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Size 13/14 Soaps?
Aug 28, 2007 by PixelEater

I run a size 13. I used to have a pair of black and grey Scabs with slo bros that I loved, but they got stolen. I can't even find soaps sold over size 12, much less sold locally these days. That's unfortunate considering I live next to their Carrollton TX HQ. But I suddenly want a pair very badly. What can I do?

Aug 28, 2007AnthoFlex

How did they get stolen dude?

and by the way, if you are willing to size up one, there are some MB tanks size 14 on ebay.

Type up Soap MB Tank on ebay

Aug 29, 2007MusicSoaper

I heard that she was a scammer somewhere on here.

Aug 29, 2007LVsoaper12

who PixelEater

Aug 29, 2007PixelEater

Apparently my ex GF took them. She's nuts.
Those Tanks look like a really good shoe, but I'd kill for some scabs or cleans in black.

Aug 29, 2007greenfire8484

pixeleater....... when did u get here....?

Aug 29, 2007Page645

im guessing you joines today pixel?

Aug 29, 2007Megashadow77

....check his profile you lazy bums.

Aug 29, 2007Page645

thats y i said today micharl so SHUT IT!

Aug 29, 2007Surfaced

I'm waiting on the good news from the visit to HSL HQ (if its still happening) so that I can get some Scorchers/Broadsides in a 13.

My size 12 Soaps are starting to give me blisters :(

Aug 29, 2007Megashadow77

*smacks Keith*
Bitch. Don't talk to your master like that.

Aug 29, 2007Page645

michael* my habd hurts from playing six this is to you michael- :P FINGER STERIODS!!!!!!

Aug 29, 2007Megashadow77

ouch, I lose.
Also, broken page.

Aug 29, 2007Page645

uh oh

Aug 29, 2007Page645

fuck. i hate my keyboard

Aug 29, 2007Page645

fucking keys stick

Aug 29, 2007Megashadow77


Aug 29, 2007Page645

no more html on this page from NOW ON!

Aug 29, 2007Page645


Aug 29, 2007Page645

how the fuck did u do that!?!?!?!?!?!?1?!?

Aug 29, 2007Page645

Aug 29, 2007Page645


Aug 29, 2007Megashadow77

Keith, stop being a spazz.
Sorry everyone.

Aug 29, 2007Page645

Aug 29, 2007Page645

wtf? thats supposed to be an apple symbol

Aug 29, 2007Page645


Aug 29, 2007Megashadow77

Ahhhhhh, you said the F word!

Aug 29, 2007Surfaced

Ok you guys know how to waste a shitload of space and turn possibly worthwhile discussions into salad bowls (in a bad way) with all of your inside discussions and single-character posts.

Stop doing it; use AIM or something.

Aug 29, 2007Megashadow77

It's Keith's fault, I just fixed stuff. *sticks out tounge*

Aug 29, 2007Page645

i dont see the problem this is now considered a useless thread cuz its purpose has been fufilled the guy found a size 14 mb tanks so who give a shit about this thread its like the ramenradio and page645 battle arena thread ITS USELESS so let it the fuck go

Aug 29, 2007PixelEater

GJ dudes. But yeah, kind of around the time they phased out Scabs I really thought Soap was dead. It's been a few years. And last night I remembered them out nowhere. But get this: I'm ordering new old stock from Australia. I could get Cleans (in black!) or Scabs (in Navy D:). I would expect cleans to fit very similar to how Scabs did. Can anyone confirm/deny?

Aug 29, 2007Surfaced

"New old stock"? Oxymoron, my friend. Unless you'd care to rephrase for us.

Confirm. Similar would be an understatement. The feel is close to exact.

Aug 29, 2007PixelEater

Oops, I meant new original stock (NOS).

Hey, where can I get some size 14 slo bro plates these days?

Aug 29, 2007Page645

thats a tuffy

Aug 31, 2007juno

Hey PixelEater, thats a shame you lost you shoes man. Surfaced is right, how can it be old and new? Why the hell should we order from somewhere when we COULD just go to store and pick some out?

Aug 31, 2007PixelEater

You guys got me mixed up. I did mean New Old Stock. It's a term often used on car parts, but it applies here. If it really matters, it means "New, but discontinued--no longer in the manufacturer's catalog." Read, not used. You can find the def all over the intertubes.

Secondly, what? Soaps practically can't be had in stores any more. That's with me living next door to HSL! And dude, they quit making size 13+ forever ago.

But yes, I'm getting the Cleans from down under and slo bros from Steve. I'm pumped!

Aug 31, 2007juno

Well that makes sense. Why you pumped?

Aug 31, 2007PixelEater

It's been 3 to 4 years. Wanting these shoes hit me out of nowhere. I really dig the earlier styles. My favorite shoes are the Cleans and Scabs and as far as I can tell, I'm getting one of the last fresh pairs in existence.

I hear my grey/black scabs were an unusual color combination. I miss 'em ;_;

Aug 31, 2007juno

Hmm. Do you see my point tho? Its hard to even find certain kinds of soaps. Beleive it or not...its a dream of mine to revive soaping. But the only way possible is to find people with the same dream. CO's never even heard of SOAPs.

Aug 31, 2007PixelEater

Oh sure, I misunderstood you to be saying like "why don't I just get them from some store around me". Yeah, Soaping is on the hurt right now.

Aug 31, 2007juno

lol. Yeah sorry. But it should be like that pixel. I mean wouldnt you like to have had your shoes gone missing, but with a SOAP shop down the street from you so you could buy them again? Dont get me wrong for using your stolen shoes as an EX. But just so you could see where im getting at tho.

Aug 31, 2007PixelEater

But of course.

Aug 31, 2007juno

So what do you think?

Aug 31, 2007PixelEater

I think HSL needs to give it up to someone who knows what to do with Soap. Failing that, the bastards could at least do size 13 or more.

Aug 31, 2007Altman

But of course they won't. HSL needs the rights to Soap shoes to create their "perfect integration".

Sep 1, 2007RamenRadio

If anyone needs size 13/14 slo bros, email steve deel.

sssoapshop.com, contacts, steve deel

Sep 2, 2007greenfire8484

broke the page again.

Sep 2, 2007greenfire8484


Sep 2, 2007RamenRadio

uh, what?

Sep 9, 2007Hermes2722

Page fuxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx! for kids!

Sep 9, 2007RamenRadio

Shut the fuck up dude, let topics sink to the bottom
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