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SOAP Game Nearly done!
Sep 24, 2007 by SapAuthor

I just got it working, it's working like a charm. Just need to hook up the submission coding and screenshot and then get the site looked over and by the end of the week, the new SSSoapshop.com will be released!

Major props up to my bro Renny, he and I have put in soooo many hours on this thing, i'ts not funny. But anyways, Renny and I ahve tested out the game, it rocks, it kicks serious booty, and i know you all are going to love building your own shoes and putting them up on display. Plus not to mention the other cool stuff that will be on the site.

anyways, i got to get back to work. The new shop should be up by next weekend latest i would say, but never know with my schedule, but i'ts coming! Promise!

Sep 24, 2007LVsoaper12


Sep 24, 2007Deadmoose

well if its as good as you say that it is that'll be cool

so I hope you can fullfill your talk

Sep 24, 2007MusicSoaper

I cant wait to see it.
It should be boss.

Sep 24, 2007SapAuthor

tuesday should be my next day of work, hopefully i can get it all going by then, then just need to go over the site, renny and i agree the shoe builder should come out with the new design. and yeah, it really works well. We added a lot of functionality to it. Took forever to code (i probably spent 50+ hours on it, figuring out how to code this or that). as i said, all i have left is a loader (easy) and the hard part, hooking up the same coding for the screenshot and the email.

Sep 24, 2007SpiderSoaper

dont know nothing of wat ur saying Sap, but thanx alot, u and renny

Sep 24, 2007vault

mmm soap game TASTY

Sep 24, 2007AnthoFlex

Spider, coding is something you do in Flash documents to make the things in the flash do what you want.

Its not as easy as HTMLing a myspace or a new website.

Its more like (sorry for the EXTREMELY korny comparison) the wierd numbers and letters in the Matrix. Yea, like that....at least to me.

And with something this complex, it can take awhile.

I've already tested the new Shoe game, i also have a copy of the old game as well. I must say that this new one kicks the old one's ass like crazy. The possibilities on the new one are SOOOOO endless. When playing the old one, you would've gotten so frustrated in making your shoe. Not to mention there wasn't much variety in the plates and Soles you had to work with.

Anywayz, the new site should be up sometime this week or at the end of next week. And once again, go to www.sssoapshop.com/newsletter.html to sign up to get email's on when the new site will launch, new products, new contests, and more.

And remember, its free

Sep 24, 2007AnthoFlex

****Anywayz, the new site should be up sometime this week or AT THE END OF THIS WEEK

Sep 24, 2007moojuiceman

i know what you mean, i do coding in flash and if you forget 1 tiny bit nothing will work. looking forward to this game though, good luck with it all.

Sep 24, 2007AnthoFlex

Trev is an insane coder

Sep 24, 2007SapAuthor

lol i just had a lot of research. Each thing is made up of smaller things. Learn to do each small thing and then you can build the big thing.

Sep 25, 2007SpiderSoaper

thanx for explaining Antho , but hey im still slow on this technical shit

Sep 25, 2007SapAuthor

Final testing and tweaks are being done. But it's finished. Last step is get the new SSSoapshop ready to launch. Phew :P

Sep 25, 2007SapAuthor

wooops, forgot the http part

Sep 25, 2007SapAuthor

okay this is getting annoying lol.

Let's try that.

Sep 25, 2007SapAuthor

oh wait, i guess they disabled it. Okay, let's do this.

click here

Sep 25, 2007Page645

OMFG its up?!!?!?!!?1?
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