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Returnee Buying Help
Oct 19, 2007 by BLUSH

I've recently decided to get back into soaping, and i'm really not sure which shoe to purchase and where i can find it. Back in the day i had just bought some scabs and was given a pair of broadsides at a demo, but it (soaping in general) was more accessible then. At least so it seems.

Are a lot of the designs (shoes and plates) even still available? If i had a pair with replaceable plates, would i even be able to find plates to replace them with?? I've just enough money to get a pair so i want to make sure i can get the most time out of em.

Oct 19, 2007xJeremiahx

You're only luck for soaps other than the express are on e-bay. The express are great shoes though and can be bought at www.sssoapshop.com

There really isn't a need for replaceable plates. I have owned 2 pairs of soaps with the cemented on plates so far and both pairs have fallen apart before the plate wore out.

Oct 19, 2007SapAuthor

replacable plates were more for those who grinded ledges cuz that tore them up fast, or for mixing and matching for different results.

But yeah, our shop is the place to go, we sell em for less, and it helps to support soaps. The only other place is rollerwarehous, but gillz there isn't a soaper, nor really cares about soap shoes. i tried to see if he would get some me just a number of em sold so i could add it to the report to send to HSL, he said no, that HSL doens't care about soaps and in more or less words we're stupid for putting so much time and effort into them since HSL could care less.

Oct 19, 2007AnthoFlex

Wow, that dude is a dick.

Oct 19, 2007BLUSH

wow, yah that does suck. Well, then, I'm placing an order at ssssoap now. ^^! Other question, say i get the shoes and without even taking the sticker off i try em on and i was wrong on the size, is there any way to return and get a different size? i rly want the black lol so im going to go with 10. I mean, my ice creams are 10's and they're not THAT tight so i figure 10 would be fine.

Oct 19, 2007xJeremiahx

Most people buy one size up from what they usually wear.

Oct 19, 2007AnthoFlex

Get a 10. If you are comfy with a 10, get a 10.

Oct 20, 2007BLUSH

oki, orders for me and my g/f are placed. ^^! I'm really excited about getting back into the community and I hope to get some good picz and footage out in the not so distant future.

Oct 20, 2007SapAuthor

and yes, we will refund, BUT you do need to pay shipping. If you are not a tight 10, 10 should be fine, if you are worried going higher never hurts, just tie the laces more. I wore a 13 boltar and i fit into a 14 sylon just as easily (same sole)

Oct 20, 2007RamenRadio

What shoes did you have before the express blush?

Oct 21, 2007BLUSH

I had scabs and broadsides. There was a demo in my town at a skate shop and everyone was outside soaping and i thought i'd try to hit this rail, so Danny Lynch (i think that was his name??) comes over and is liek, *grind* no problem. So i give it a go, hit rubber and bail completely. it sucked but he said it was an awesome fall and i got a free pair of broadsides out of it. ^^! I was so used to the broadsides, it's going to be sad going to back to a non-slipknot plate. TT____TT

Oct 21, 2007Altman

Danny Lynch? That's awesome. You're a first generation Soaper if that's how you were introduced to the shoes. The bail part must've been disappointing but at least you got a a free pair of Broadsides and the chance to talk to a team Relate member.

Oct 21, 2007BLUSH

yah, i had never been so happy to fall in my life, lol. So, what happened to the "One" video? Is that still available anywhere?? My friend's copy was eaten by a VCR.

Oct 21, 2007Altman

oNe is owned by a couple of people still but it's hard to come by. It's an awesome tape but some say tWo blows it out of the water.

Oct 21, 2007BLUSH

Was Two ever released????

Oct 21, 2007BLUSH

Was Two ever released????

Oct 21, 2007RamenRadio

Yes it was.

God damn, you met Danny Lynch? You lucky soaper you! Nice choice in shoes too Blush :P

That sucks about the copy of oNe.

You can only get the copy from certain people. It is illegal to sell due to copyright issues. As long as you get a copy without paying for it, you are perfectly fine.

I can name some people who MIGHT have a copy of oNe:

Derek Brooks
Mart Anthony
Dunkin of UKFSW
Alexei of Team DEOS
Relate team members (such as Danny Lynch. Might wanna try giving him a call or something).

Louis of UKFSW
Maybe Ryan Armstrong, but I dunno if he knows anything about recording videos and such.

That's all I know for now though

Oct 21, 2007Megashadow77

Dang, that's some pplz right there! (get on AIM, dammit!)

Oct 21, 2007RamenRadio

there are some team soap members I'd like to talk to too, however they might have some hectic schedules, and I don't wanna piss them off.

It's a shame too :(

Oct 22, 2007BLUSH

ah, i got my shoez today!!! ^^!!! and itz RAINING. a lot. wtf.

Oct 22, 2007Soapdreamer

I've heard that that rain makes things like wood great for grinding.

Oct 22, 2007RamenRadio

It does, just a little dangerous when you wanna land.

And blush, I know how you feel. It ALWAYS rained whenever I got new shoes. So annoying....

Oct 31, 2007RamenRadio

I wish I could talk to someone in Athens. Maybe they have something. Heck, they still have their website up!

Oct 31, 2007AnthoFlex

Speaking of AthensFSW, they mentioned the SS Soap Shop in a new blog or something on their site

Oct 31, 2007Altman

I went and check it out, it's a pretty brief mention a side from all the Heelys crap they have going on. I decided to see the pictures there, not too many good ones and a lot of hateful comments. Pretty sad.

Oct 31, 2007RamenRadio

Doesn't matter, looks like they aren't out of the game. Especially if they haven't taken down their site.

Oct 31, 2007SapAuthor

SSSoapShop IS translatable into Greek. They can read hte site in their native language, i just wish someone would send an alert out.

Oct 31, 2007AnthoFlex

Ok ok ok ok ok i get it, i'm working on it now


Oct 31, 2007SapAuthor

no no no lol, not you Renny. I already sent multiple alerts out, i'm saying someone on their end. THEY need to restart the revolution over in Athens

Nov 1, 2007AnthoFlex

They used to get flamed alot. And im not gonna lie, for a little, i kinda did too.

But they were great promoters, they really were
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