds for things I can't correct or control.

Aug 28, 2007SapAuthor

As of now though, except for the size 12, you CAN order out of stock shoes. YOu can pay and as soon as we get them, they will be shipped to you. HOWEVER, be aware that this is HSL we are talking about. I would advise all here against backordering a pair of shoes for just this reason. We do have other colors, but just saying you do have the option.

Also, E-check (electronic check), Credit Card, and Paypal are the instant-pay methods, all of which are gotten through selecting "Paypal" I'm making some image notifications for the ordering steps so it's easy to see this info. You can do money order or cashiers check, or cash, but you do have to wait till the money is received. Since it takes 7-10 business days to verify personal checks (7-10 days once received), we have eliminated that option (since say 4 days to get the check to steve, then 7-10 business days to verify, and then shipping, you're looking at a month till you get your shoes with personal check). Money order and Cashiers check can be cashed right away.

Aug 28, 2007SapAuthor

Okay, i threw together some not-able-to-miss images above the shipment type and payment type areas. THey are butt ugly, but they will work for now. I'm freaken' tired -.- i still need to update my site, and i guess i'll have to do 2 comics tommarow, aside from doing hte web demo, building the 2 new sites to demo, and fixing that guy's computer....

Aug 30, 2007SapAuthor

Okay, i'm starting to work on designing the website. It will stil take a bit, i just got he skeleton built but each page is a bit different so i got to do some tweaking and know what i'm doing for each one.

Also don't forget all, sign up on the newsletter there to receive updates!

Aug 31, 2007iwantsoapshoes

dude, are there ANY SOAPs left?

Sep 2, 2007RamenRadio

Guys, I don't understand, what's going on with the site? I'm hearing stuff about how there aren't that many shoes or something. Can someone elaborate?

Something about black express size 12? huh?

Sep 2, 2007AnthoFlex

Yea, HSL fucked us over with a Size black 12 order. We dont have any of those

Sep 2, 2007greenfire8484

that sucks.
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