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new product line from heelys
Oct 15, 2007 by Nandosacro7

the gamer is the new non wheel version of heelys and is a nice looking shoe to hang out at home play video games or to be at the mall and hang out with your friends, somebody interested in pictures

Oct 15, 2007Nandosacro7

if interested please email me at nandosacro7@cs.com for pictures.

Oct 15, 2007SapAuthor

Heely's are abandoning wheels?

Well, i guess it's comprable to hte SOAP non-plated version of shoes, the couple of them.

I wonder though if this is a sign of HSL falling apart. We need to get a chance to show them SOAPs can help and get them back going.

Oct 15, 2007Altman

This is either a lie or the little brother of the Spins.

Oct 15, 2007RamenRadio

It's no lie

Oct 15, 2007RamenRadio

The models link to the heelys page is gone.

Looks like they are going to have a whole new selection.

Oct 15, 2007Megashadow77

you have a point there, go on the way back machine and you will see the link there. However, on the updated site, you do not see the link allowing you to view the heelys models..... Something is up...


Oct 15, 2007RamenRadio


Oct 15, 2007RamenRadio

Nice work there lol

Oct 15, 2007Megashadow77

you guys.....it has it's own website


Oct 15, 2007RamenRadio

what the fuck? It's own fucking website? what's will all the gayness.....?

Oct 15, 2007RamenRadio

I can't look at this.......

Oct 15, 2007sam

Haha, its no sign of HSL losing power... They like all companies have a good selling product and want a spin-off of it. THe shoe has a controller in the bottom of it, a very werid idea, as well as the design. Looks a bit like low top vans too.

Oct 15, 2007RamenRadio

It reminds me of a dino sole rip of...... Sort of...

Oct 15, 2007RamenRadio


I heard something really stupid. Something about little kids falling from stairs due to heelys safety issues?

Apparently they think they can make a pair of shoes that is "safe" until you want to be heelying or something.

I dunno, I don't quite get it.

Oct 15, 2007Deadmoose

fuggly shoe

Oct 15, 2007Page645

this has to be one of the most fucking ugly shoes i've seen in my life

Oct 15, 2007SpiderSoaper

i cant see the shoe on the link

Oct 15, 2007SapAuthor

i have to admit...that's one ugly shoe. I was expecting a somewhat decently designed shoe, but i can tell this is going to lose HSL money :(

Oct 15, 2007AnthoFlex

Haha, if i can jack in that thing to my computer and/or nintendo, i'll get a pair

; )

Oct 16, 2007AnthoFlex

This just proves that Heelys is completely for kids.

Those look just like the Dinosoles.

Oct 16, 2007greenfire8484

What a fugly shoe.
This makes me want to vomit.
No joke XD
Wait.... are those plates???
WTF, dude!?!??!?

Oct 16, 2007RamenRadio

Like I said Renny, Dino Sole rip offs XD

Oct 16, 2007SpiderSoaper

i wanna see the pick anyone got a link?

Oct 16, 2007RamenRadio

Go to the website

Oct 16, 2007SpiderSoaper

i tried but when it takes me there, the screen just stays whit even when it's fully loaded

Oct 16, 2007RamenRadio

Hold on....

Oct 16, 2007RamenRadio


You need a new computer if stupid vista can't even handle simple flash.

No offense spider

Oct 16, 2007SpiderSoaper

i dont have vista, i have XP. and thanx for uploading..................wat the hell was that suppose to be, that is just pathetic, HSL is making new things eachday, emptying out their brains of ideas until they have no more, but hell they ran out already, and then they just thought of this thing that hase nothing to do with heelys or sports and exercise, wat in the hell wat will this thing be good for? a 360? i mean wats the point? and wont the buttons be stepped on?

Oct 16, 2007RamenRadio

yeah, it's 360 based I think

this isn't a brilliant idea..... seriously....

I think this is something I think even team heelys is pissed about

Oct 16, 2007SpiderSoaper

it bears the name heelys, that just dosent make it right, damn hsl is gonna make a hell lot of shoe based products that just dont make sense, wen they make rocket fire shoe things like shadow, then it might catch my attention

Oct 16, 2007RamenRadio

I'd like for them to make a PS3 controller shoe next. That would be sort of hilarious.

Oct 16, 2007SpiderSoaper

shit a portable tv might be slapped on the shoe

Oct 16, 2007Wesker

When's the last time you were at your friends house and you ran out of controllers and you were like, "Damn I wish my shoes could be of some use here..."

This is just rediculous.

They don't want to put money into Soap shoes because they aren't sure it will make money but they're willing to put money into a shoe that combines an xbox controller with it?

Well we dont know that, it could even be one of those controllers that have games built in but that doesn't matter... Because they're SHOES!

I've stepped in an all manner of things my whole life. I'd love to see how these controllers combat stepping in gum or poo. How long until the fully functional controller turns into a weird scratched up smelly bottom that resembles all shoes once worn.

If they make money on this, kudos to them, but i'd like to see the market data cause that's such a weird concept to put on shoes (Still wondering how this could even be a comfortable controller.)

Oct 16, 2007Wesker

And if they just put some sort of cover on there, i've gotten rocks and things inside my shoes before and I don't know how long that could be water-proofed for very long.

Oct 16, 2007RamenRadio


Not only that, but they still can't learn how to make better looking shoes. Funny.

Oct 16, 2007RamenRadio

Nonetheless, wesker makes a good point.

Oct 16, 2007RamenRadio

They don't want to put money into Soap shoes because they aren't sure it will make money but they're willing to put money into a shoe that combines an xbox controller with it?


Oct 16, 2007AnthoFlex

My hat is off to Dario on that great statement

Oct 16, 2007SapAuthor

Yeah, funny stuff :-P ALthough there was this one time i wished my shoe was a controller...

Oct 16, 2007AnthoFlex

Most of those colorways look like they are aimed at girls.

Oct 16, 2007Megashadow77

That's funny, considering (not trying to be sexist) you'd think a Game Shoe would be marketed towards guys.

Interestingly, the only one that looks wearable to me is the Green one. I mean, I dunno. Maybe it's for gay people.

Oct 16, 2007AnthoFlex

I'm not gonna be the one to give em suggestions.

Oct 16, 2007sam

They definitly shouldve made at least a better shoe design. I mean seriously... Green and blue lighting on the top? This is obviously aimed towards 5 year olds.

I agree with dario 100% I step through a mess of shit in like all my shoes. What if you walk through water? What if you step in gum? I dont know but they damn better have answers.

Oct 16, 2007AnthoFlex

Like i said, this doesnt involve us, so lets just leave it alone. Dont flame it, dont make suggestions.

The shoe obviously wont do great if HSL has to send in Heelys SE's Hernando to tell Soapers about a wheel-less, non-grindable Heely.

Oct 16, 2007greenfire8484

This thing actually is a controller?
I thought it was just a look O.o
This is scary.

Oct 16, 2007atown808

i wonder where the triggers are gonna be?

Oct 16, 2007AnthoFlex

Its not a controller....if it was, then this gives new meaning to "High-tech footwear"

Oct 16, 2007sam

It has a xbox controller on the bottom of it.

Oct 16, 2007atown808

broadsides would sell better than this for sure!

Oct 16, 2007AnthoFlex

Tell me about it. Thats why Super Trev is on the case

Oct 17, 2007Altman

*plays superhero music* He's faster than a cable modem, more powerful than a Paint.net sprite sheet recolor, it's SUPER TREV!

Oct 17, 2007Bayonetwork

can i grind w/ the analog stick/d-pad?

Oct 17, 2007Altman

If the shoe doesn't have a grind plate then you can't grind at all.

Oct 17, 2007sam

I guess you could haha. But it would probably mess up the controller.

Oct 17, 2007xJeremiahx

.......and we can still only get one model of soaps......

Oct 17, 2007AnthoFlex

Ok, i see where this is going.....

everyone, stop hating on the shoe. Or do you want me to re-type what i did on the other thread?

Your choice

Oct 17, 2007SpiderSoaper

yea something dosent seem right to me either about this thread, but i dont know if ur thinking the same as me Antho

Oct 17, 2007SapAuthor

And for the last time ppl.

the shoe is NOT a functioning controller. It's designed like a control to appeal to gamers.

Oct 17, 2007SapAuthor

My dad just made me realize something.

This isn't a shoe; it's a slipper!

If you look, it doesn't have laces, but the expanding thing and shaped as a small slipper. My guess is for those who always get cold toes while playing video games?

Maybe they were meant to be shoes, but i agree with my dad, don't they look like kid house slippers?

Oct 17, 2007SapAuthor

well, there's a mix, some have laces, other's don't.

These may make decent slippers, but i wouldn't wear these where anyone could see them lol.

Oct 17, 2007matrix8967

well...since it's an X-box controller, i'm pretty sure Microsoft has a big play in this. and i feckin hate microsoft. but that's another argument for another day. but i'm sure microsoft is covering heelys for this...

Oct 17, 2007RamenRadio

Props to Alex.

Oct 17, 2007Megashadow77

Great, pretty soon we'll see a computer with wheels sticking out of it...

Oct 17, 2007Megashadow77

Or an Xbox you can roll around XD

Oct 17, 2007Megashadow77

It'll even have little straps so you can fasten it to your feet.

Oct 17, 2007RamenRadio

Listen, the point of this thread is to just leave your comment about what you think about the product to give HSL the right idea. bashing is not necessary. Just leave your comment and leave.

Here is what I think:

I don't think it is a good idea in the least. I don't think they are very good shoes especially for these reasons:

1. Should not be released under the name of heelys. Heelys are either a grind shoe or a shoe you can "inline" any time you want to by just putting wheels in your heels. People will be confused with this new product, not knowing if it can grind or heely.

2. The design. Is Microsoft giving the OK for this deal? And if so, how much money would you have to split if you are giving them any money at all? Not only should you consider that, but if the shoe would even sell if it can't grind, heely, or anything else that heelys are known to be.

3. The lack of good color choices. I am not too thrilled about the colors for boys and/or girls. I think the white and pink color choices are too commonly used. It's something on a girl shoe you see too often. Make a different color, like how the baby blue cleans are. Those look like a shoe guys and/or girls can wear. Some design similar to that color looks like a girl shoe that would stand out. Pink and black or white would just be a common thing.

I am not crazy about the black and white design. I don't know how to explain it, you should just call it my opinion I guess. I am just not thrilled about it.

The colors that I do find SLIGHTLY interesting are the green shoes, and the blue ones.

Honestly, if I had an interest in the product, I would go with a shoe that is red and black. Like on the goas or ordinances? I think that's a killer guy shoe.

And I think that if HSL is going to make a new line of heelys (heelys or grind shoes), I think they should make a drastic change in the way the shoes look, how the shoes grind, and how the shoes heely.

how about making a new design for the grind plate? Like how the grails were released with the grind rails plate. Make something different with the grind plate.

How about either:

make a different grind plate, make them removable grind plates in a non cost sensitive way, make a better balanced heely design (like the torches or evolutions. Those wheels on those models have big wheels, so I am assuming that you can balance a lot better opposed to the grind this wheels), and make a whole new color choice design.

That's basically all I have to say about it.

Thanks for keeping us informed HSL, keep us updated on everything! :)

Oct 17, 2007RamenRadio

One last thing, maybe if HSL released the shoe under another name. They could do what disney did for the nightmare before christmas. They released it under a different name because it was rated PG.

Perhaps, HSL could release it under a different name. That's what I would recommend if they really want to release this shoe.

Thanks for your time.

Oct 17, 2007AnthoFlex

I still say that HSL should be smarter in what they invest in.....umm, like SOAPS

Oct 17, 2007SapAuthor

No kidding.

I got the SOAP sales data, i need to get a hold of Brooks and the rest to get the info analyzed.

Oct 17, 2007AnthoFlex

Like i said, Super Trev is on the case

Oct 17, 2007SpiderSoaper

Ramen thats the same thing i was thinking, i was thinking that this thread was a test from HSL to hear our comments

Oct 17, 2007SpiderSoaper

super trev, altman....any other super heroes out there?lol

Oct 17, 2007Megashadow77

Well, I know a few....

Spelling Right Keith
Hulk Renny,

And let's not forget, Crazy Long Post Travis.

Oct 17, 2007SpiderSoaper

u serious? i'm talking about heroes any one has made up, i have, and i drew him once with my version of boltars bruise black and blue.

Oct 17, 2007Page645

i know one........

Oct 17, 2007Page645


Oct 17, 2007SpiderSoaper

i jus sayed that the 3rd commennt b4 urs page

Oct 18, 2007Page645

omg this reminds me off a comic i made back in 4th grade it was called catastrophe millie and this guy was the most accident prone guy ever and the ironic thing is was he used to grind with his shoes and i never bothered to look up grinding shoes other wise i would have heard of soaps 5 yrs b4 then i did

Oct 18, 2007Page645

spelling right keith? wtf mike?? XD i cant spell for shit

Oct 18, 2007SpiderSoaper

damn man the only time i made a comic book and completed it was in 5th grade, but now every time i try, i jus end up never finishing, i need someone to work with in order to finish like in 5th grade, any one out there like to draw?

Oct 18, 2007Megashadow77

I like to, but I suck!

Oct 18, 2007SpiderSoaper

thats okay if u think u suck, u still like to do it eitherway

Oct 18, 2007Altman

L0L, Altman. To think a whole character sprung from a stupid account name.

Oct 18, 2007SpiderSoaper

not just you, i named my account name after my character as well

Oct 18, 2007Wesker


$45 plus 4 free video games? Parents will love these. I can see this being worn by kids who don't have a sense of style and wear what their parents get them. Heely's is still tapping their children demographic, this still won't hit with the older crowd.

Oct 18, 2007RamenRadio

If they even bother to make the bigger sizes.....

Oct 18, 2007RamenRadio

Dario, that link isn't working.

What is that?

Oct 18, 2007Surfaced

If you take it off and flip it over, can it be used as a controller?

Oct 18, 2007Wesker


Thats odd that the other link didn't work, looks like they got rid of the article.

Anyways this article is the same exact information. It's just a press release from Heelys about the shoe.

As far as I know (and I am pretty sure on this), the shoe is not a controller, it's just part of the design.

Oct 18, 2007RamenRadio

That link you just posted works. And thanks, that is an interesting article.

No, it is not a real controller in the shoe. The only thing that is game related is how it looks like an Xbox 360 controller, and how it comes with 4 games in the box.

It's nothing but a slip on shoe made for "comfort, and style".

Oct 18, 2007Joshua3109

That is the gayest shoe I have ever seen in my life. Who the hell would want those "things" on their feet?! I sure as hell wouldent

Oct 18, 2007RamenRadio

Dunno, maybe some microsoft fan boy or something.

Oct 18, 2007Altman


Oct 18, 2007AnthoFlex

Thats how they are gonna get sales. Put free games in the box....whoopdy doo

Oct 19, 2007RamenRadio

Debo is a Microsoft fanboy? O.o Never knew that. Joe said he was a halo fanboy and a 360 fanboy, but Microsoft? I dunno.

and what kind of games? Xbox 360 games?

psh count me out. I don't have anything against the 360 much anymore, but I wouldn't buy a pair of shoes for some free games (if I had the console that is).

Besides, the values of the games would probably go down. You might find Halo 3 50 cents used somewhere if that shoe is released.

I dunno, enough of me babbling :P

Oct 19, 2007AnthoFlex

i would imagine that they are Heeling, or Heelys-related games.

Oct 20, 2007Megashadow77


Oct 20, 2007SapAuthor

yeah...i just really question who thought this up and what data he had to justify this.

Oct 20, 2007RamenRadio

Those guys on that link wrote some pretty nasty comments....

Oct 20, 2007RamenRadio

Oct 20, 2007RamenRadio

This is getting really weird, the links are back for viewing all models.

Oct 20, 2007Altman

Waitaminute, a grind shoe that's called the 5-0!?

I think we're in some deep shit.

Oct 20, 2007RamenRadio

Could you elaborate, I'm not quite sure what you mean dude.

Oct 20, 2007RamenRadio

Wait, is this the V2?

Oct 20, 2007AnthoFlex

I highly highly doubt that the Five-O will feature a slipknot plate.

The next time my friend comes over with his Vapor Heelys, i'll take a pic to show you why

Oct 21, 2007BLUSH

I would imagine a regular slipknot plate wouldn't work because it would be going through the area where the wheel is righ??? It would have to be something like, the full sole plate is on the right or left of the wheel.

Either way, i suspect this shoe is going to feature a rear sole plate like the T-Bone. At least that's what the name obviously suggests, "5-O"...

5-0 Grind

(START WIKI) Pronounced "Five-Oh". In this maneuver, the back truck grinds the rail/edge, while the front truck is suspended directly above the rail/edge. This move is similar to the manual, although the tail may be scraped against the obstacle as well as the back truck, which is not considered proper on a manual. (END WIKI)

If not that, then maybe a front sole plate?? but then the name 5-O would seem a bit off.

Oct 21, 2007AnthoFlex

Then again, how are your feet positioned on a 5-0? like a Backslide. Thats the closest looking Soap trick that can be compared to the feet positioning on a 5-0

Oct 21, 2007BLUSH

i don't follow...So by this logic, the 5-0 has no new feature?? it's just the same type of plate they already have in the "Grind This" heely???

Oct 21, 2007RamenRadio

No one knows for sure of the new features until HSL has finally at LEAST made the mold.

And it may be a different grind plate than the edited express plate featured on the grind this plate. The grind this plate wasn't the best nor the worst plate, however from what I hear the material wasn't the best nylon solution to use.

So they might make a new grind plate, put a pair of grind rails plates on there, make replaceable grind plates available for heelys, or put a sole plate on there (whether it is possible or not, it is an option wide open).
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