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Sep 14, 2007 by Deadmoose

I was wondering cause I've heard a few different numbers

how many soap shoes do you actually own as of now?

Sep 14, 2007AnthoFlex

Lol, everyone wanna know

Sep 14, 2007Deadmoose

um so answer the question?

Sep 15, 2007AnthoFlex

why you wanna know?

Sep 15, 2007Deadmoose

cause I want to convince you to sell me a pair

Sep 15, 2007SpiderSoaper

haha, deadmoose u dont know how many times i asked him that

Sep 15, 2007Deadmoose

lol Ibet not
but he owns like 75% of the usa's soaps and needs to let some go T_T

Sep 15, 2007RamenRadio

ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Oh good god that is the funniest comment of the week, I swear. People keep saying that I have too many soap shoes and stuff, but that comment pretty much..... gah I can't even say it XD

Props Deadmoose. XD Props man

Sep 15, 2007RamenRadio

I love this deadmoose guy XD. You're funny dude.

Sep 15, 2007sam

I think derek has something like 60 pairs.

Sep 15, 2007Page645


Sep 15, 2007AnthoFlex

I own 75% of the soaps in the world?

Shut the hell up, ur acting like i kid. I have 28 pairs, what do you want from me?

Sep 15, 2007AnthoFlex

What about you Travis. Mr. Ramenradio fucking hoarding the shit outta size 11,12,13, and even those MB Tanks size 14 you wanted.

You want more than you need. Why dont you people look at TRAVIS (Ramenradio) for "stockpiling" on Soaps.

you wanna know how many of the 28 pairs i have i've atually gotten off ebay or what-have-you?

Here it comes.......

5........ 5 out of 28.

So piss off whoever is hating, just piss off. I am not in the mood for this

Sep 15, 2007SapAuthor

Dude, Renny's a size 9. Meaning his shows are, guess what, size 9s. you can BUY size 9s. The only shoe i think we should be concerned about spreading around are the 13 14s, cuz people who don't ahve them can't get them. There is nothing prevening you from buying a pair of SOAPs from the shop and help support soap shoes instead of plotting against renny.

Sep 15, 2007Page645

trey wtf are u talking about???? plotting against renny?!?!? holy shit i had enough of this fucking shit u guys just keep hating on him y dont u guys quit ur bitching and leave him the fuck alone for one god damn fucking second u whining little kids and btw renny not to hate on u but it was deadmoose who asked how many soaps u have not trav so dont yell at him all trav did was laugh at it ok???

Sep 15, 2007Page645


Sep 15, 2007Page645

and trey ur not concerned about spreading 13 and 14's around. ur just trying to black mail trav for his charcoal sylons

Sep 15, 2007AnthoFlex

You got my respects on your uncle and all, but noticed how i didnt bring my personal life into this.

Also, nobody was talking to you, so just cool it.

Since i feel bad for you, i'll hold my F-bomb back

Sep 15, 2007RamenRadio

Hey, don't hate on me, this is your fucking problem big brother.

I get my soap shoes from ebay cause that's the only place to get decent soap shoes. Stop hating on me for not using fucking express you stupid communist nazi.

Unlike you, I have to buy my shoes like anyone else. Not just make a phone call to a certain someone and going, "Hey! Can I have a pair of shoes!?!?"

I don't stockpile on shoes, I fucking wear them and I fucking soap in them. I'm getting sick of you and AJ hating on me like that (behind my back, how low is that dude?).

So seriously, stop fucking hating on me and get a fucking life. I'm sick of you and Mr. Express hating on me, saying some of the most stupid shit.

Sep 15, 2007RamenRadio

Page on on AIM

Sep 15, 2007SapAuthor

First off, i'm not plotting against renny, i'm on renny's side lol. Saying Renny has size 9 and 10s, you can buy soaps for those sizes on the sssoapshop.com

and as for Trav, no man, i'm saying if someone needs a pair, since they aren't in production, he should consider selling htem or trading like he did with me (btw, i finally have money so i can now get shipping, i'll be calling ya trav).

I'm jsut saying if it comes between having a bunch of extra personal stock and someone not being able to soap, i beleive in at least offering a good deal for the shoes. But no one should be hating on renny since him not selling his pair isn't standing in the way of anyone having soaps.

Sep 15, 2007AnthoFlex

Oh werd, that reminds me. I heard you was talking shit behind my back about Me, AJ, and Debo.

Care to share? If not here, then on AIM, this i gotta hear.

And yes Travis, you DO stockpile on shoes, sorry to say, but ya do.

Sep 15, 2007RamenRadio

No, you and AJ were, that's all I said. I never said anything about Debo I said something Debo told me.

Say whatever you want about my soap shoes, I honestly don't care.

Sep 15, 2007AnthoFlex

Another thing thats funny is that i really shouldn't be giving a shit about you stockpiling on size 11,12,13, and 14 soaps. Why? because im a 9.

You know why i care though? Because all the people who are 13 and 14 who cant get Soaps on SaP wont be able to get soaps at all because you contantly grab em.

Not only that, aren't you a fucking 12?

Sep 15, 2007AnthoFlex

Ok then, so lets hear what you had to say. What problem you have with me and AJ.

Because last time we EVER talked was like 2-3 weeks ago.

Im listening....

Sep 15, 2007RamenRadio

Do you read any shit I say on solidgrind? seriously. I fit into 11, 12, and 13.

I only own two pairs of size 13 soaps, so I'm not depriving the whole god damn nation of size 13 shoes. I only got two freaking pairs of size 13 shoes, and thats all. One of which were destroyed that I just managed to fix today btw.

The insoles were smeared everywhere, and I had to clean everything. So they were worthless until today.

Sep 15, 2007SapAuthor

okay, all on this thing go here


Sep 15, 2007RamenRadio

Two pairs Size 13 shoes, not 28 pairs

And something about me being obsessed with Bryndon smith or some stupid shit.

Sep 15, 2007AnthoFlex

Dude, you are what? 16 yrs old, you are taller than me, and chances are you are probably not gonna get any taller, and your feet arent gonna grow any bigger.

I say this because i recall you saying multiple times "I get bigger shoes just in case my feet grow bigger"

totally understandable, you are a 12, so yea get 1 or 2 13's. But geez, you stockpile the shit outta 12,13,14 and for some reason 11's......pure wow-ness

Wow to the max

Sep 15, 2007RamenRadio

1 Pair of Size 11

2 pairs of size 13

"stockpile" (if you must call it that) of size 12

There's a list for you

Sep 15, 2007AnthoFlex

I said that? You being obsessed with Bryndon?

Even though its true (now that you've mentioned it), i have never said that behind your back. In fact, i dont say anything behind your back. I'll go to EI just to tell you you're ugly or that your shirt is cool to your face. I dont need to hide

Sep 15, 2007RamenRadio


Sep 15, 2007AnthoFlex

Didnt you want those MB tanks on ebay though?

Sep 15, 2007RamenRadio

I'm not obsessed about a soaper who now works for ESPN, I thought he was one of the best. That's it. He's just like any other human being. Jesus christ, it's like a god damn Court Martial. I don't need this stupid shit.

Sep 15, 2007RamenRadio

I thought they were nice, THATS IT.

Sep 15, 2007RamenRadio

I can't admire a nice design on a pair of shoes?

I like the Ninjas, but that doesn't mean I'm going to go on an Interlock tour to try and convince mart to give me his Ninjas.

Sep 15, 2007AnthoFlex

He'd probably smack you with his guitar, haha

Sep 15, 2007Page645


Sep 15, 2007RamenRadio

No, he'd probably think I'm fucking nuts. Going to the UK just to get a pair of shoes.

I'm not stupid, I'm not fucking crazy, and I'm not obsessed with soap shoes. It's just something I like, and something I don't like is having some random hate fest about me having a few pairs of soap shoes.

Sep 15, 2007RamenRadio


Sep 15, 2007AnthoFlex

I'm obsessed with Soapshoes, i can admit it.

Sep 15, 2007AnthoFlex

I mean geez, i wear a soap shirt 8 out of the 7 days of the week, and thats not even possible, but i do it


Sep 15, 2007SapAuthor

Oka, either use the chatroom to finish this or stop arguing. Sheesh lol, that goes for everyone.

Sep 15, 2007Page645


Sep 15, 2007Page645


Sep 15, 2007Page645


Sep 15, 2007Page645


Sep 15, 2007Page645

yea um trey that link dont work it refreshes the page

Sep 15, 2007RamenRadio

Those size 13 scabs I have are so fucked up. I finally got them working, but they are so damn heavy.

Sep 15, 2007PixelEater

Hmmmm... Travis is gonna give me some size 13-ers :D

Sep 15, 2007PixelEater

It maybe unusual, but I actually prefer the heaviest soap models on me.

Sep 15, 2007Deadmoose

wow guys I didn't mean to stasrt this

I was just kidding renny it was a complete joke I'm sooo sorry this started

but back to the topic
can any of you sell me some size 11 shoes?

Sep 15, 2007Deadmoose

oh and my point was that theres a select few people who have alot of soap shoes and it seems to me they should share the wealth to people who don't

but thats just my view on it

Sep 15, 2007Deadmoose

sorry for tripple post

ramenradio I'm here till thursday

tip jar is on the counter

Sep 15, 2007SpiderSoaper

wow haha, this is wat happens over night,lol wow the renny and ramen battle, crazy but it was funny

Sep 15, 2007Megashadow77

Damn, I was at a football game, and all hell broke loose.

Sep 15, 2007SpiderSoaper

yea, well sit back it may go on....lol

Sep 15, 2007Deadmoose


its over done now someone sell me some shoes

Sep 15, 2007RamenRadio

I'll sell my Size 12 smoke scabs for 55 dollars

and my size 11 Tbones for 180 dollars

Sep 15, 2007RamenRadio

If Renny can sell his wrecked navy scabs for 95 dollars, I should think I could sell a pair of Tbones in great condition for 180 dollars.

Sep 15, 2007SpiderSoaper

darn 180?

Sep 15, 2007Deadmoose

do the scabs run a size big?

or not cause I can rock 12's I'm like 11.5 amd I'd buy em for 55

Sep 15, 2007Deadmoose

and pics
or im me

Sep 15, 2007AnthoFlex

Hey deadmoose, you want me to sell you one of my size 11's?

Which ones? I dont have any. The only size 11 shoe is the Demo 11 Express, and i sure as hell ain't selling that

Sep 15, 2007Deadmoose

lol I was kidding damnit dude

it was a joke someone said you never sell your shoes so I was just messing damn.....

and can I see pics of demo express?

or are they the same as normal express?

Sep 15, 2007MusicSoaper

Hey Trav.
You still offering those Smoke
When i get money, i will buy those
Scabs off of you.

Sep 15, 2007Deadmoose

back off they are mine bitch

Sep 15, 2007AnthoFlex

I wasnt saying anything bad dude. I'm just saying that thats the only size 11 shoe i have.

Sep 15, 2007iwantsoapshoes

wow. now get on aim.

Sep 15, 2007Deadmoose

tooo much aggression in this thread lol still pics?

Sep 15, 2007iwantsoapshoes

lol. why do you take so long to type on AIM.

Sep 15, 2007RamenRadio

The smoke scabs are available to anyone who wants 'em. So are the Tbones.

Sep 15, 2007RamenRadio

And the Tbones are almost brand new, and feature a sole plate.

Sep 15, 2007RamenRadio

I might consider selling my size 13 navy scabs, but I'm not sure yet. They are really nice now that I fixed them XD

Sep 15, 2007iwantsoapshoes

ramen whats your AIM?

Sep 15, 2007Deadmoose

I call the smoke scabs whats aim ramne

Sep 15, 2007RamenRadio

duuuuuuuuuuuuuuur ramenradio? XP

Sep 15, 2007iwantsoapshoes

oh lolz

Sep 15, 2007RamenRadio

Any takers for the Tbones or scabs?

Sep 15, 2007iwantsoapshoes

how much for the scabs?
and how about a pic?

Sep 15, 2007Deadmoose

I already called those scabs!!!!

Sep 16, 2007Megashadow77


Sep 16, 2007SpiderSoaper

180! HELL NO!!...........lol

Sep 17, 2007LVsoaper12

T-BONES mine and the scabs*dalton stabs everyone who wants the t-bones*

Sep 17, 2007Page645

trav i believe u have caused the war of the century on solidgring for a shoe up for grabs by putting up ur t bones luckly im getting a little of the proft so i can pay u back :)

Sep 17, 2007LVsoaper12

me or michael has to get them no one else sorry bitches

Sep 17, 2007RamenRadio

You got da money man? The don will be waiting...

Sep 17, 2007RamenRadio


Sep 17, 2007RamenRadio

I'm only playing around lol

Sep 17, 2007LVsoaper12

what do u mean your playing around your not selling them

Sep 17, 2007RamenRadio

No I'm selling them for sure.

I was playing around with me talking about the Don lol THAT'S the joke.

I'm selling the Tbones for real

Sep 17, 2007LVsoaper12

how much

Sep 17, 2007RamenRadio

180 smackers son XD

In case you didn't get that, that was 180 bucks.

Sep 17, 2007Megashadow77

it's times like these I wish I had a job...

Sep 17, 2007LVsoaper12

i will offer 200 dollars

Sep 17, 2007RamenRadio

haha, I hope you have that cash sir.

Sep 18, 2007LVsoaper12

oh i forgot to put a period between the 2 and 0,my bad

Sep 18, 2007SpiderSoaper

y 180 though?

Sep 18, 2007RamenRadio

Almost brand new TBones, great condition, sole plate (well half a sole plate anyway), and extremely hard to find.

Sep 18, 2007AnthoFlex

That, and thats how much you'll pay if you bought it on a UK site suck as shiner, or Rawk

Sep 18, 2007SpiderSoaper

120 for broadside, full sole plate, extremely hard to find X2, lesser if lucky on ebay, u bought em for 50,bla bla bla bla

Sep 18, 2007SpiderSoaper

oh well u sell them for how much u want

Sep 18, 2007RamenRadio

Those UK sites are rip offs, I'm not. THOSE are the guys stockpiling on soap shoes.

Sep 18, 2007SpiderSoaper

yea i bet they dont have the shoes at all, oh well all i want is broadsides really, i dont care much for soap

Sep 18, 2007Page645


Sep 18, 2007SpiderSoaper

funny page?

Sep 18, 2007Page645

yes it was XD

Sep 18, 2007SpiderSoaper

yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......y is it funny?

Sep 18, 2007SpiderSoaper

yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......y is it funny?

Sep 18, 2007SpiderSoaper

fuuuuuuk double post

Sep 18, 2007RamenRadio


Sep 18, 2007SpiderSoaper

.........? u talkin to me?

Sep 18, 2007RamenRadio


Sep 18, 2007RamenRadio

XD I'm only playing around

Sep 18, 2007SpiderSoaper

.....i dont want tbones... and wat u said aint make sense to me, and i only said that i wanted scorchers wen i was more crazy about soap, now i dont care much

Sep 18, 2007SpiderSoaper

.....i dont want tbones... and wat u said aint make sense to me, and i only said that i wanted scorchers wen i was more crazy about soap, now i dont care much

Sep 18, 2007SpiderSoaper


Sep 18, 2007RamenRadio

Oh, that's really smooth

Sep 18, 2007SpiderSoaper

smooth? explain

Sep 18, 2007SpiderSoaper

oh holy crap, u put that kidding comment at the same time as my last double post, lol, my bad

Sep 18, 2007RamenRadio

np man. You can have the Tbones for 160 :P

Sep 18, 2007SpiderSoaper


Sep 18, 2007RamenRadio

*points at spider*


Sep 18, 2007SpiderSoaper

i dont want them!!!!!!!!*runs away* i jus saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to gieco

Sep 18, 2007RamenRadio

You can save even more money by joining the dark side of the force....... Join the dark side...... you save 80 percent on all insurances, and free pizza on wednesdays.....


Now are you in on the deal or not?

you know what? get out of here son! your bothering me kid!

Sep 18, 2007RamenRadio



Sep 18, 2007RamenRadio



Sep 18, 2007RamenRadio

wtf? now it happened to me!

Sep 18, 2007SpiderSoaper

i no u aint tellin my ass to get out, and wat the hell are u talkin bout some darkside shit, and i was never on the t bones deal i dont want them

Sep 18, 2007RamenRadio

Dude I'm joking around, lighten up!


Sep 18, 2007SpiderSoaper


Sep 18, 2007RamenRadio


Sep 18, 2007SpiderSoaper

oh good lord

Sep 18, 2007RamenRadio

I'm sawwwry Mr.

Sep 18, 2007AnthoFlex

My bad guys, i hate to draw attention away from this, but do you know anyone who has a soapshoes fan site and/or page? Please post on "The Scene" thread. I really need to finish that page up

Sep 18, 2007MusicSoaper

Hey Trav. Anybody take the T-Bones yet???
If not, i will get them. I would have to put some money down for insurance because i dont have all the money on hand, but i want to get them....what size are they anyway??? Size 12??

Sep 18, 2007RamenRadio

Yeah guys, put any promotional soap shoes site on that list. Check out the thread.

Music Soaper, I'm really sorry dude, but the Tbones are not size 12. They are a size 11. I'll see what else I can do for you. Sorry though :(

Sep 19, 2007Deadmoose

Im buying my skates
so I can't buy your scabs D:

Sep 19, 2007SpiderSoaper

hey deadmoose wat do u think of Rollerblade TRS downtown 4, just want ur opinion

Sep 20, 2007Deadmoose

well they are good for their price I have trs alpha 04's in the mail I got for free but still buying remz

they are good skates no lie but not the best with skates you get what you pay for but your better off going with razors but trs aren't bad skates just not great either and they are heavy

Sep 20, 2007SpiderSoaper

thanx, they arent out yet, right, i heard downtown 1's sucked, and theyre out of 2's in rollerwarehouse, and if i decide to wait a little longer for 50 more bux, i'll get alpha 7's, u think theyre better than downtown 4s?

Sep 20, 2007Ozzy500

hey ill but the T-Bones

Sep 20, 2007Page645

OMFG ur still alive??!?!?!?!?!?!

Sep 20, 2007RamenRadio

I'll put them on ebay sometime.

Sep 20, 2007Megashadow77


Sep 20, 2007SpiderSoaper

OMFG HE SAID HE'LL "BUT" THE T-BONES!!!..lol........i think ozzy is new, so he wasnt dead

Sep 22, 2007Deadmoose

yea a7s are good but dowtown 1's are only worth what they cost d2's dnow about d3s are the first I skatked and except for the buckles and wheight they are great

Sep 23, 2007SpiderSoaper

thats it i'm gettin a7's

Sep 23, 2007Curtinator

you guys talk to much xD 149 replies as of now.

Sep 23, 2007Page645

the battle arena had like 509 or something really close to it XD

Sep 23, 2007SpiderSoaper

curtinator? sorry never heard of u, but this isnt alot, there hell more on others like page said

Jun 5, 2014grug250

wow wtf lol .... i would love those t-bones that these guys were talking about tho

Jun 10, 2014mcgrinder2011

Wow... This is crazy.

I would love all the size 13/14 soaps in the world and in advance, I will pay...

100 million dollars!*doctor evil*

Jun 10, 2014grug250

hey mcgrinder2011 i might have some more size 14 cleans coming in i can sell you a pair if you want i just have to wait and see if i get them

Jun 11, 2014mcgrinder2011

Cool, what're the colors you're getting?

And what's the sole made from? If it's anything sylon, I'm out.

Jun 11, 2014grug250

they should all be cleans or scabs they wont break not sure on the colours most likely black

Jun 13, 2014mcgrinder2011

Sweet. I'll see to that- Wait a minute, Scabs don't come in black! What's the color of the scabs?

Jun 14, 2014grug250

yeah i ment black for the cleans ....the scabs will be be smoke or blue

Jun 14, 2014mcgrinder2011

I'd love a pair of black cleans and navy scabs. Getting tired of seeing gray and black shoes in my room. That counts for all pairs, not just Soaps.

Jun 15, 2014mcgrinder2011

Anyway, what's the price of each pair? Don't have too much left of my grad cash left and no job.

Jun 15, 2014grug250

im still waiting to see if i can get them but if i do they are $150 each but if i do get them i might be able to do better for ya bro

Jun 15, 2014mcgrinder2011

Thanks. A little pricey, but that's still less than my sylons. Surprisingly.
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