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Lets Host a SOAP demo
Aug 31, 2007 by juno

Who here wants to do a random demo? Lets see a count of hands, Who wants more SOAPs on the market? We should do it...

Aug 31, 2007Altman

Well that depends. Where is it gonna be? How will you promote for it? Are you willing to spend money for demo shoes, waivers, and various other materials? All these things need to be in consideration if one plans to host a Soap demo.

Aug 31, 2007LVsoaper12

yes were would it be held is the main thing

Aug 31, 2007LVsoaper12

if it is around my area i wolud u out with it

Aug 31, 2007sam

Aj pretty much covered everything. The main thing is finding a place that will host it, for a cheap cost. My friend found a skate park that would let us do it for free though.

Aug 31, 2007juno

Okay, Altman, Sam, soaper, lets build some legos and put it together. If we all hosted a demo somewhere worth doing it, (rails, obstacles, and viewers) People would see SOAP again. And then comes the media. What do you guys think? Who lives where? Who here has a great place to do it?

Sep 1, 2007Altman

Sam and I live in New York state. Most Soapers don't really live too close together so having a demo with all of us is very unlikely. It's also unlikely that most of todays Soapers have the skills necessary to do some sick stuff like Relate so a place with rails and obstacles would be hard for everyone's skill level. If anything a demo spot should consist of a few good rails for the pros to strut their stuff and a bunch of practice rails for people who want to try Soaps out, thus the need for demo pairs. As far as "the media" what media do you see showing up? No way in hell is ABC or Fox going to show up and start filming a segment about Soaps just because a demo's going down. if anything, you put an ad in some sort of newspaper or use to internet to spread awareness of the event.

Sep 1, 2007Page645

good call AJ

Sep 1, 2007Altman

Thank you Keith.

Sep 1, 2007LVsoaper12

i live in tenneese,were do u live juno

Sep 1, 2007sam

Once agian, aj pretty much covered everything...

Most of us live arcross the country so traveling just for a soap demo may not be possible for some. I still cant believe my parents drove me like 9 hours to NYC for a soap demo. It costed alot but lemme tell you it was definitly worth it!

Sep 1, 2007Page645

yea that demo was the shit we owe renny a huge one

Sep 1, 2007Page645

but my hand never quite recovered from all those falls

Sep 1, 2007Page645

oh and ur welcome AJ

Sep 1, 2007juno

I live in Denver. TN huh!? I came from there last year. Nashvilles the shit. Guys, this makes things better in a way. Ok, so you two live in NY, Soaper TN, and me CO. Acrossthe country demo...il have to think this out carefully because i can feel something coming outof this. Any ideas guys?

Sep 1, 2007Altman

The only thing that comes to mind is to have a Soap tour but to have that we need a pro team that is officially endorsed by HSL, a transport that is suitable for shipping a bunch of guys across the country, and lots of gas and food money for said travels.

Sep 1, 2007juno

Hmm. Hey! the SSSoapers is an actual team. Any one been on the new website and tried to join? But I couldnt find the Join SSS. What do you think Altman?

Sep 1, 2007RamenRadio

In order to Join the SSS, you need to buy a pair of express or do a pretty tricky video of you doing some "advanced" (if that's the right word, I dunno how to describe it) tricks

Sep 1, 2007lvmaniac44

I live in Tennessee,right down the street from lvsoaper12,but i probally couldn't go to a demo inless it was close.

Sep 1, 2007RamenRadio

What if someone could bring a demo to you? Who knows?

Anyone who hasn't signed the "Soapers guest book" should do so, and try to find others who are within your local area. Or perhaps someone will be able to BRING a soap shoes demo to you guys. With enough preparation, perhaps it could be done.

Sep 1, 2007juno

Yeah..that sounds like a plan

Sep 1, 2007PixelEater

In order to Join the SSS, you need to be size 12 or below* oh lawd

Sep 1, 2007Megashadow77

nope. You can complete....
THE SIX GOALS(which are easy as hell)

Sep 1, 2007juno

The six goals?

Sep 1, 2007juno

As far as the deo goes, it probably wont be proffesionally done. Hmm...hey, dont you guys ever get sick of trying to find SOAPs on ebay and stores and they either dont have them, sold out, or snatched rite under your nose! We should really try somethin to fix this. If not the demo, then something else. Why should us SOAPERS have to be limited in doing what we love todo because of retailers and such?

Sep 1, 2007RamenRadio

wait, that's a good idea! get soap shoes off of ebay, and use THOSE shoes as the demo shoes! Buy buy buy people! Get those soap shoes!

Sep 1, 2007Altman

Yep because we all know how many different sizes there on eBay. What happens if there are rare shoes on there and we "buy buy buy" them? wouldn't it be bad move to use the for the demo?

Sep 1, 2007Altman

Did I also forget to mention the good amount of idiots on eBay who will have no idea that there's going to be a demo and just want a pair of Soaps?

Sep 1, 2007AnthoFlex

Why would you guys spend so much money on demo shoes when i have my own.

If you guys wanna keep me in the dark about this one, its cool

Sep 1, 2007RamenRadio

I thought soap shoes were soap shoes? Not rare shoes are rare shoes. My cobolt boltars are sort of rare, but I soap in those on occasion. My black scabs are pretty rare, I soap in those. My goas are pretty rare, but I still soap in those on occasion.

Your second comment, I don't understand Altman. Elaborate if you like, I don't know what point you are trying to make. Maybe you are worried about other people bidding on the shoes. IF that is the case, I guess we can just make a limit to how much we spend on soap shoes from ebay.

Antho, none is keeping you in the dark dude. It's on solidgrind for all to hear and ask about. If you would be able to go and help us do a demo somewhere, that would be awesome man. We just need to think about how we are going to organize everything else.

Sep 1, 2007AnthoFlex

I dunno about you guys, but im ready to set up a demo in Union Sq, manhattan.....the advertising capital of the world

Sep 1, 2007Page645

WAIT UNION SQUARE!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Sep 1, 2007Megashadow77


Sep 1, 2007Page645

was that supposed to be a comment mocking me mega?

Sep 1, 2007Megashadow77

No. Now get on Aim, bitch!

Sep 1, 2007Page645


Sep 1, 2007RamenRadio

Antho, I just assumed you didn't want to waste using your demo shoes on us if we were going to try and do demos in a lot of different places. That's all. I'm sorry

Sep 1, 2007AnthoFlex

I'm always up for promoting Soapshoes, in any way i can. I'm surprised you guys do not know this by now

Sep 1, 2007RamenRadio

Nah, I just kept in mind what marvin did to your express. That was shocking dude.

But I'm sorry, I assumed wrong.

Sep 1, 2007iwantsoapshoes

what happened to his express?

Sep 1, 2007juno

You guys r the best. Thanks to Anthos, we now have a good location. Sorry Anthos, If there was a way I could inform people of certain forums, youd be the first man. So SOMEONE post another forum when the preps are set. If anything, if we try hard enof, this could just make history for SOAP...

Sep 1, 2007greenfire8484

it could. Definitely. But UNION SQUARE?!?!?!?!?! THATS CRAZY!!! really, i don't think they'll just let all of us do a demo there. Really.

Sep 1, 2007lvmaniac44


Sep 2, 2007RamenRadio

They were destroyed.

Juno, where is your location btw? And Renny, you wouldn't mind using those demo shoes?

Sep 2, 2007AnthoFlex

Hmmmm.........well, considering they ARE demo shoes....and they are MADE for doing demos....hmmmmm

I dunno, how about you figure it out? ; )

Sep 2, 2007lvmaniac44


Sep 2, 2007greenfire8484

we need a different location, though.... lets think about some more realistic than Union Square.... like Mars or the bottom of the ocean or perhaps Madison Square Garden........

Sep 2, 2007AnthoFlex

I cant tell if you are playing around or if you are a fucking retard. Which is it?

Are you trying to say that getting a demo done in Union Sq is not realistic? Becuase before i hit you with like 1000lbs of truth, i need to know if thats what you are saying

Sep 2, 2007greenfire8484

and yeah i was playing around because really, what are the chances of getting a demo going? We're most of the Soapers left, on this site. (and heelers but fuck them) So how can we get ppl to actually, like, watch this? Plus, Union Square.... i dont know... thats.... impossible.

Sep 2, 2007AnthoFlex

Apparently you havent been around long enough so im going to tell you now.

There have been several Soap demos in recent years.

The one of April 06, and The one that i threw in May 07.

Currently, we are working on the Union Sq demo as well as a Journeys demo here, near my house.

And Union Sq is not impossible, you are obviously retarded. You apply for an event, you wait 30 days, and you get a permit saying you can use that park for that one day.

Anything else retarded you wanna say?

Sep 2, 2007RamenRadio

Woa, he's new, take it down a notch man. Just describe what he needs to know and let it be.

Sep 2, 2007juno

Guys! Guys! Guys! Hold on a minute. Ramen im in CO but I have ways of getting newhere. Antho, Ramens rite, were all friends here, cut some slack man. Union S is perfect. Just the place we wanna be. Any objections?

Sep 2, 2007juno

Antho Your a F&$%ing GENIUS!!!

Sep 2, 2007RamenRadio

Really? you think you could make it? wow man :D

Sep 2, 2007juno

Hell yeah! whose in? You Ramen?

Sep 2, 2007RamenRadio

Of course, I'm pretty damn close :D

Sep 2, 2007juno

Excellant!!! So that makes 2 for now.

Sep 2, 2007AnthoFlex

You guys are putting way too much thought into sumthing that doesnt involve much thought at all

Sep 2, 2007juno

But u never know Antho

Sep 3, 2007vault

dude r u gonna pay 4 it juno ? seriously man how old r u? do you know what it takes? plus school is starting. and y wood u say random demo?
god thats a lot questions

Sep 3, 2007greenfire8484

umm... im new, but im in.

Sep 3, 2007juno

Its ok greenfire, im new too. And vault, lighten up bro, Il figure somethin out. And for the personal questions, look at my profile.
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