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Replacable Plate Shoes
Sep 11, 2007 by Megashadow77

I know we're working on getting Broadsides and Scorchers back, but, I'd like the see the Replacable plate shoes back in the future, too, I know we can't do it now, I'm just wondering, is it a future possibility?

I know I'd like to see some Brand new Boltars on my feet.

Sep 11, 2007RamenRadio


These are the shoes I'd want back more than anything lol:



Ordinances (Not ordinance flints)




Viva L.V.


Anyone else?

Sep 11, 2007RamenRadio

You know, maybe the fader too

Sep 11, 2007Megashadow77

Can't forget
MB Tanks

Sep 11, 2007RamenRadio

Most of all, I'd really kill to have black sylons on my feet man..... oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah, that's the good stuff.

Black sylons would be so excellent!

Sep 11, 2007RamenRadio

Eh, squeakies are really similar to ordinances. They have some nice designs though.

And I'm not that crazy about the septums. Only the earth septums, sunburst septums, and the black ones. However, they are pretty comfortable, that I must admit. But I don't really like the white ones that much lol

Sep 11, 2007RamenRadio

and dude MB Tanks, cleans, and scabs are all the same.

It's basically just different design

Sep 11, 2007Megashadow77


Sep 11, 2007lvmaniac44

I would like sylons,scabs,goas,boltars,squeaky cleans,cleans,vectors, and viva l.v. to come back

Sep 11, 2007RamenRadio

Viva L.V. were never released, but I still want those damn shoes!

Sep 11, 2007Page645

me want NINJA!

Sep 11, 2007RamenRadio

Sorry, I thought you were going to say SCABS :P lol

Sep 11, 2007Page645

y i have scabs :P

Sep 11, 2007RamenRadio

What about black scabs :P

Sep 11, 2007AnthoFlex

I dunt wanna see replaceable plate shoes back on the market unless it was In-stride or Artemis doing it. HSL would fuck that up too

Sep 11, 2007Megashadow77

Whatcha mean?

Sep 11, 2007AnthoFlex

Earth and Sunburst septums are the same ones dude

Sep 11, 2007Page645


Sep 11, 2007RamenRadio

How so?

Sep 11, 2007AnthoFlex

And Scabs, Cleans, and MB tanks are not the same shoe. They share the same original cupsole, but the uppers and thread patterns are ENTIRELY different

Sep 11, 2007RamenRadio

I like the yellow octanes

Sep 11, 2007AnthoFlex

Those were just two names given to the same color septum...

In fact, i dunno who even have the name "sunburst" to the Earth septums, i just heard it somewhere and used it.

In reality, the only "Sunburst" color is found on the Ninjas

Sep 11, 2007Megashadow77

me too.

hey renny, what do you mean HSL will fuck it up? I mean, if they'll fuck it up, what's the point of trying to get Broadsides and Scorchers back?

Sep 11, 2007AnthoFlex

someone may have just got confused because there's nothing "sunburst" about the Yellow/Gray (called EARTH) septums

Sep 11, 2007AnthoFlex

HSL would fuck up replaceable plates, not cemented-on ones. They wouldnt be up for the whole process of producing so many things for replaceable plate Soaps, and IF they did, it would be shitty quality used

Sep 11, 2007AnthoFlex

*there would be shitty quality used

Sep 11, 2007Megashadow77

I dun get how them being replacable would fuck up the quality....I mean, they could do that with any shoe.

Sep 11, 2007RamenRadio

I dunno dude, HSL has ways of doing stuff. They could change the materials in each shoe or something. It's uncertain of what the will do

Sep 11, 2007AnthoFlex

jesus christ, do you even READ what i type?

it is cost-sensitive to them, they would USE shitty quality.

It wouldnt "be" shitty quality.

I say this because i know how they think and operate

Sep 11, 2007RamenRadio

But what's different about the broadsides material that doesn't make it cost-sensitive? It sure seemed expensive when it was 130 bucks XD

Sep 11, 2007Megashadow77

If they USE Shitty quality, that would MAKE IT Shitty quality

Your bold text doesn't scare me, Mr.

Sep 11, 2007AnthoFlex

i wasnt talking to you, i was talking to Megashadow

Sep 11, 2007AnthoFlex

Hell no, dunt fucking try that, you were wrong.

Sep 11, 2007AnthoFlex

I dun get how them being replacable would fuck up the quality....I mean, they could do that with any shoe.

Now read that, then read my explanation, you were wrong, dunt try to play it off smart-shit

Sep 11, 2007Megashadow77

Who was wrong? if you mean me, I dun get it.

Sep 11, 2007RamenRadio

I dunno, maybe he's just saying that nothing is guaranteed from HSL. Remember how they screwed you over on the demo shoes? i know that's a negative, but when it comes to soap shoes it can be unpredictable. I dunno for sure, can't really say.

Sep 11, 2007RamenRadio

Is that what you meant Mega?

Sep 11, 2007Megashadow77

Dude, I was just saying. if they'd fuck up quality on RP shoes, whose to say they won't do it on the cemented shoes you guys are working for.

Sep 11, 2007AnthoFlex

When you get your Broadsides Travis, bring em to me, i'll point out everything on the shoe that bumped the price to $130, there is a lot of useless shit (material) in the shoe.

They tried to stick too many things on it and couldnt keep it simple, thus, these materials used forced Soap to sell them at a high price.

Look at a good picture of the Broadsides, and the A-sides, whatever the A-side doesnt have that the broadside does, was unnecassary.

Sep 11, 2007RamenRadio

uh huh.... let me think about that for a second

Sep 11, 2007AnthoFlex

Because they can make cemented-on plate shoes with high quality


Because if you rip a RP sole and look into where the plate is, you'll see that there is a shit load of bulky, heavy, and expensive hardware used.

With non-RP shoes, its just a normal Sole, with an arch, with a nylon plate, thats it.

I study Soapshoes dude, i know what im talking about

Sep 11, 2007RamenRadio

Michael, do you get what he said?

Sep 11, 2007SpiderSoaper

i thoguht that they had the molds and stuff? so they might use some bad plastic nylon, yet i hear so much about the express being a long running plate, and for some reason my ords are made worse than my express, some white stuff forms on the inside, like a spongy material from the bottom of the sock liner, and the sockliner is glued on, that sucks

Sep 11, 2007Megashadow77

Yeah, I do. I guess that explains the high cost of RP shoes, and the lower cost of the cemented on ones.

Sep 11, 2007AnthoFlex

Not to mention the Non-RP plates usually tend to be a lot better in terms of control, and speed.

Not to mention they last long. Really long

Sep 11, 2007RamenRadio

Yeah, Wesker had his scorchers for 4 years. i can't wait to have those shoes

Sep 11, 2007AnthoFlex

Non-RP plates are usually bigger as well, and since they arent limited to the top and bottom "walls" (if i may call it that), this gives much more room for design which include:

Speed Grooves, Lock-in grooves, and tweak edges. So Non-RP plates pretty much kick RP plates ass.

Sep 11, 2007AnthoFlex

godamn i'm good at this

Sep 11, 2007RamenRadio

Eh, I still like the designs of the old school RP shoes. They look so damn nice man.

Although I'd take scorchers and original broadsides over them ANY DAY XD :P

Sep 11, 2007RamenRadio

XD, yeah props Renny

Sep 11, 2007RamenRadio

And with the original broadsides, I get my favorite shoe with a sole plate all in one :P lol.

Sep 11, 2007SpiderSoaper

yea i have noticed the wall thing ur saying, ive tried my express and ords, the ords have that wall shit thing, its annoying and i miss a rail because of it

Sep 11, 2007AnthoFlex

Dunt get me wrong, the designs on some of the old RP plate shoes were awesome.

But if you guys want Soap to stay alive, you gotta understand why RP plate Soaps arent a good idea.....

.....Not now at least ; )

Sep 11, 2007RamenRadio

XD I get that on the express all the time. It's annoying as shit, I don't really want to use them anymore

Sep 11, 2007RamenRadio

yeah, I get what you mean Renny :D

Sep 11, 2007SpiderSoaper

cant they make the old models with NP? a little funny i know, but they did have style, wen i got my Boltars, they looked so coopl i didnt mind wearing them in front of people, but like 15 minutes later, i saw that they were protos, damn

Sep 11, 2007SpiderSoaper

that wink from renny always give me chills

Sep 11, 2007AnthoFlex

So you still gonna send the Boltars and Rail Spider?

Sep 11, 2007SpiderSoaper

darn! dude i really wanna give u the rail, i have no money to ship it, and worse is the boltar box, and as for the light trin to get from gueens to Newark, i cant be much help for that since i dont take light trains, u can try this sight for the train info


Sep 11, 2007AnthoFlex

ugh, Dude, just email me your address and phone number to see if i can pester my dad to take me there.


Sep 11, 2007SpiderSoaper

okay sorry

Sep 11, 2007SpiderSoaper

hey wat about my idea? Copied and pasted from above:
"cant they make the old models with NP? a little funny i know, but they did have style, wen i got my Boltars, they looked so coopl i didnt mind wearing them in front of people, but like 15 minutes later, i saw that they were protos, damn"

Sep 11, 2007iwantsoapshoes

but there is one MAJOR problom with non replaceable's. once the plates gone, its gone and the whole point of the shoe with it.

Sep 11, 2007AnthoFlex

Usually by the time that happens, the shoe is no longer usable anywayz.

Its funny though because if the Scorchers and Broadsides were re-released, all of this "Non replacable plates suck, i want replaceable plates" shit would stop completely.

So everyone stop hating on the Express and pointing out all of the "bad" things about Non-replaceable plates. Because all of you know that if we had the Broadsides and Scorchers back, you would all stay the fuck quiet
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