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Ladies and Gentleman...I have an announcement.
Sep 26, 2007 by Megashadow77

You all Know DarkVermillion?

He has a hernia......


Nuff said.

Sep 26, 2007SpiderSoaper

did he even want u to say that?

Sep 26, 2007Page645

hey mega

u just gave me a hernia.....


Sep 26, 2007SapAuthor

You know you are seriously busting your balls when you literally...bust your balls.

DV, you're my hero.

Sep 27, 2007DarkVermillion

^^;; Well this is awkward, but yeah, I have an hernia, so I'll be out of soaping for a while, but don't worry, I'll be back soon.

Sep 27, 2007AnthoFlex

My bad if it sounds wrong, but what is a hernia?

Sep 27, 2007DarkVermillion

Wikipedia Antho, Wikipedia.

Sep 27, 2007Page645

yo DV u got to put that up onto scarred XD

Sep 27, 2007broox

hahaha, i had a hernia in my nutbag once.

antho, it's when your intestines push through a muscle wall in your abdomen. most of the time it happens from strain of some type - lifting something heavy, etc.

usually it just creates a weird bulge around your stomach somewhere. but sometimes it can push through the wall by your nuts and wind up in your nutbag.

so then one day you will be laying in bed, feeling your balls and you're like, 1... 2... 3?!?!

hahaha, my sympathy goes out to you DV.

Sep 27, 2007AnthoFlex

hahaha, 1...2...3 hahaha

Sep 27, 2007DarkVermillion

Yeah, it's not fun, I going to have to get surgery soon. D:

Sep 27, 2007iwantsoapshoes


Sep 27, 2007broox

you know what is worse than the surgery?

at least for me... it was the fact that they shaved all my pubes off. and then they put a giant, giant piece of tape over the incision, which i was to leave on for a week or 2. you know, just enough time for hair to start growing back.

then you go back in for the followup appointment where the doctor RIPS that tape right off.


Sep 27, 2007iwantsoapshoes

i now make a vow to never get a hernia.

Sep 27, 2007iwantsoapshoes

wait i just reread that comment. the doctor touches your BALLS!? wtf? if i ever get a hrnia the doc better be a girl.

Sep 27, 2007Altman

Yeah, they touch your balls. If you're really freaked out my a medical procedure then you better hope to god you never get a physical examination.

Sep 27, 2007AnthoFlex

Homophobe. If i ever got a hernia, boy or girl, that doctor better get that crap outta me

Sep 27, 2007Altman

*freaked out over a

Sep 27, 2007sam

I remember my friend mike got hernia, but we didnt know what it was so we just started laughing when he said he thought his balls exploded. Then one of his other friends freaked out and called an ambulence.

Sep 27, 2007Page645

thats pretty funny sam but that shit had to fucking hurt

Sep 28, 2007DarkVermillion

I just wanted to say, thank yu Derek for your encouraging comments, now I know I have to lose my pubes, and I have to get some tape ripped off a healing cut.. D:

Sep 28, 2007Page645

DV ur my hero when i smash my balls i want to smash them like u did

Sep 28, 2007sam

Lol, how exactly did you get it?

Sep 28, 2007DarkVermillion

Lol, thanks Page. XD

I'm not really sure, I'm pretty sure I did it from busting my balls my first day soaping. xD But who knows.

Sep 28, 2007broox

haha, don't worry DV, it makes for a good story in the end.

plus, the incision is not on your balls - or at least mine wasn't. it was closer to my underwear line.

another part of the story... when i woke up from the anesthesia, there were 3 (attractive) nurses (who were probably students in training) had my surgery gown lifted up and were all looking at my junk...

and it was COLD in that room - embarrassing.

Sep 28, 2007AnthoFlex

Damn, i woulda been like

"Biggie grow! GROW BIGGIE!!!!! awww man...."

Sep 28, 2007AnthoFlex

thats from "Ali G In The House" (Same guy who played Borat, i believe)

Sep 28, 2007broox

thanks DV, you just inspired me to write a story about my hernia on my blog. haha.


Sep 29, 2007AnthoFlex

Its funny because its like

"oh shit.....itss soo.......cold hereee......those nurses....noooooo.....must stay awake....must keep nurse chicks frommmmm....laughing....uuughhhh.....nite nite"

i wonder what happened after that though. To the nurses i mean....maybe they laughed, maybe they didnt, or maybe, they called in a Male nurse, haha

Oct 6, 2007Surfaced


ahahahahaha lmfao

Oct 6, 2007greenfire8484


another part of the story... when i woke up from the anesthesia, there were 3 (attractive) nurses (who were probably students in training) had my surgery gown lifted up and were all looking at my junk...

and it was COLD in that room - embarrassing.

DAMN. That realllly sucks. Never go back there XD

Oct 6, 2007iwantsoapshoes

green why are people flamin' you? what you done?
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