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Rail tips...
May 17, 2004 by Defonsky

Well, after about thirty minutes of trial-and-error, I landed my first handrail today, and I would like to say "Go me, it's my birthday!" It wasn't exactly what I would consider a "newbie" rail, either. It was a twelve-stair curved monster. While I am stoked about this, I seem to have a mental block about jumping onto the rail. What I mean is, when I hit this rail, I had to use my hand to sorta pull myself up onto it, which really cramps the style of the grind. Any suggestions on building up to the no-handed jump?

May 17, 2004Smokey

I had the same problem... It took me forever to do stair rails because I just had that reflex of putting my hand down on the rail... I'm not sure how I overcame it, one day I just got so frustrated with myself and ran at the rail (more like a speed-walk), jumped on, and grinded it.

Yeah... That didn't really help.

May 17, 2004Defonsky

Hmmm... sorta something I already knew, but thanks for the tip. Anyone else?

May 17, 2004Mart

Huck yourself

May 17, 2004Greg

do drugs, its the Wwwwwaaaaayyyyy cool thing to do!

May 18, 2004dunk

Yeah... just look at the Rolling Stoners.

May 18, 2004dunk

...I said Stones.

May 19, 2004Defonsky

Uuuuhhh... I think that we're losing our laser-like focus on the FREAKIN SUBJECT! If you guys want to just chat, that's fine, but do it on an instant message.

May 19, 2004Mart

...does this look like a fucking conversation? No. If you want people to answer your retarded question I suggest you don't be an asshole to anyone who replies to this topic

May 20, 2004Defonsky

Well, yes. This DOES look like a "fucking conversation", and the only "asshole" around here is you. And my question isn't retarded. I simply want to know if there is a method for building up to the no-handed jump, other than just chucking myself at the rail.

May 20, 2004Greg

what the fuck are you expecting us to tell you then? oh yes there is a new drug aviable for soaping that will help you jump for confidentyly. seriously shut the fuck up and just jump. its soap shoes, stupid questions warrant stupid answers.

May 20, 2004Greg

and if one here dares correct my spelling (this thread or any), find out who the fuck i am first.

May 21, 2004Defonsky

Um, greg? I hear where you're coming from, and I understand your point. And in light of your well-founded wisdom, all I have to say is... GO FUCK YOURSELF! Look, I don't know what your problem is, but if you don't have any thing better to do than attempt to diss me over and over again, then why don't you just start your own forum subject entitled "Me, and why I'm a bastard"?

P.S. I hate you.

May 21, 2004Greg

remember the time i told you to find out who i was before you ran your mouth? yeah, you clearly didnt take my advice. whos the idiot now? dick.
and well frankly i could think of a million different ways to annul your stupid little reply, but i think pictures speak louder than words.
so keep in mind when you are trying to LEARN how to jump, i was doing this for over a year.


May 22, 2004Defonsky

Hhhmmm... I have to admit that those are some pretty sweet pics, but I don't see how this is supposed to be a comeback. I wasn't bragging in the first place. What you're trying to do is use the "My dad can beat up your dad" approach, and I'm not looking for a fight. If you're going to be so childish, and if there's really no other way than just getting the balls to jump at the rail, then that's what I'll do. But I don't want this conversation to end in a grudge, so, since you apparently want to here this... "you rock, I'm stupid, blah, blah, blah". Peace.

May 22, 2004Mart

I'm not looking for a fight

Your post before this one gives the impression that you want the exact opposite

You provoked Greg, he retaliated, you got upset and backed down with a crappy excuse. Big man. Now learn to jump; watch some soap vids, get stoked and just fucking jump

May 24, 2004Defonsky

Listen, I'll freakin jump at the rail, okay?! I already said that I would in my last post, and for the record, I never would have provoked him if he hadn't have been such an ass in the first place. He was just being mean to me about nothing! I didn't know what the hell made him so mad. I just asked an honest question, and he freaked out. Now drop it.

May 24, 2004Mart

He was just being mean to me about nothing!

find out who the fuck i am first

Case closed

May 25, 2004Defonsky

I don't care who you are, freak. You're an ass, and that's all I need to know. Now piss off.

May 26, 2004Mart

An ass who's been around for a lot longer than you. Show some respect and maybe you won't be ripped on

May 27, 2004Defonsky

You make me sick. And I'm not showing anyone who acts the way he does any respect. It doesn't really matter who he is, or what the hell he can do. That's not why I started this topic. As far as I, and everyone else is concerned, this topic is OVER. God, what a bunch of babies...

May 27, 2004Mart

If you don't show respect, you have no cause to complain about the way he acts

May 31, 2004Defonsky

What the hell are you talking about? You need a hobby, er something. Just spend your time NOT being gay every now and then...

May 31, 2004steve

I don't believe that either Greg or mart has an inkling of a brain left in their heads, which apparently hit the ground one to many times while you were trying to grind by flinging yourself at a rail. I believe that defonsky is trying to save what's left of his brain by thinking through what he is doing as apposed to "chunking himself at the rail". But I guess that amount of stupidity comes from the experience that, as mart said, "deserves respect"..."

May 31, 2004Mart

Hah, it's funny that you're telling me to get a hobby when you're the one asking people like Greg and myself how the hell to jump onto a goddamn rail

Jun 1, 2004Defonsky

Shut up, mart. Nobody cares what you have to say. Now run along now and play with your Barbies.

Jun 2, 2004Mart

Everyone cares about what I have to say, princess

Jun 3, 2004Defonsky

Hey, mart? Why don't you just leave me alone, and call your telephone pervert spank boy greg? Now shut your ass.

Jun 3, 2004Mart

Shut my ass? I dunno about you, but my anus is generally closed throughout the day

Jun 4, 2004Defonsky

Fuck you.

Jun 4, 2004Ryan-FST


Jun 5, 2004Greg

this thread is a fucking joke, start to now. mart is cool, you arent. end of story, now kiss the barrell motherfucker

Jun 8, 2004Defonsky

You don't even know me, greg. I've acted more maturely than both of you. If you have such a problem with me, then why not just go away and be "cool" by yourself? I don't really care what either of you have to say.

Jun 8, 2004Mart

And you don't know us, do you? So you can hardly bitch and moan about us making you cry yourself to sleep every night when you're throwing crappy insults back at us for doing so

Jun 8, 2004Defonsky

That's exactly what your doing to me, you bastard! I could care less about you, so don't think for even once that I give a flying fuck about what you think of me. Come off of your high and mighty perch, and act like a man. Your ego is so swolen up that you can't see how gay you're acting.

Jun 9, 2004Mart

If you honestly didn't care about what I say, you wouldn't keep replying, would you?

Jun 10, 2004Defonsky

I reply because you're gay, and must be destroyed slowly with verbal abuse.

Jun 10, 2004Koz

Don't know any of you..but agree with defonsky..bunch of childish twats, dripping with conceit..grow up..

Jun 11, 2004Defonsky

Well, I think that that about settles it. Since there's no method for learning to jumping on rails, I'll just do it, and take the pain that could, and probably will, come with it. This entire argument was pointless. Next time I start a subject, I don't want some big headed retard telling me that I'm gay. That's not the point of asking a question. Just answer my damn question, and don't give me any lip. I'm not going to post here anymore, so greg and mart, don't be a dumbass and keep trying to argue. It's over.

Jun 11, 2004Koz

..hmm, forgot to actually post a reply on-topic..
This could help; try to jump onto and stall on a non-grindable surface, like some rough wood, this is to fool the mental block. If you know you're not about to slide as soon as you land, you'll find it easier to jump. Just take it slow and try other stuff while doing this.
Hope it is of any help, success.

Jun 11, 2004Defonsky

Good idea... thanks for the tip, koz. Nice to know someone cares. I'm gonna try that, and I'll let ya know how it goes. Why didn't I think of that?

Jun 12, 2004Mart

Because you're an idiot?

Jun 20, 2004Defonsky

Thanks for the help, Koz. I'm jumping on rails now! Jumping on high concrete ledges really helped to get rid of the mental block. I guess there WAS a method after all. So, no thanks to the dumbasses(greg and mart) that made fun of me, I'm doing a lot better. Again, thanks, Koz. Problem solved.

Jun 20, 2004Koz

..cool..Soap on dude..
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