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HTML Fixes
Sep 10, 2007 by broox

Alright yall, I put in some new HTML shizz into solidgrind.

The HTML you can use is now limited to: a, b, i, and img

...Sorry to you annoying <big> kiddies.

HTML also gets validated when you submit it, so hopefully there'll be no more unclosed bold tags.

I fixed up some of the previous posts with annoying stuff in them. If you know of any more forum posts that are still messed up, let me know.

I also made all links that you post auto clickable. So if you paste a link, it'll automatically get the "a" tag added.

...and I think that's about it for now.

Sep 10, 2007sam


Sep 10, 2007SpiderSoaper

wat abotu the pic problems, theres one of u that takes me to another pic and not urs derek

Sep 10, 2007matrix8967


Sep 10, 2007Page645

spider im not worried about that pic problem im worried about the pic problem of new ones that are not able to get on and to derek: hell yea man *godly music starts to play* okay this is really getting annoying XD

Sep 10, 2007SpiderSoaper

jsu saying everyone seems to see it as a problem

Sep 10, 2007Page645

i dont care i dont even look at the old photos anymore ive seen them WAY to many times

Sep 10, 2007sam

Maybe theres a reason theres no new pics...

Sep 10, 2007PixelEater

Good call Broox.

Sep 10, 2007RamenRadio

No, I know there are some pictures that need to get uploaded. Page wanted a few pictures uploaded, so did KG

Sep 10, 2007Page645

sam wat would that reason be for then?

Sep 11, 2007vault

yeah i sent a pic of a sweet farf

Sep 11, 2007Page645

yea i sent a pic in of me doing o ufo on top of a bike rack and also doing a reverse drag queen of a 1-2 ft ledge
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Dario Nieva hittin a Fastslide
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