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News on SOAP shoe sizes
Nov 1, 2007 by SapAuthor

Hey all, got some bad news. HSL has run out of size 11 and 12 in all styles. Steve is going to call them up as soon as they open tommarow to protest.

Why we ran out, we think its a mix of two things: One, of course we've been selling a ton, but secondly Roller Warehous i think did a massive stock on them, but we can't confirm anything. Plus HSL isn't producing fast enough to meet our demand.

So, Steve is going to make the call. Here's the things that could happen (aside from either having HSL make the 11s and 12s or not)

-We want to present the idea of brining out a size 13 express. THere was no original mold so they would have to tool a new one.
-If it costs to much to tool one, we want to see if we can't have them, possibly, maybe, and probably not but we are praying, use hte broadside mold and bring broadside in 13, possibly 12 too (to start).

We are sending in the scorcher/broadside survey, if you haven't voted already, go to http://www.sssoapshop.com/events.html and fill it out. PLEASE ONLY DO THIS IF YOU HAVEN'T DONE THIS BEFORE!!! Repeat submissions only hurt us cuz we have to sift through them.

We'll keep you posted. We apologize for anyone who can't get soaps right now, we are moving fast to correct the problem and get them ready for christmas shopping.

Nov 1, 2007matrix8967

hmm...i like the mixed blessing of "not meeting out demands." because it means we're selling...but it's also a problem. @_@

Nov 1, 2007AnthoFlex

Its good that we are selling faster than HSL can restock us...it shows how fast soaps are growing

Nov 1, 2007AnthoFlex

Its also bad because HSL wont restock us as fast as we sell....

....and we sell fast!

Nov 1, 2007soapbofo

i was just about to say that XD

Nov 1, 2007Soapdreamer

Maybe this can show that Heelys and soaps are a different market by age.And the size of the People who use them.

Nov 1, 2007RamenRadio

HSL didn't want to make aside molds in other sizes, I don't think they will make an acceptation for the express.

Nov 2, 2007Soapdreamer

Asides were a prototype though and the expresses are the standard types I feel there is a big difference here.

Nov 2, 2007RamenRadio


Asides even though they were a prototype, they were made to be grinded on, opposed to the boltar prototype spider soaper had that split in half. I don't think Derek could have grinded on the Asides not have them turn to mush.

Besides, Asides had a sole plate, something that needed to be released. They wouldn't make different size molds for something with a sole plate? They wouldn't do it with any lateral plate shoe.

Nov 2, 2007Soapdreamer

Are you serious the first paragragh seems irrelvant.
And it makes more sence to add more sizes to whats already out than more sizes or a rare prototype out the blue.

Nov 2, 2007AnthoFlex

Travis, theres actually more truth to Soapdreamers point than your "Wrongo" statement.

You also have to put into account why the A-sides never made it past prototype status though. There were almost no order from retailers.

As with the express, here at the shop, we have both the data, sales, and records to guarantee that an already selling model (the express) can be made into 2 sizes more and still sell with no problem.

Also introducing new colorways as we negotiate for the Scorchers and Broadsides

Nov 2, 2007Soapdreamer

Yay I feel like I did something.
Heely's won't make a-sides just because a person told them to without any data at all.
Besides the broadsides like they have pretty good chance anyway and they have high sizes too.

Nov 2, 2007soapbofo

yeah wheneverr you make a statement and have data, numbers you kno that always looks good
really good

Nov 2, 2007RamenRadio

The HSL standard sizing for the express isn't a good sizing at all, it won't guarantee that people with bigger feat can fit into those shoes. I thought that was something well known, but apparently not.

Nov 2, 2007RamenRadio

Not only that, but HSL probably doesn't know for sure if there are enough people with bigger sizes that would soap. I'm not saying that there isn't a big demand, I'm saying HSL doesn't know/think it.

Otherwise, I don't know why they would only make the express, groove, scam, or Tbones up to size 12.

Maybe Renny can share how many people are a size 13 or 14

Nov 2, 2007RamenRadio

and maybe state if it's possible those shoe sizes would correctly fit a size 13 or a 14.

and maybe explain why HSL would do that for a grind shoe with only a lateral plate, and not one with a sole plate

And I wasn't talking about the original release of the asides, I'm talking about when you surveyed how many people who wanted asides, and HSL said they would only use the size 9 mold because they couldn't make the other sized molds at the time.

I said absolutely nothing about the original release of the asides.

Nov 2, 2007soapbofo

they have the scorcher/broadside survey that tells them what size people are im sure there are a good number of people who need size 13 and 14.

Nov 2, 2007RamenRadio

Scorchers and broadsides are no issue, they have the molds.

They have no molds for express and asides in bigger sizes.

Nov 2, 2007Soapdreamer

To me it looks like HSL makes new molds often.
For a popular model it doesn't seem to me that it would pain them much to make a larger size of it.

Nov 2, 2007Soapdreamer

Above post about expesses*
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